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hvg.hu English version

What about the next months?

The next few months in Hungarian politics are going to be very interesting. If the coalition wins, then it will have to dig
... sticks to her current possition, adopting the role of a constructive opposition, then she will be in a dreadfully lonely
Socialists, the despised and marginalised Hungarian Democratic Forum crossed the parliamentary threshold. Orban, trying to make the
... situation, evoked his party's joint labours with Ibolya David's party in the years of the regime change. He displayed willingness to
... and his vice-president, Zoltan Pokorni, hinted they would even allow David to become prime minister: only regime change mattered. But

HVG English version

Slight advantage for the left

"We have to reach a deal with the MDF at all costs," Viktor Orban was told by several local party leaders, the HVG has learned. Even
... himself cannot be allowed to get in the way. The first round of the elections brought the Socialist party and its coalition party a
It took only 2429 votes to make sure that the same four parties would remain in parliament after the elections. Had the Hungarian
... (MDF) received 2429 fewer votes, and thus failed to get into parliament, then there would not even be a theoretical chance of a
... Minister of Justice, said on Monday that she did not wish to help her former boss back into power. The narrowness of that 2429-vote

hvg.hu English version

Alone or in coalition

Fidesz tried to create a unified right-wing, going as far as to entice politicians away from MDF. But Ibolya David's
Fidesz and the MDF formed a single party group in parliament and managed to get a recount, then there was a chance of Ferenc Madl, the
..., asking them to form a government. Ibolya David dashed those hopes that evening, saying her party would form an independent party
... on the two parties' electoral agreement, in which they had agreed to form a party alliance consisting of two closely cooperating, but

Ungváry Krisztián English version

Guess who is next?

Sources close to Fidesz have claimed the party leadership spent little time dealing with Ibolya David's eight points, regarding them
... a basis for negotiation. The Fidesz leadership suggested in a letter to Ibolya David that Akos Bod Peter could be a joint prime
... Peter's task would be to lead the country out of its present situation. Akos Bod Peter was the Antall government's finance minister and
second round, and wishes to avoid being a losing candidate. This would also allow him to drop Mikola, the party's
... has become a burden. If Ibolya David is not prepared to discuss Orban's proposal and Fidesz is obliged to fight the
... observers believe Orban would still refuse to serve as a candidate and would nominate Mihaly Varga, citing a situation of economic

hvg.hu English version

Left or right

candidates, but performed better than his three rivals on Thursday. Supporters of a western-style middle class lack a major party to
Two days have passed since the Gyurcsány-Orbán debate. There is no clear verdict: Orbán seemed to be suffering from stage fright, but
... round of the elections on Sunday. What do you think? However much the press tries to talk up the significance of these kinds of
... rarely the sole deciding factors in an election. Most people have already decided who they are going to vote for. Elections are about

HVG English version

Last before the elections

Ferenc Gyurcsány wants to define the difference between the left and right wings as a contrast between democracy and autocracy. If the
... socialist politician's party wins the election, he promises to continue by reforming the state bureaucracy, local government and
... the election, he will turn to the Socialist Party and tell them: "That was all I could
© Dudás Szabolcs You invited people concerned about the fate of the republic to your 1 April party rally. But why should
... about the future of the republic in Hungary? You are surely not suggesting that our state needs to be defended from the provocative
... if you say that a republic, with all its guarantees, is just an item of clothing to be discarded. This is more than speechifying: there

Hirschler Richárd English version

Interview with Viktor Orbán

Viktor Orbán would like to see more liberals find a home inside Fidesz, to bring the conflicts - with due respect for
... the Fidesz camp. In his exclusive interview with HVG.hu, the prime ministerial candidate said he was not trying to weaken the
... democracy. On the contrary, he wants closer representation of the people. If Fidesz wins the election, he wants to see Parliament play
your first six months, apart from establishing a HUF500bn job creation fund and, as part of the new Széchenyi Plan, a HUF1000bn fund to
... government is formed, we will have to act immediately. We will immediately shave 10 per cent off social insurance contributions. We
... body composed of Hungarian experts living abroad who will examine the budget from top to bottom and work out the true figures. And

hvg.hu English version

A new independent Hungarian-language university

Hungarian lecturers at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania are divided over whether to set up an independent
Things became more heated on 20 February, when the university's senate rejected the proposal to establish an independent Hungarian
... for a vote to solve the crisis of legitimacy. After the senate's vote, Nicolae Bocsa, the university's rector, launched a sally
...". Furthermore, BIC's mostly young members should "focus more on their careers rather than falsify facts." The rector threatened also sent a written

Ungváry Krisztián English version


Dirty tricks bordering on the criminal, negative campaigning, pretending to be constructive: all these have come to define
... victims, like the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF), which has been the target of Fidesz attempts at political blackmail, seem to be
campaign long before the official start of the elections but events nonetheless seemed to be taking their normal course. Fidesz, the
... keen to tear the party's manifesto apart will have to content themselves with small crumbs unveiled at the various stages
... country. On the other hand, the Socialists have only a development programme, to be financed with EU money, which is hardly a typical

hvg.hu English version

Labour market?

