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hvg.hu English version

The 2012 European Championships

The winning bid to host the 2012 UEFA cup will be announced in Cardiff on Wednesday. In the running are joint bids from Hungary and
needed to win. If no decision is reached in the first round, then the candidate with the fewest votes falls out of the running and a
... the European championships is worth more than being world champion, because it will deliver far greater benefits to our economy."
... crazy according to the German press agency DPA. By contrast, Hungarians seem to have turned their back on football. The

HVG English version

The law professor Arpad Erdei

It makes little difference to the work of a Constitutional Court judge which political party nominates him or her, according
happened most recently, when you discussed Fidesz's proposal for a referendum? I don't want to mention any specific cases, but it has
.... Cases are handed out according to the judges' fields of expertise and the amount of work they have on at the moment in question
... presenting judge is chosen. The judges discuss his or her draft, and it is common for the decision to be accepted immediately, but the

HVG English version

Is there a way back?

railway track to bring together towns that fell on different sides of Hungary's post-Trianon
The Trianon Peace Treaty refers to the Ronyva, a small stream in Zemplen, as a navigable river. This stream, which is just a trickle of
... authors wanted to take these away from Hungary, so they exaggerated the scale of the Ronyva to make it look like a natural
... junction had been just 100m closer to the centre of the town, then Satoraljaujhely would probably have ended up in another country

hvg.hu Doku export

Is there a way back?

railway track to bring together towns that fell on different sides of Hungary's post-Trianon
The Trianon Peace Treaty refers to the Ronyva, a small stream in Zemplen, as a navigable river. This stream, which is just a trickle of
... authors wanted to take these away from Hungary, so they exaggerated the scale of the Ronyva to make it look like a natural
... junction had been just 100m closer to the centre of the town, then Satoraljaujhely would probably have ended up in another country

English version

How not to be a government spokesperson

There are several ways not to be a government spokesperson, but perhaps the most effective is simply to turn down the job
? I was on the way to the match when Henrik Havas phoned, saying Gyula Horn, the prime minister, had agreed to make him a
... promoting Hungary's image, and that he wanted me to serve as government spokesperson. I told Henrik that that was all very well, but I
... to a match, and that it wouldn't be able to discuss all the details on the phone. Ajax beat Fradi, and Gabor Kereszty of

HVG English version

Hungary Tomorrow project

of the Grail. This month, a round table of experts will gather under the name Hungary Tomorrow. Its task will be to help find a
leaders. It makes sense for a round table to serve this aim. The round table discussing old age and pensions will involve a broad
..., is based on stable, long-term employment with continuously rising wages to guarantee stable, continuously growing retirement incomes
... a guaranteed pension in old age no longer applies, but this uncertainty has not yet led younger generations to make provision for their

hvg.hu English version

"Viktor Orban is playing a dangerous game”

faced with the Austrian press we have to concede that there are exceptions. Die Presse and Der Standard show few signs of objectiveness
Let's look at some of these newspapers' claims. "Viktor Orban is playing a dangerous game by using political slogans to fire up young
... prepared to violence," according to Die Presse, emphasising that "two elements combined to produce Thursday's
... youth, mostly from the capital, which is radical and ready to commit acts of violence. The other element was the leader of the

hvg.hu English version


In central and eastern Europe, the symbols of totalitarian ideals were banned as part of the transition to democracy. Laws were passed
... different movements' leaders. For some, these symbols cause derision, but for others even highly stylised forms of those symbols are a cause of
to reflect the National Socialist movement, and more precisely the SA. It was formed to shock Hungarian anti-fascists
... Arpad Flag. Hungarist (or Arrow Cross) parties have all tried to emphasise the Arpad Flag on their armbands. Instead of the eight bands
..." managed on 15 October 1944 "to take power", the neo-pagan, anti-semitic and radical nationalist ideals that fed his party had a

hvg.hu English version

Interview with the candidate

In a few days' time, the Free Democrats will elect a new president to succeed Gabor Kuncze. Fodor or Koka? Below, Gabor Fodor gives his
party will develop. We need change, we need to bring an end to the confusion. We have to change the party's
... world view to make the SZDSZ a successful party once again. I have my conflicts with Janos Koka in this area, because he and the party
... route, turning to politics only after a successful business career. I'm a pragmatist too. But I also know that a party can only be

hvg.hu English version

Basescu blackmailing the RMDSZ

Zsolt Nagy, minister for IT and telecommunications in the Romanian government, stands accused of treachery and spying. The Democratic Alliance of
Monday gave his approval for a formal criminal investigation of the allegations against Nagy. He passed this request to the Minister of
... passed the relevant documents to the country's Supreme Court. Zsolt Nagy stands accused along with several other government officials
... Codrut Seres, the former economics minister, of passing classified Economics Ministry documents to a Bulgarian businessmen who used the

English version

Five terms - how many more?

