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Viktor Orbán's talkshow and Ferenc Gyurcsány's parliamentary speech outlined two conflicting governmental philosophies, although both were careful out. Last Sunday, Orbán held his State of the Nation speech, Gyurcsány held his on Monday. And the they seemed to be talking about two .... The two parties' voting bases have stabilised recently, according to opinion polls, which means the elections will be won by the ... addressed questions of detail only in terms of the laws he intended to have passed. He made concrete proposals - for an Entrepreneurs'
The Corvinas, the name given to books that once formed part of King Matthew's library, have recently been added to the to be found in Hungary. Two hundred years ago it was believed that none of them remained in the country. When Sultan Suleiman took Buda ... ordered these two books from Florence, it is possible that they never reached King Matthew's bookshelves, according to Karsay. What is ... in a political game of chess. In the autumn of 1847, "Metternich wanted to calm the rebellious Hungarians with the offer of Corvinas,"
Who is the government trying to hurt with its Lex Euro white paper, Itself or the opposition? Or maybe it is all part of the same long ... our politicians make fools not just of the voters here at home but of the European institutions as well. The government seeks to bring Are we to believe that the numbers embedded into the law will guide the governments economic policy? This has never happened before. It ... a domestic audience. We might assume that the government is trying to force the opposition to declare its hand. It is of ... budget into balance if Fidesz constantly makes spending promises on behalf of a future government, while calling for generous cuts to
There is no obstacle, it would seem, to a politician suddenly deciding to support what just a while before he passionately It would look odd if a defendent in court suddenly started to attack the police for allowing the streets to be so ... should be built from Rákospalota to the Budaörs flower market, because extending it would ease transport for several hundred thousand ... agglomeration and beyond." This is true. But this sense of urgency is strange coming from the party that, on coming to power in 1998
Hungarian secondary school pupils do not like traveling. Most choose colleges that are as close as possible to their home. In 2005, 58 clusters of towns whose students demonstrate a desire to get away. In Nograd and Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok counties, a majority of students ... institution outside their own county. The same went, to a lesser degree, for Komarom-Esztergom, Somogy and Zala. There is no surprise ..., and Godollo has an annex in Jaszbereny - but all of these are small institutions. So even in towns where students appear to be
Bálint Magyar, the education minister has appointed openly left-liberal figures to the management councils that are to help ... opposition is crying foul, but Magyar says personalities from the right declined the offer to education. This, at least, is the hope of Bálint Magyar, who has appointed them to serve on the university management councils that are ... March 1. The 69 council members are appointed by the government to serve five year terms - and it is not only the former finance ... prove that there appointment is due to more than their previous political roles. They will be paid HUF150,000 per month while serving
Serving a three- or five-year terms in the armed forces have suddenly become a respectable occupation, with applicants often waiting years ... their uniforms. The armed forces are set to earn money from property sales, and its numbers will fall to 29,000 by the end ... members, the quickest way to better pay and promotion is to serve on a foreign of 129 career soldiers set off from Debrecen to carry out peacekeeping duties in Kosovo. Colonel Judit Arato, the Szentendre base's ... example, gave up a middle-management job in an electricals company to serve as a soldier in Kaposvár. The 34-year-old said his former ... military uniform for the first time. Both had to wait a year to join the army, backing up the recruiters' assertion that
There has been a rash of supposedly non-affiliated organisations campaigning for one or other of the main parties this year. This practice could lead Magyar Vizsla and The Victor 2 - in one respect they are both the same publication. The authors and publishers want to influence the ... parties can make a bid for a parliamentary mandate. For this reason, campaign finance laws only relate to parties. Only they are ... account of their income and expenditure to the authorities. That there was a shortcoming in this was discovered very quickly - and the
Budapest Airport is the least competitive airport in the region, but its growth opportunities are all the greater, according to the ... Briton, whose company BAA International has paid HUF465bn for a 75-year contract to operate the come with me to ensure a smooth handover. I am here to realise our vision for Budapest Airport, that it should become the ... main task is to turn the airport into a private company. My second task is to develop commercial opportunities. We are ... current commercial service providers to bring them up to international levels. You faced conflict management tasks on