The employment office can offer temporary work - lasting a year at most - to a further three inhabitants, paying them to
They sweep snow off the streets, for example, and help the elderly. "We always try to make sure these three people are those supporting
... families," said Mrs. Zoltán Kékri, the mayor. She added that beside minors, pensioners and those living off welfare benefits, the population that is
.... Current labour market regulations have done nothing to help the people of Csenyéte and others living in similar conditions. "We

MTI Itthon

Méteres hullámok a Balatonon

Méteres hullámok a Balatonon, a vize több helyen kicsapott a mederből. A víz lakóházakat nem
közölte a katasztrófavédelem az MTI-vel vasárnap. A 80, helyenként 100 kilométeres erősségű szél "megnyomta" a vizét, amelynek
... a területen, a strandra 200 homokzsákot vittek ki, hogy útját állják a vizének - tette hozzá. A tűzoltók irányításával 25 helyi
..., a mögötte lévő vizet pedig visszaszivattyúzzák a tóba. Az igazgató elmondta, hogy Fonyódon az úgynevezett Szúnyog-szigeten a

hvg.hu English version


The government parties and Fidesz are neck and neck. In its latest poll, Marketing Centrum forecasts a three-party parliament. One in eight voters
is too close to call, the pollsters said. There has been no decisive change in support levels compared to the December
... again in the lead. The Free Democrats seem likely to get into parliament, thus reducing the size of the opposition party's lead. The
... Democratic Forum's (MDF) level of support has grown since the end of last year, but its supporters are less likely to vote than

Jobline - Other


We would like to further enhance and expand our existing operational teams in Budapest, in which we are
We would like to further enhance and expand our existing operational teams in Budapest, in which we are recruiting candidates for

hvg.hu English version

Major political scandal in Hungary

Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) released a transcript of a taped conversation: Fidesz MP Zoltán Bagó used a mixture of threats and promises
... candidacy of Bago, and Fidesz leader Orban apologized to Ms. Ibolya David, president of MDF. David didn’t except the
have collected the signatures necessary to do so. At a press conference, the MDF announced that the Fidesz MP had tried
... ultimatum for Romsics to withdraw. Bagó told Romsics, director of the museum in Kalocsa that Fidesz would help him in his professional
... failed to cooperate there would be consequences, he added. . The Fidesz MP compared his party to a company in the

HVG English version


It took more than political will. Hungary had to pay to recover the books that were taken from Budapest by Soviet soldiers
end of WWII. In 1993, Hungarian researchers found a reference to the work in question in a Russian study, in which it was stated that
... be found in the library of Nizhny Novgorod. Decades-long Russian attempts to conceal the fact were in vain. It took another five years
... catalogue to be compiled. The library was founded in 1531 and and enriched with a legacy of several thousand volumes from György

hvg.hu English version

Traditional churches and the government

government is planning a spectacular gesture: it plans to decide on the issues relating to properties formerly in church
Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister, intervened to make sure that the Catholic, Reformed and Evangelical churches, as wel as the
... is working hard to draw up the agreements which would bring to an end the debate over properties formerly belonging
... began in 1992, was originally due to be complete in 2001. The Horn government extended this deadline to 2011, though the

hvg.hu English version

A survey of nationalities policy

they all agree on is that Hungarians abroad should be helped to survive in the place of their
Former prime minister József Antall's 15m Hungarians belong to the past. There are in fact about 12.5m Hungarians in the Carpathian
... though Hungarian governments of the past 15 years have tried repeatedly to resolve problems relating to the condition of
... century, and the changes of 1989 have failed to reverse this trend. Censuses between 2000 and 2002 have shown a further sharp decline

hvg.hu English version


Shareholders in the FHB Land and Mortgage Bank were content until last week to watch their investment grow three and a half times over
imposed by the high street banks. Furthermore, FHB will only loan 60 per cent of the value of the security, compared to 80
... banks. A further stricture is that the bank often requires the creditor to have an income above the minimum wage, unlike certain other
..., which regulates the bank. But strict regulation did not prevent FHB from entering into commercial activities when it was able to add

MTI Gazdaság

A Transelektrónál vizsgálódik Kóka

Kóka János megvizsgáltatja Transelektróhoz került állami pénzek felhasználását. A Transelektrónak 3,5 milliárd forint friss tőkére van
31-én Kóka János beszámolt arról, hogy a Transelektrónak 3,5 milliárd forint friss tőkére van szüksége likviditási gondjainak

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