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hvg.hu English version

Longer novels, less time spent on reading?

"People who write great novels are the ones who can afford to," remarked the literary historian Mátyás Domokos
 His publisher, Jelenkor, is marketing it as a great novel of our times, hoping to both pre-empt and influence the critics' judgements
... took an even more elevated approach to his work when he said at the turn of the millennium: "You can only hope that there
... sales or by the number of pages is an extremely rough-and-ready approach. Critics agree that Géza Ottlik's School on the

hvg.hu English version

NATO radar

The message is clear: the political decision was clear and timely, the fruit of dialogue and tolerance, it was
... environmentalists, a success for the civil sector, a success also for Hungarian constitutional democracy, and proof of our commitment
The Medgyessy and Gyurcsány governments worked tirelessly to exclude public opinion and environmental movements. They tried to create a
... accompli, to influence the media, to exploit economic arguments ("we'd have to pay for a change of plan"). They professed powerlessness
... made to NATO. The Horn and Orbán governments did much the same. And next year's government would do the same

hvg.hu English version

Csaba László

The Visegrád four have no budget strategy, which is why they rejected Tony Blair's proposals, rather than giving them their serious
.... Hungary does not know what it wants to achieve with its National Development Plan, according to the CEU
hvg.hu: Why was agreement with the British prime minister so important? László: The Visegrád countries
... Slovakia - have a peculiar shared position. They have a common interest, for example in making sure regional development money goes to
... states and in preserving agricultural subsidies and the solidarity principle. We're seeing an emerging practice in the EU

MTI Világ

Kihallgatták a brit trónörököst

Kihallgatták Károly brit trónörököst néhai felesége, Diana walesi hercegnő nyolc éve Párizsban bekövetkezett halálával kapcsolatban – írta a
az elvált Camilla Parker Bowlest; ez egyébként csak idén áprilisban történt meg. A The Sunday Times híre szerint a Diana-levél része
... a brit belső és külső elhárítás, az MI5 és az MI6 vonatkozó dokumentumaiba, sőt a két cég ügynökeit is meghallgatta. A The Sunday Times

MTI Világ

Valamelyest növekedett Bush népszerűsége

népszerűségi mutatója - ez derül ki a The New York Times című napilap és a CBS által szerdán közzétett
A december 2 és 6 között telefonon végzett felmérés szerint, amely a The New York Times honlapján jelent meg, a megkérdezettek 40

MTI Világ

Mel Gibson TV-sorozatot tervez a holokausztról

Televíziós sorozatot tervez Mel Gibson amerikai színész-rendező a holokausztról a The New York Times szerdai száma szerint. Az
cége, a Con Artists Production neve alatt fog futni.  A The New York Times szerint néhány szemöldök a hírre összeráncolódott. A lap

MTI Világ

A brit EU-költségvetési tervezetet bírálja a The Wall Street Journal

Tony Blair brit miniszterelnök EU-költségvetési tervezetével megsérti barátait, de megsérti az elveket is - szögezi le keddi számában a
írja szerkesztőségi kommentárjában a brit The Economist. A tekintélyes gazdasági lap emlékeztet: noha az Unió lakosságának mindössze

hvg.hu English version

István Zvolenszky

For months, Paks nuclear power station has been placing full-page adverts in local and national papers testifying to the generator's
... bright future prospects, to its promise of carbon-free energy, and even about the cheapness of their
The head of the International Atomic Energy Authority was in Budapest recently at a conference and was received by our
... signals that our energy chiefs have almost achieved their dream of building two new 1000MW generators at the power station. Billions of
... spent on this project over many years. The main focus so far has been on securing an extension of the station's working

hvg.hu English version

Median poll

The pollsters Medián scored a coup in our civil war-struck political environment. They managed to unite government and opposition
That's no mean achievement. This temporary ceasefire was inspired by some questions that Medián asked in a survey. They asked the
... residents of the Fidesz bastion on the southern Plain whether they could imagine János Lázár, the city's
... aggressively with their colleagues, physically abusing members of their families, obtaining property illegally or behaving hysterically in