The Hungarian Football Association (HFA)is leaderless, while it has only until the end of May to present its joint bid with Croatia ... European championships. Unlike in the past, this time the ouster came from inside - along with a promise to kick-start the sport. But Matthaus must have been referring to a draft contract. This strange story highlights the chaos that has afflicted Hungarian football ... professional football clubs. Matthaus's contract was the focus of his attack. An audit commissioned by the HFA came to the same ... Bozóky's fall. The circumstances of his fall are remarkable. The audit came to light during a December 20 meeting of the HFA's board
The attempt to sell the publisher of Magyar Vizsla as a civil society organisation failed spectaularly, just as did the Socialists' The outsourcing of dirty tricks is becoming standard practice for our political parties. The PR experts within the campaigning teams seem ... that Hungarians are so dim-witted that they will fail to guess the origins of a dirty-tricks campaign if there is no party slogan. ... - so impossibly concentrated, their bias so fierce, that the overall effect is damaging to Fidesz. Let's ignore the question of
for a special parliamentary committee to be established. The FT was supposedly to be excluded from the affair, but it ... have now written a strange letter to London. They continue to attack the Gyurcsány government. But what does the HUF20m to write that Hungarians live better today than ever before. Can we still believe him, they asked. Thereafter, they issued a ... reassuring foreign correspondents working in Hungary that the recent scandal related "not to their work, but to the ...." Fidesz's letter to the FT was published on Friday. In it, Tamás Deutsch wrote: "We do not and have never doubted the objectivity and
In order to have a genuinely fair tax system we need things to be clear and transparent, and we need precise figures. The In order to create some semblance of fairness, we need exact figures based on known documentation. On such figures, we create a new tax ... impossible to create a system to keep track of precisely how much every tax subject gives and receives. But it would mean ... last granny would need to have an electronic account which would keep track of the money flowing in and out of the state coffers. The
There are more would-be monks in Hungary than monastic places - and yet monasteries continue to be filled with an aging, dwindling ... restarting in 1989-90, the monasteries have still not managed to replace a generation lost when most orders were banned in an old Catholic saying. The world of monastic orders is something of a mystery even to believers, let alone complete outsiders. It is ... Sisters of Notre Dame. The other orders were populated with monastics in their 60s on their re-establishment. Furthermore, those who lived ... life had to be restarted with tired, aging members. Most re-established orders managed to recruit new people, but this
Hungarians pursuing stellar careers in the banking world abroad always
talked of wanting to do something for the mother country the banking world: Péter Róna, who led the New York subsidiary of the British investment bank Schroders from 1996 to 1991. In Renyi's ... in Miskolc in 1942 and escaped with his father to Washington after the 1956 revolution, has continuously nurtured links with the land ... European Monetary Institute. From 1999 to 2002 he led former PM Viktor Orbán's consultative committee. György Szapáry left for Austria
Next week, HVG will devote a special supplement to a ranking of Hungary's colleges and universities. The challenge of the project is Preparing a league table is thankless task, since, with the exception of the leaders, everyone on the list is likely to be unhappy with .... It gets even harder if you try to rank institutions according to a combination of factors. You get several winners, of ... clear, how hard it is to find the common denominator linking statistics from diverse sources. For those who will be making university
That there was heavy competition to buy Budapest airport is no surprise. European air traffic liberalisation has led to were two kinds of airport. Those with inadequate traffic, and those with inadequate capacity. The former had to be mondernised, the ... this spirit, European airport operators are planning to invest at least $60bn by 2025. This level of investment is often too much for ..., which has led to huge growth in private investment in the field, spurred on by privatisations in bother western and eastern Europe
from beyond the borders would arise to tear at their still-bleeding wounds (which did indeed happen), and here at home, the far right Crown, seemingly committing themselves to continued pursuit of political ravings and to a re-run of the referendum - so ... everyone once again. The icing on the cake is that the Hungarian Democratic Forum declared that day of greatest divisiveness to be the ... were put in place, it would become very easy to gain voting rights. It is well known that the national-civic (right) wing is far more
Sarló-kalapácsos zászlók az út mellett, kirobbanthatatlan kommunista vezetés, Marx, Engels, Krisna és Visnu közös felvonulása és transzneműek ingyenes átműtése az állami klinikákon.