the next elections. The question is whether the sympathy felt to a party which manages to be everyone's enemy can be
party leader, the party she leads is far from secure. Admittedly, things seem to be going well. The party which only just managed
... threshold needed to win seats in parliament now enjoys support of 6 to 8 per cent among certain voters according
... also take pleasure in leading the party which is least disliked as a second-choice by voters. But it is not clear how much of this success is due

English version


It is most unlikely that millions of Asians will flood Hungary in the near future, and no more likely that workers will leave the poorer North East
of the Western Transdanubia Regional Labour Centre, says: "Investments like these have raised employment in western Hungary to the
... prepared to take work far from their place of residence. Research published recently by IBM Hungary and GKIeNET shows that only a
... would now be prepared to move elsewhere to find a better job, or any employment at all. Preparedness to

hvg.hu English version

The Mazsihisz boomerang: boycotting the ceremonies

You might think it was some kind of anti-Semitic provocation. But no, the press release is attributable to the chairman of Mazsihisz, an
Peter Feldmajer is telling his fellow Jews to stay at home to protect them from acts of violence committed by the
... thought: that papering over problems just makes them worse. But problems are also made worse, for various difficult-to-explain reasons
... our country's media history as the most classic example of the boomerang effect. It will do nothing to discourage the anti-Semites. On

hvg.hu Vállalkozás

Kockázati tőke: 100-ból egy valódi befektetés

Száz kockázati tőkét bevonni akaró vállalatból csak 2-3 esetben történik tényleges befektetés. A legtöbb meghiúsult ügylet oka többek
a forrásbevonáshoz. Száz kockázati tőkét bevonni akaró vállalatból csak 2-3 esetben történik tényleges befektetés és a legtöbb

hvg.hu English version

Responsibility of forces

The Gonczol report on the autumn riots fails to address the question of police responsibility and makes no attempt to
... government. But the Morvai report confines itself to looking at police brutality. Ferenc Koszeg is not impressed. The founding
... Szilvasi. Fidesz and Orban have only one desire: to bring down the government. Ill omens ahead of the long
police chief had already covered much of this ground. The convention is to accuse the other side of bias, dismissing the opposing
... wrong to describe it as a piece of propaganda. But it is true that it doesn't address the moral and political responsibility of the
... to acknowledge that other acts of violence were committed beyond the occupation of the TV headquarters. This is ridiculous. In this

HavariaPress Itthon

Tizennégy év fegyház a hordós gyilkosnak

Tizennégy év fegyházbüntetésre ítélte hétfőn a Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Bíróság azt a férfit, aki még 2004-ben ölte meg feleségét, majd holttestét
nem messze, egy tóban találják meg feleségét. A rendőrök az elmondottak alapján meg is találták az asszony holttestét. A férfi egy

hvg.hu English version

Gyurcsány, head of the Socialist party

it had to. It is a curious paradox that Gyurcsany has this reflex to thank for his newly minted party leadership. The
a genuine victory won by his power of argument. A closer look shows that a prime minister seeking to tear his party away from its
...-communist moorings owes his victory to its single-party reflexes. In order to understand this, we have to
... origins. To be clear, even if it acquiesces, the party does not like Gyurcsany the way it likes Gyula Horn, a former Socialist PM. In

hvg.hu English version

Goodbye Kadar?

And if they did not always understand what was happening to them, they seemed certain that it was right to support their
On one side of Dozsa Gyorgy ut, by the market, pedestrians are forced to avoid people hawking knock-off batteries, homeless people and
... stumbling along. Poor people are crowding around to buy cheap consumer goods. It's a kind of introduction to the country
... J. Zoltan Gal, who chaired one of the sessions, stepped out of his role to summarise the results of the discussions. He said

hvg.hu English version

One million emigrated

First it was hordes of singles, and now it's the yellow peril. This, in a few words, is Christian Democrat leader Zsolt Semjen's reaction
Take, for instance, the Socialists' dire warnings about the arrival of "23m Romanians". At least they had a clear motivation: the Socialists had
... keep their chips in in an escalating rhetorical war. But that's not the case this time. There are no election campaigns to fight at the
... is even considering opening the doors in this way. To do so would be political suicide for a major politician. He is referring

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Megölte a feleségét, aztán feladta magát egy fóti férfi

Megölte a feleségét, aztán feladta magát egy fóti férfi

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Megmagyarázta Lázár tárcája az “időutazást” a kínai hátterű magyar légitársaság hatósági engedélyénél

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Ürge-Vorsatz Diána a 1,5 fokos határ átlépéséről: Nem egymással fogunk versenyezni, hanem a fennmaradásért

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Agyonverte élettársát, majd felgyújtotta és feldarabolta a holttestet egy zalaegerszegi férfi

Agyonverte élettársát, majd felgyújtotta és feldarabolta a holttestet egy zalaegerszegi férfi

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