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MTI/hvg.hu Itthon

Demszky: ha kell, zsidó, cigány, meleg vagyok

Budapest nemet mond az agresszív, árpádsávos szélsőségeseknek, akik egyre nyíltabban hívnak fel gyűlöletre a legkülönbözőbb
üldöztetés ér Budapesten. Budapest nemet mond az agresszív, árpádsávos szélsőségeseknek, akik egyre nyíltabban hívnak fel gyűlöletre a
... embercsoportok iránt. Ebben a helyzetben, ha kell, magam is zsidó, cigány és meleg vagyok. Budapest a mi városunk. Nem hagyjuk, hogy

MTI Itthon

BRFK: diáktolmácsok Budapest utcáin

jelenlétet, információs pontokat, és diáktolmácsokat is bevetnek Budapest biztonságosabbá tételéhez - közölték rendőri vezetők
a Fővárosi Közgyűlés városrendészeti bizottságának elnöke arról tájékoztatott, hogy Budapest 160 millió forinttal támogatta a

HVG English version

On the playgrounds of God and the Devil

Regardless of attempts by protestant German and Catholic Polish bishops to reconcile, regardless of Brandt's kneeling in Warsaw, of
Pehe and Simecka. Poland has been revelatory. The Kaczynski twins, president and prime minister, have opted for a run in with Europe
... demanding a proportionate voting weight. Angela Merkel, almost crying, threatened Poland with European isolation, but in vain. (My God
.... Western Europe advanced by confronting the barbarity of its civilisation. We are all to willing to confront sin and weakness in

HVG English version

On screen

It was ignored by the Party and the country's leaders, but the TV news started exactly 50 years ago in Hungary, at the dawn of the Kadar
A remarkable career began in April 1957 in front of the Corvin Department Store in Budapest
... beginning of her career in interviews. At the beginning, she was in charge of putting together a weekly 10-minute
... of hundreds. © MTV It's still not clear who decided in 1954 that that Magyar Radio should set up a TV news department, and

HVG English version

Bolshevik-dogs and the democratic bacon

honour awarded to Gyula Horn because of his past is a very weak argument. You can't deny everybody an honour for serving a democratic republic just
There's another reason. A much better one. The question is not whether it is possible in 2007 to award a medal to somebody who was a
... attack dog  50 years ago, but whether a medal can go 50 years later to somebody who continues to claim, "I defended the legal order in
...-revolutionary battalion." What kind of relationship to democratic values can somebody have if they think the repression conducted in

hvg.hu English version

After hitting rock bottom

CA president John Swainson took to the podium in a Las Vegas conference hall to the sound of upbeat rock music. He had
... hitting rock bottom in 2004, he has managed to return one of the world's largest software companies to market
CA, like other global companies, likes to organise its meetings in the casino city of Las Vegas, where there are modern conference
... services are used in infrastructure and in security and storage systems. Anybody looking for concrete proof needed only to
.... Company IT departments had in the past been hidden in the back office. This had changed. Business success was now just as

hvg.hu English version

Record highs

The Budapest Stock Exchange set several new records at the beginning of the week. The BUX rose to new highs as Mol shares were sold by
Monday was a busy day for the Budapest stock exchange. The BUX gained 3.4 percentage points, hitting an all-time high of 28,604, rising
... further to 29,442 the next day. The exchange registered transactions totalling Ft80bn, some Ft22bn of which came from trading in OTP
... Ft50.5bn from trading in Mol. Both shares hit new highs. OTP shares closed on Ft10,100 on Monday, though they had reached higher levels

hvg.hu English version

The Cattani Group

have their doubts. Karman's main source for her film about the criminal gang set up in 1991 was the ex-policeman Ferenc Labancz, so the
lived unit was disbanded, Labancz moved to the burglary unit of Budapest Police. He soon ended up in trouble when he was
... plenty of information about the the group, which investigated a pattern of revenge violence in the criminal underworld, Labancz remains
... figure. On leaving the police, he joined Mesterdetektiv, a company owned by Peter Tasnadi, as an expert adviser. Later, he became a defendant

hvg.hu English version

The Cave Hospital at Buda

The cave hospital, the most interesting and most horrifying healthcare institution in Hungary's history, opened its doors for Museum
although it was only designed to accommodate 200. During the Cold War, it was again strengthened in order to function as a nuclear
... entrance that was concealed from prying eyes. The hospital was empty apart from a married couple living in a specially-created

hvg.hu English version

Tibor Karancsi:Iren didn't take the danger seriously

Tibor Karancsi, the former chief inspector of Szeghalom, took part in the making of a documentary by Iren Karman, the journalist who
bleaching affair. We became personal friends - to the extent that I took care of her house last summer when she was holidaying in
... enthusiasm. I thought her a lively, optimistic person, not in the least bit nervous. But as she got closer to the oil bleaching gangs
... frequently to be careful, because these were not people to joke with. Just a few weeks ago I was sitting in a cafe with her and Istvan

hvg.hu English version

Foundations in the firing line

Hvg.hu has learned that Janos Zuschlag, executive chairman of the Socialist Party in Bacs-Kiskun county, is being prosecuted for fraud
..., resulting in Ft50m disappearing into their pockets. Zuschlag's former private secretary is also under
It is thought the various foundations in question - including Together for a Third Millennium, the 21st Century Cultural Association
... for a Modern Hungary - made improper use of more than Ft50m in grant funding. Ferenc Szabo, spokesman for the Bacs-Kiskun county chief
..., said prosecutors began investigating the foundations in 2005. He said: "Over the course of the investigations, we began to suspect

MTI Kult

Nem tudják pótolni a Gellért-hegyről ellopott szobrokat

Nem tudni, mikor pótolják a Gellért-hegyről április végén ellopott három szobrot, az újraöntéshez elengedhetetlen gipszminta ugyanis Japánban van
Zsigmond Attila, a Budapest Galéria igazgatója elmondta, hogy Wagner Nándor Filozófiai kert című szoboregyüttesének három

430 431 432 433 434
Olyan erővel csapódott egy aszteroida a Holdba, hogy 10 perc alatt vájt ki két óriási kanyont

Olyan erővel csapódott egy aszteroida a Holdba, hogy 10 perc alatt vájt ki két óriási kanyont

Kemény bírálat Oxfordból az egykori akadémiai intézetek vezetőjének

Kemény bírálat Oxfordból az egykori akadémiai intézetek vezetőjének

Gulyás Gergely szerint nincs gond Bayer Zsolt bírókat listázó ötletével

Gulyás Gergely szerint nincs gond Bayer Zsolt bírókat listázó ötletével

A svéd sajtó megnevezte az örebrói lövöldözés elkövetőjét

A svéd sajtó megnevezte az örebrói lövöldözés elkövetőjét

A Netflix nevében SMS-ező csalókra figyelmeztet a rendőrség

A Netflix nevében SMS-ező csalókra figyelmeztet a rendőrség

Emberbarát lehet az e-hulladék újrahasznosítása, német mérnökök mutatták meg a módját

Emberbarát lehet az e-hulladék újrahasznosítása, német mérnökök mutatták meg a módját

Mélyrepülőrajtot vett a forint csütörtökön

Mélyrepülőrajtot vett a forint csütörtökön

zCast: Kiszipolyozzuk a talajt, pedig mindennapi betevőnk múlik rajta

zCast: Kiszipolyozzuk a talajt, pedig mindennapi betevőnk múlik rajta

Alig 255 kilométerrel vár új gazdára ez a 42 éves Mazda 626

Alig 255 kilométerrel vár új gazdára ez a 42 éves Mazda 626

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