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A híres karácsonyi dalokból is készült slágerlista: a VH1 zenés tv-csatorna által végzett felmérés alapján összeállított listát a The Ez a szám az 1984-es Do The Know It Is Christmas?-t előzi meg. A Band Aid egykori nagy slágeréből idén készült változat is szerepel a .... Érdekesség, hogy a Darkness tavaly karácsonyi dalát, a Christmas Time-ot (Don't Let The Bells End), amely Angliában azóta is hatalmas
A dezinformáció alkalmazásáról és mértékéről folyik magas szinten vita a Pentagonban a The New York Times értesülése szerint. A lap A dezinformáció alkalmazásáról és mértékéről folyik magas szinten vita a Pentagonban a The New York Times hétfői számának ... túli közvélemény kedvezőre hangolását szolgáló hírekkel traktálta a külföldi újságírókat. A The New York Times szerint a lejáratott
Hungarian shopkeepers do not favor bankcard payments because transactions are slow and cost them extra. However, more and more shops introduce this company MasterCard in seven countries, Hungarian shopkeepers dislike card payments the most. According to the opinion of ..., mainly card companies and banks benefit from card payments and not shopkeepers. About 77% of the polled in Hungary refused to set up a ... shop, while only 55% on average gave the same response in the Central European survey. The number of
Hungary’s Constitutional Court ruled that an article in the higher education act and a decree by the Education Ministry The article in question was added to the higher education act by Parliament in spring 2004, allowing the ... different from the ones outlined in the act. The amendment was passed in order to help create a new ... a three-year bachelor’s training and a two-year master’s training programs. The new structure was introduced through a ministerial
Parliament will pass a resolution to extend the mandate of Hungary’s vetting judges by six months until June 30, 2005, according to an The vetting judges, who are responsible for uncovering the past of people now in influential positions, have to review ... approximately 1,000 people, now mostly serving as criminal judges and prosecutors. Such huge task cannot be completed until the ... an ideal date. The current extension is the third in line since the vetting judges started work. Their
The Finance Ministry chose a different methodology to calculate public sector deficit in the latest update of its ..., which is to show the path Hungary takes to adopt the euro, now shows deficit figures that are both lower and higher than The government has eased tension related to the central budget deficit by introducing a new calculation method, which ... Hungary’s pension reform in 1997. As of Dec. 1, mandatory pension funds will be included in the public sector deficit calculations, and ... will be administered as revenues of the state, making the public sector deficit look much smaller than in the
A 20 évvel ezelőtti We Are the World című világsikerű dalt hamarosan ismét felveszik, ezúttal Mi vagyunk a jövő címmel. A bevételt a terve, amelyet Jermaine Dupri, az elmúlt évtized egyik legsikeresebb producerének irányításával rögzítenének. A We Are The Future címu ... kapcsolatban Dupri még csak a vágyait fogalmazta meg: Usher, Kanye West és Jay-Z neve is szerepel a kívánságlistán. A We Are the
Az iraki biztonsági helyzet aligha javul a közeljövőben - állapítja meg az amerikai Központi Hírszerző Ügynökség (CIA) iraki irodájának vezetője társadalmi elfogadottságán, és nem stabilizálja az ország gazdasági viszonyait. A Fehér Ház és a CIA szóvivői a The New York Times
közgazdászát a The New York Times, utalva arra, hogy az euró túl erős az exportorientált gazdaságot felmutató új tagok a The New York Times. Az új tagállamokban a politikai következmények miatt ódzkodnak a maastrichti kritériumok teljesítésétől és a
the meantime, the number of applications far exceeds expectations, and offices have stopped accepting more Close to 3,000 businesses will have to modify their applications to the EU’s agriculture and rural development operative program due to ... the way VAT payments are calculated. This is the second modification since the program started. In August ... Ministry amended rules so that companies can count VAT – which is not reimbursable in the case of EU funding – among their operative
Farmers held a demonstration and gave away their crops outside a Lidl store in Dunaharaszti last Friday. With the demonstration, they ... attention to dumping prices introduced by Lidl, the latest retail chain that started operations in Hungary Farmers held a demonstration and gave away their crops outside a Lidl store in Dunaharaszti last Friday. With the demonstration, they ... attention to dumping prices introduced by Lidl, the latest retail chain that started operations in Hungary recently. György Vámos ... the National Retail Association, said the dispute could be best solved by reviewing current regulations, which do not make