MTI Világ

A britek az agrártámogatáson faragnának

A The Sunday Times értesülése szerint a brit kormány EU-költségvetési javaslata évi 1 milliárd fonttal (365 milliárd forinttal) szeretné
leszerelni azokat a bírálatokat, amelyek szerint Tony Blair miniszterelnök a kelet-európai tagországoktól akar pénzt elvenni - írta a

hvg.hu English version

On mission

Ferenc Somogyi, the foreign minister, has led a delegation of Hungarian diplomats to the Middle East. HVG.hu asked László
HVG: Hungarian diplomacy seems to have taken a renewed interest in the Middle East recently... Várkonyi: The Middle
... important for us. The two focuses of this visit are our meeting with the foreign minister of Bahain and attending
... anniversary of Rabin's death. We've managed to fit some other discussions in as well. The foreign ministers met in Jordan, and on

hvg.hu English version

Bearers of truth

After 66 years, the BBC will shut down its Hungarian broadcast in mid-December. The British broadcaster espoused
"The war has ended. What are we going to talk about now?" asked György Tarján, head of the BBC Hungarian Service in summer
... one: at the time, the BBC was seriously wondering whether it should shut down its smaller foreign-language services. They
... British war propaganda purposes early in the war, with the total number of services rising above forty in the

hvg.hu English version

Photocopiers in 1980s Hungary

For the west, photocopiers merely revolutionised office work in the 1980s, but in Hungary they stirred up political
When János Kenedi arrived in New York on a scholarship in 1982, the first thing he was told by the writer and sociologist
...! You can photocopy as much as you want!" In the city of freedom, Csalog was impressed less by the skyscrapers, Harlem or
... of Modern Arts than by the photocopiers scattered around the corridors of New York University. And they were freely

hvg.hu English version

The millionaire philanthropist

I regret nothing, George Soros might sing. The 75-year-old is continuing his philanthropic activities and spreading democracy - even if
HVG: We were sorry to hear that the Soros Foundation is closing down in Hungary. We hope other Soros institutions won't go
...: Absolutely not. The Central European University's endowment has been raised to €400m, from which the university can draw
... by up to3 per cent a year. We gave a boost to the CEU's business school as well, advancing it €20m, but they can support themselves

hvg.hu English version

Family affairs

abandoned their careers for an unblazed trail, asking about their private lives and the effect their choice has had on their
company. Money and career goals were the main factors. "We sensed that if my wife did not return to work they would get rid of her. I
... higher, as well. My wife continued to care for our daughter, taking the lead after work and at weekends." Both men were worried about
... a proper parent-child relationship. Péter remembers his child's first year thus: "I missed the moment when Ákos first started crawling

hvg.hu English version


The daily Reggel (or Morning) was launched last autumn. After swallowing several billion forints, it finally folded. Its stellar journey
... lessons to teach. Zsolt H Toót, the paper's editor, examines the reasons for its
There have been plenty of examples of new journals being launched on the basis of a misunderstanding of reaer demand. But Reggel's
... is perhaps the most annoying of them all. Not just because of the billions that Axel Springer wasted, but because there
... gave it a chance of meeting some bold aims, revolutionising the Hungarian press market. I had a role to play of course. I was a member

hvg.hu English version

Closing the loopholes

"We've discussed this too often," said Károly Herényi, a Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) MP in early November. The matter at issue was
The aim is to change laws on the capital markets, on credit institutions and on finance houses, primarily in order to
... European Union directives. Yet the same excuse has been used twice in the past fourteen months to justify enacting changes
... Herényi, "this creates uncertainty amongst investors and financial markets actors." On this occasion, the government wants

hvg.hu English version

Field report from Lenovo

It was a year ago that IBM shocked the world by announcing that it was selling its PC business to Lenovo, a Chinese company unknown in
On the vast factory floor, the noise comes from the production lines. Workers, mostly women, stand by
... trays and installing them. Every few seconds a new package arrives on the line. There is no time for resting during each 8-hour shift
... arrive to the minute: there is no space for them in the warehouses. Each year, five million notebooks, two million

MTI Világ

Tíz százalékkal kisebb uniós támogatás jöhet

strukturális juttatások 10 százalékos csökkentését fogja javasolni az unió soros elnöki tisztét betöltő Nagy-Britannia kormányfője csütörtökön
ellensége a brit visszatérítésnek, írta a hétfői The Daily Telegraph. Mivel a visszatérítés közvetlen része az EU átfogó

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Íme Európa első 200 kilométeres hatótávú plugin hibridje

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Az akadémiai dolgozók visszautasítják Hankó miniszter állítását

Katonai büntetőeljárás miatt mondhatott le a Budapesti Fegyház és Börtön parancsnoka

Katonai büntetőeljárás miatt mondhatott le a Budapesti Fegyház és Börtön parancsnoka

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Ferenc pápának köszönhetik az új életüket, most mindennap várják a híreket róla

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