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hvg.hu English version

Shoddy workmanship

"Building a home is an art," says one of the leading property investors. And it would seem to be a popular art form, given that there
... so many new homes to choose from on the market. An estimated 10-11,000 apartments are on sale in Budapest. But with growing supply
It's almost impossible to sell a new flat nowadays without good marketing. Gone are the days when flats would be snapped up before they
... cowboy contractors, he says, who lack the experience to build to a high standard. "I can hardly believe some of the
... a client who bought a flat, only to have the plaster fall down from the ceiling after four months. Other complaints include imitation

hvg.hu English version

Much ado

Most Hungarians oppose renationalisation of privatised companies, but they are even more set against further privatisation, according to
Between 1991 and 1995, the proportion of the population which thought it acceptable for major state companies to fall into (foreign
... declined significantly. Belief in markets determining wage rates and in the right to fire less enthusiastic workers also fell sharply
... companies are most likely to lose their jobs (even though this risk factor is counterbalanced by higher pay at foreign-owned firms

hvg.hu English version

Chairman of Freedom House

Peter Ackerman expects Freedom House's latest report on the state of civil liberties in America to be heavily criticised. The
HVG: Freedom House has been assessing the state of democracy and civil liberties around the world for 33 years. You give grades from 1
... of the press, of religion, the independence of the courts, whether civil rights are guaranteed. We commission regional experts to work
... against there low grade. That's great! It means they're paying us attention...We're never going to have everyone satisfied with our

hvg.hu English version


Viktor Orbán giving government commissions to Fidesz companies that helped out in the
Anyone who took that campaign seriously has had plenty of reasons to be disappointed. Most recently, the Sawyer Miller Group got a
... from City Hall to do PR work for the fourth metro project. Sawyer Miller is running the re-election campaign for Gábor Demszky, the
... mayor of Budapest. The whole story seems to be a standard "party-linked" kind of affair. But it's more serious than that. Left

hvg.hu English version

Excise tax polemic

Cutting sales tax on fuel brings no benefits to haulage companies, who can in any case reclaim it, and even though their proposals for
... prices could be popular, the Finance Ministry sees no way of replacing the billions that would be lost to the
Unlike most drivers, hauliers had no reason to be happy about the cuts in fuel VAT announced in October. "It improves our cash-flow at
... price of a liter of fuel for the normal driver, brings no benefits to haulage companies, because they can reclaim the VAT they pay on
... VAT cut makes hauliers negotiating position even weaker - they would like to see a cut in excise tax, which they cannot reclaim

hvg.hu Tech

Az afrikai gyilkos tavak ismét ölni készülnek

Az erőfeszítések, hogy megelőzzék két afrikai felett gyilkos mérgesgázfelhők kialakulását a jelek szerint kudarcba fullad, s ezrek
vezettek le a Nyos aljára 2001-ben és egy másikat a Monoun tóba 2003-ban, amivel elvileg a gázkoncentráció veszélytelen

hvg.hu English version

Sacred Cows

Typically, you prop up drunks. And Hungarians in neighbouring countries. Drunks normally get to lean on their slightly more sober
But Hungarians abroad get help from their mother country, supposedly to keep them in their place of birth, and to boost
.... So many federations, committees, offices, departments, foundations, boards, funds, so many tenders, and now there's to be a special ID
...! How much we have to spend in Hungary to make sure there's enough cash over there... A presenter on public TV was

hvg.hu English version

What has not worked for four years

The budget is the problem. Eurostat is nor certain to say no to our peculiarly Hungarian approach to financing
... if we do manage to stick to a budget deficit of Ft1022bn this year, it will mean a budget deficit of 6-6.2% of GDP, using
will be able to do nothing to bring down expenditures. We can't even argue that the economy has been on a deficit-cutting
... spending got out of control, especially after the first round of voting. It was Péter Medgyessy's mistake to carry on running the shop
..., since it cut state investment instead of consumption. In summer 2003, the Free Democrats called for tax cuts, which led to an increase

hvg.hu English version

How much do lawyers earn?