Hungary’s ombudsmen of human rights and data protection, as well as the Health Ministry, support a motion to amend rules of donating ... infertile women. The modifications will put an end to compulsory anonymity of the donor, which in practice has limited According to current rules, the donor of an ovum must keep her identity in secret. However, the ordeal of examinations ... be able to help an infertile woman discourages most willing people from their generous act. Due to the strict medical supervision ... those women are willing to donate their ovum who would like to help one of their friends of family members to have a baby. However, the
The official opening of the remaining 16-kilometer stretch of the M30 highway last Thursday connected Miskolc Main contractors Vegyépszer Rt. and Betonút Rt. built the 24-kilometer section for a total of HUF 52 billion. Motorway tolls are ... 15% next year. The network now also includes the M5, leading southeast, which the state bought back from its ... motorway sticker will cost HUF 1,460 in 2005 – as against HUF 1,270 in 2004. Price of the ten-day sticker will rise HUF 300 to HUF
Parliament is likely to debate amendments to the central bank law in two weeks again, in time for the new law to be passed .... President Ferenc Mádl last Monday refused to sign the amendments and sent them back to Parliament for One of Mádl’s objections to the modifications is that the motion is contrary to its stated aim, namely to increase ... effectiveness of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB). According to the proposal, not only the president of ... members to the central bank’s Monetary Council, the chief monetary policy decision making body. Mádl also found it
With 98% of votes counted, Hungary’s referendum on double citizenship and stopping privatization of the healthcare sector did not For deciding a referendum question, at least 25% of the total voting population should say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It means that out of ... million voters, at least 2 million have to say either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ so that the question is decided. At the referendum on ... two questions, the first being “Do you agree that Hungarian citizenship should be given to any Hungarian living outside Hungary’s
A Big Brother valóságshow kulturális ellenlábasaként meghirdetett The Big Read Nagy-Britanniában tavaly már nagy sikert aratott a BBC-n The Bog read című játékos verseny ugrásszerűen növelte brit közkönyvtárak látogatottságát és élénkítette a könyvpiaci forgalmat
Hypermarkets multiply their areas offering a multitude of toys, pushing traditional toy retailers to the peripheries of the The traditional Christmas season accounts for 60%–70% of Hungary’s annual toy sales, and hypermarkets are increasing their share of ... they become the most popular venues for shoppers. Toy manufacturers and traders now have no other choice but pay various special fees ... their goods make it to the shelves of hypermarkets. According to market rumors, Lego products were not available in Cora stores for a
A Pont-MH Publishing Kft. bought the publishing rights and subscriber database of daily Magyar Hírlap from Ringier Publishing Kft. for ... 100 million last week. The deal allows the new owners to restart the daily paper that Ringier shut down two The owners of A Pont-MH include Kamilla Tóth, chief aide of former Economy Minister István Csillag, Magyar Hírlap editor Pál Szombathy ... related companies – Adoc-Interprint Printing Kft. and Adoc-Semic Publishing and Printing Kft. – which helped print daily A Pont, which was produced ... former staff of Magyar Hírlap while that daily was defunct. Despite earlier expectations, Zsurnaliszták Bt. – a company formed by the
Parliament started debating last Monday the latest proposal to help invigorate Hungary’s labor market, offering subsidies to employers The government plans spectacular results from its new, low-budget labor program. Spending a total of HUF 8.3 billion, it aims to help ... groups whose members face hard time finding jobs. The program offers special tax relief for employers who choose their staff from .... The government reimburses half of the employers’ social security payments on gross wages up to HUF 90,000 a month, which
Trump és Vance elégtételt akart venni egy háborús hősön, és miközben országától zsarolással elveszik ásványi kincsei egy részét, még verbálisan is meg akarták semmisíteni. Csak közben egy toporzékoló óvodás vitaképességét mutatták fel.
Donald Trumpnak a republikánusok fölötti hatalmát mi sem jelzi jobban, mint ahogyan a túlteljesítők bizarr ötletekkel hízelegve igyekeznek belopni magukat az elnök kegyeibe.
Az elemző szerint az ukrán elnök számára az volt a fontos, hogy a saját igazsága mellé állítsa amerikai kollégáját, aki viszont mozgástere megőrzésére törekedett.