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Nem indít nyomozást a rendőrség a titokzatos ITT nevű iszlámellenes csoport ügyében – tudta meg a A társaság korábban iszlámellenes A szólás szabadsága A elsőként számolt be arról , hogy egy névtelenségbe burkolózó, ITT nevű társaság az interneten, sőt
A Fővárosi Bíróság elnöke soron kívüli eljárás lefolytatását rendelte el a Budapest Airport Rt. Üzemi Tanácsának a Budapest és érvénytelenné nyilvánította a Budapest Airport Rt. (BA) privatizációs pályázatát. Ennek megállapításáért az üzemi tanács fordult a ... ellen a Budapest Airport Rt. fellebbezést nyújtott be. Másodfokon, tárgyaláson kívül, a Fővárosi Bíróság hoz jogerős döntést ... mellett". A szervezet közleményében leszögezi, hogy a Budapest Airport Rt. privatizációs eljárása során minden jogszabályon alapuló
Ősszel megkezdődik Budapest leglepusztultabb területének, a józsefvárosi Magdolna-negyednek szociális rehabilitációs programja. A négy a városrehabilitációs programnak, amelynek során Budapest három szociálisan lemaradt térségét - a kőbányai Bihari utca környékét, a
It seems natural for politicians to tar their rivals and their promises with the populist brush in the heat of an election campaign It's awkward to be labeled a populist in Hungary. Nowadays, it is taken to mean demagoguery, dumbing-down, even a call to public ... recently it was Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister, who tried to define what populism means in practice. Here at home, he said, the ... is populism, addressing the people in order to do whatever you like behind their backs, without actually coming up with a serious
It seems natural for politicians to tar their rivals and their promises with the populist brush in the heat of an election campaign It's awkward to be labeled a populist in Hungary. Nowadays, it is taken to mean demagoguery, dumbing-down, even a call to public ... recently it was Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister, who tried to define what populism means in practice. Here at home, he said, the ... is populism, addressing the people in order to do whatever you like behind their backs, without actually coming up with a serious
Over the past six years the Constitutional Court (AB) has become a much softer body. It's now paying the price - hardly anyone is interested ... body any more. For the first time, the AB has suffered a humiliating defeat in its clash with the Supreme Court and it has becoming the Constitution", and ruled in accordance with them. The Court ruled in cases where the its own members believed it had no ... think of restitution, truth and reconciliation, transparency, identity numbers and the Bokros package. They were all questions in which ... politicians in a dance. The Court was often justly criticised: it delivered some rulings which were legally questionable and which
A Budapest Airport Rt. kedden benyújtotta fellebbezését a Fővárosi Munkaügyi Bíróság határozata ellen - jelentette be Vági Márton, az elején beadott keresetének - augusztus végén hozott elsőfokú ítéletben érvénytelennek nyilvánította a Budapest Airport Rt. (BA
Support for joining the euro zone has risen in Hungary, according to Eurobarometer figures released yesterday. The report says that The proportion of Hungarians who agree with EU membership has fallen from the 63% recorded in spring 2003 to 42% in spring ... also measured a significant rise in the number of people who are neutral about EU membership. Hungarian respondents were most ... a problem, 10% mentioned pensions and 8% mentioned taxation and housing. The last survey was conducted in autumn 2004, since when the
"Every Muslim is a potential terrorist," announces a Budapest-based group behind cover of anonymity. ITT (or 'here') first presented its organisation of friends whose aim is to examine the links between passages in the Koran that advocate terrorism and the world view of ...' say that the Koran is a harmful handbook for criminals and that Islam and terrorism go hand in hand. On their site they say that not ... Muslims, but that all Muslims are potential terrorists. They oppose the construction of mosques in Hungary, saying that "reversion" to
Hétfőn déltől kétórás figyelmeztető sztrájkot tartanak Ferihegyen a Budapest Airportnál működő érdekképviseletek. A kényelmetlenségeit próbáljuk enyhíteni"- mondta Fórika Ibolya a Budapest Airport Rt. kommunikációs igazgatója a közlemény szerint ... tárgyalásokat folytatott a Budapest Airport Rt. vezetése a szakszervezetek képviselőivel. "Továbbra is megegyezésre törekszünk"
Private fortunes grown astonishingly fast during the 15 years since the regime changes in Central and Eastern Europe and As a result, the richest Russians have a total fortune of $335bn while their fellow tycoons in Central and Eastern Europe have only ... lead in almost every category. But the Czech Republic, a medium-sized economy, leads in one area - they have the largest ...-10m category. At the beginning, this growth in wealth led to very high spending, but more recently, demand has been growing for
Az Endemol beperli az IKO-Production Kft.-t a Big Brother (BB) másolása miatt – mondta Wim Hoen, a BB-licenctulajdonos Endemol mindennapjait. Úgy tűnik, az Endemol ezúttal végkép megelégelte konkurenciája sikerét, s rászánta magát a jogi lépésre. „Az IKO
The Hungarian economy is on a roll: the conditions for growth are in place. The forint is stable, the base interest rate is falling ... government is showing a real commitment to slowing budget deficit growth. The real danger to the economy is the imminent campaign - just as the introduction of the 13th monthly pension payment, which will be complete in 2006. But from the government's point of view, it's ... population can now feel that inflation is falling, though it still expects prices to rise by almost 15% - despite price rises of less than 4 ... of precisely that interest rate and exchange rate policy that is so regularly cursed in government circles. And it's dishonest to take
headwind. But ÁPV is not giving up on selling Budapest Airport, which could bring in a record sum of at least ...The state holding company ÁPV has postponed selling shares in several companies - including Malév - partly, it would seem, because of a privatising Malév ended in a fiasco, with ÁPV deciding not to sell 99.95% of the airline. Both Tamás Mészáros, ÁPV's chairman, and ... for privatisations left until the end of a government's term to be a damp squib. The same thing happened in 1998, when British Airways ... for Malév - and then, too, the government left the decision in the hands of its successor. Mészáros justified the suspension of the
couple were familiar faces in the very highest circles, even after they came into the Hungarian security services' European elections, on which he supposedly had a now notorious telephone conversation. A transcript of the conversation has recently been published ... sources as claiming that Lorin was none other than Ildikó Szatmári, a Hungarian from Transylvania, who worked in the Education Ministry ... Romanian intelligence. Cotidianul received the transcript, supposedly created by the security services, in an anonymous e-mail. The
Recently, Zsigmond Járai - speaking of course as a private individual - called for state debt to be progressively cut and for the budget deficit to budget to be cut in order to spur on growth, but he didn't insist on getting rid of the deficit. Surányi has been suggesting that the ... should be cut back. Hungary's GDP in 2004 was a bit more than HUF20,000bn. State debt, according to the Central Bank, amounts to ... its coffers) in order to pay off debts, thus sharing some of the government's burden. Some HUF10,000bn would remain. But the net (after
The National Security Committee of Parliament discussed the Szatmár case as early as June. The main figure in this spy story is not plan was ruined last week by Magyar Nemzet's revelations of a 'spy scandal'. The story has been going on for some time. In April this ..., a reference to the Szatmáris appeared in a discussion forum on Transindex, a Cluj (Kolozsvár) based Hungarian-language news portal ... unearthed information about the couple. It is not clear how Demeter learned of this - in any case, in last December's