In the US, lawyers belong to the most despised and yet most envied profession. How much do they earn in Hungary? HVG.hu
a nurse's. At least according to the National Employment Service (FSZ)'s figures. But these figures are somewhat suspect: why, for
... lawyers, and that this figure excludes civil and company law cases. One lawyer, who did not wish to be named, estimated the legal
... income at HUF50-100bn. This doesn't seem exaggerated. It's not easy to get at the real figures - nobody is prepared to

hvg.hu English version

The government and railway reform

"The county's on the move," runs the official slogan, but it's taken the government more than a year to get to grips with
It's taken almost exactly six months to announce a winner for the tender to provide MÁV with suburban railway rolling
... Canadian-German firm Bombardier, Switzerland's Stadler has won the Ft100bn contract to provide 70 suburban electric trains. So we can
... being lavish in his praise - he's seized the opportunity to announce the dismissal of Zoltán Mándoki, MÁV's CEO. His place will be

hvg.hu English version

Gábor Széles buys stake in Magyar Hírlap

Gábor Széles and Mária Vissi have bought up 76% of the daily Magyar Hírlap, which is due to receive HUF100m in loans from its owners
... Széles's say they want to provide accurate reporting to readers on both left and
money to the press and that it had a poor cash-flow performance. He said that this would help Magyar Hírlap to become a
.... He said that he had asked the papers' journalists to create a paper which would make it unnecessary for readers to buy
... and right wing opinion. Széles said that he wanted to do the same at Magyar Hírlap as he had at Echo TV, which he founded - it would


Locsolni és nyírni

Állami kedvezményekkel megtámogatva tárják ki a tőzsde kapuit a tőkére vágyó középvállalatok és a részvényektől eddig idegenkedő

hvg.hu English version

"Stop it, America!"

footsteps. It was he who felt it necessary following September 11 and Hurricane Katrina to tell the United States to "stop
it couldn't, why couldn't it just stop it? One could only guess at what America was meant to stop doing. László Lengyel took the bate
... to the next, the US - which creates such wonders - had become helpless. It was helpless when the aeroplane flew into the tower
... organisation had sent several thousand Muslim fighters to the Balkans to fight the Serbs. (I checked: the sources are an

hvg.hu English version

Gyurcsánys nationalities policy

Ferenc Gyurcsány has come up with three new proposals on the nationalities question. Two of them - setting up a parliamentary committee
... "neighbouring country Hungarian" identity card is a watered down version of Fidesz's dual citizenship rhetoric, and is likely to be no
Setting up a committee to deal with Hungarians abroad is hardly a challenge, since it doesn't create any new obligations. Any majority
... could take such a step. But with the best will in the world, it's hard to see such a poor excuse for a committee inspiring great
... since 1989 have made symbolic gestures of support and given money to Hungarians beyond the borders. But in reality, Gyurcsány is laying

hvg.hu English version

What can Hungary learn from India?

Most processes outsourced to Hungary are low added-value, routine activities like telephone customer service centres. But activities
Did we miss the train, or has the train just arrived? The question is hard to avoid if we look at the most popular outsourcing
... destinations. Hungary is fifth in the world this year - but we are predicted to have fallen back to 26th place in ten
... they phone to check the balance in their Citibank or American express accounts they are probably talking to someone in

hvg.hu English version


It seems natural for politicians to tar their rivals and their promises with the populist brush in the heat of an election campaign
... arguments. And what is the problem with a democratic politician making an appeal to the
It's awkward to be labeled a populist in Hungary. Nowadays, it is taken to mean demagoguery, dumbing-down, even a call
... recently it was Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister, who tried to define what populism means in practice. Here at home, he said, the
... is populism, addressing the people in order to do whatever you like behind their backs, without actually coming up with a serious

hvg.hu English version

Demagogues, friends of the people, populists

It seems natural for politicians to tar their rivals and their promises with the populist brush in the heat of an election campaign
... arguments. And what is the problem with a democratic politician making an appeal to the
It's awkward to be labeled a populist in Hungary. Nowadays, it is taken to mean demagoguery, dumbing-down, even a call
... recently it was Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister, who tried to define what populism means in practice. Here at home, he said, the
... is populism, addressing the people in order to do whatever you like behind their backs, without actually coming up with a serious

hvg.hu English version

We are more worried about unemployment

Support for joining the euro zone has risen in Hungary, according to Eurobarometer figures released yesterday. The report says that
The proportion of Hungarians who agree with EU membership has fallen from the 63% recorded in spring 2003 to 42% in spring 2005
... moving to lower-cost countries as a result of EU membership (89%) and about difficulties faced by farmers (79%). More than half of
... joining the euro zone has risen to 64%. Luxemburg and Belgium show the strongest support for the euro of all the 25 member states (87

hvg.hu English version

Andor Ladányi: problems with the higher education law

Ferenc Mádl referred the higher education law to the Constitutional Court before signing it into law - parts of it were
.... But there are problems with the law that go beyond his own reservations. Amongst the most important relate to the reform of higher
There is no doubt that the structure of higher education needs to be reformed. The traditional University Council and the scholarly
... longer enough to meet the challenge of running today's greatly expanded institutions. The law tries to solve the problem
... a so-called senate to research and education affairs, whilst leaving swathes of strategic management questions to a body

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