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hvg.hu English version

Hungarian patents without protection

Several Hungarian inventions have scored foreign successes in recent months, but most Hungarian designers never get as far as the patent
The number of patents applied for in Hungary has been falling over the past two years, according to the Hungarian Patent Office (MSzH
..., there were 2657 applications in Hungary, 2153 fewer than the year before. The number of applications lodged by Hungarians over the
... has been relatively stable (700-800 a year), whilst the number of foreign applications has fallen in recent years. The MSzH says that

hvg.hu English version

Scandalous Puskás gala match

It would seem that the organisers of Real Madrid's Budapest appearance used questionable measures to bounce the elderly wife of football
the Spanish have made no secret of the fact that they would not be coming anywhere near Budapest were the match not being held
... captain of the 'Golden Team' that won the football World Cup for Hungary in 1953. The match, organised by Trendsport Kft and Sándor
..., their one-time team-mate. The argument revolves around the question of what Puskás and his family - who are involved in a billing

MTI Gazdaság

Kilenc befektető versenyez Ferihegyért

A Budapest Airport Rt. privatizációjának első fordulójában kilenc ajánlat érkezett, amelyek még nem kötelező érvényűek - közölte az
forint helyett már 500 millió forint bánatpénzt kell megfizetni a résztvevőknek. A Nemzetközi Ferihegyi Repülőteret üzemeltető Budapest
... utasforgalmat várnak. A 8,02 milliárd forint jegyzett tőkéjű Budapest Airport Rt. tavaly konszolidáltan 32,97 milliárd forint nettó

hvg.hu English version

The grass is greener?

After László Sólyom's inauguration, environmentalism will be represented at the very highest level in Hungary. Following in
"Passive, strict, taciturn," said Sólyom when asked what kind of president he in his first and thus far only press statement since his
... tactic of strategic retreat when in his previous post, simply wanted to calm the nerves of those who were worried about a statement he
... to Népszabadság. "The president has numerous powers under the constitution, particularly in times of crisis. The president can even

hvg.hu English version

Kulcsár investigation ends

Whilst the suspects in the HUF20bn K&H broker scandal may get off relatively lightly, the Socialist Party may be worst affected, since
... according to Attila Kulcsár, the former broker at the centre of the scandal, many major figures in the party are
their stories, gradually losing credibility. Kulcsár, the central figure in the HUF20bn money-laundering scandal, who tries to portray
... a helpless puppet in his 600-page confession, first mentioned a group of Socialists - László Puch, the party's treasurer, Ferenc Baja
... financial crimes unit as well as informing on most of his partners in crime. True, he did everything to exculpate his former boss and

hvg.hu English version

A journalist encounters with a spokesman

On August 5, László Sólyom, Hungary's new president, will assume office in the Sándor Palace. It was only five years ago, on August 4
The first member of the spokesman staff threw up a smokescreen. "The government has no obligation in this case." Then, the staff member
... a large-scale event. The Foreign Ministry's protocol department is in charge," according to the new statement. Our intrepid reporter
... recorded the conversation, which was later printed in the magazine. And then the drama began. The government spokesman's office called

hvg.hu English version

Political Genetics

historical characteristics make the chances of a national left emerging very slim." How on earth did genetics get into Orbán's speech
First, maybe he really means it. Second, he may have got carried away in Tusnádfürdő's hothouse atmosphere, and he doesn't mean it. The
... next elections. None of the explanations casts the Fidesz leader in a flattering light. In recent months, it had begun to
... on national rhetoric and moving towards economic rationality. The change was brought about by Fidesz's defeat in December's citizenship

hvg.hu English version

Offshore traders to leave?

A new tax package is not making life easier for every offshore company in Hungary, according to consultants working in the
Companies with offshore status in Hungary - companies which do not carry out any substantive activity in Hungary - will
... position and tax status from January, in accordance with European Union rules. These companies will be paying corporate tax at 16
... companies registered in Hungary, since these companies could very easily pack their bags and move to another country. But these

hvg.hu English version

New record to be set at the weekend

The hottest day of the year is expected, and the national record could also fall in the next couple of days, according to the National
This would mean more than 400 call-outs in Budapest each day, up 100 on the usual figure.
... The highest ever temperature in Hungary was recorded on July 28, 1983 in Tiszakécsek. That was 38 degrees. Temperatures of
... being set, according to the OMSZ's Szilvia Jenki. The absolute temperature record in Hungary over the past century was the 41.7

hvg.hu English version

Uniformed services camp for young Roma

The Interior Ministry (BM) has organized a "career advice" camp for young Roma in the hope that they might choose to work for the police
the 10,000 policeman serving in Budapest may be of Roma origins, although fewer would be open about their ethnic
... become a policeman - one who wouldn't speak to people like that," says Róbert, who is participating in the BM's uniformed services camp
.... With dedication and some luck, this young man could well prove that Roma can hold their own in the uniformed services alongside the

MTI Itthon

A felüljáróról zuhant az M3-asra egy kamion

Az M3-as autópályára zuhant egy kamion az emődi felüljáróról kedden késő délután, emiatt a forgalom ezen a szakaszon, a Budapest felé
nem ismeretes. Az autópálya forgalma Budapest felé több órára szünetel - közölte a szóvivő.

MTI/hvg.hu Gazdaság

EIB: Hitel budapesti beruházásokra

értékben két hitelszerződést írt alá Veres János Pénzügyminiszter, Wolfgang Roth, az Európai Beruházási Bank (EIB) alelnöke és Demszky Gábor
az EIB 194 millió euró hitelkeretet nyújt, amiből pedig 100 millió euró Budapest, 94 millió euró pedig az állam „számláján”

hvg.hu English version

Magyar Telekom’s Competitive Advantage?

every sign points in the same direction: the fears of its competitors are
liberalisation.” In a few years’ time, state institutions may be forced to order all their telecoms services from Magyar Telekom Rt
... permitted service provider,” complained the legal manager at GTS-Datanet, one of the alternatives to Magyar Telekom. In practice, state

hvg.hu English version

How to keep your new job

New employees generally have a 3-month trial period in which to settle into the new organisation and get used to company practices. A
a personal relationship with your boss in the first month. Discuss with him any problems you may have as soon as possible. - Prove
... contribute usefully to the company’s work. - Try to build up a network of contacts in which you occupy a key position. - Try and look

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Azt hitték, mindent arannyá változtat, de csúnyán megbukott: a Wall Street valaha volt legnagyobb csalója, Bernie Madoff

Azt hitték, mindent arannyá változtat, de csúnyán megbukott: a Wall Street valaha volt legnagyobb csalója, Bernie Madoff

Meghalt Ficzere Lajos

Meghalt Ficzere Lajos

Kim Lane Scheppele: Eddig tökéletesen működik Trumpnál az orbáni forgatókönyv

Kim Lane Scheppele: Eddig tökéletesen működik Trumpnál az orbáni forgatókönyv

Férfiak mint lelki társak?

Férfiak mint lelki társak?

Kilőttek az olajárak hétfőn Trump kanadai és mexikói vámjainak hatására

Kilőttek az olajárak hétfőn Trump kanadai és mexikói vámjainak hatására

Ember legyen a talpán, aki meg akarja tudni, hogyan szavazott a képviselője a magyar parlamentben

Ember legyen a talpán, aki meg akarja tudni, hogyan szavazott a képviselője a magyar parlamentben

A legtöbben használt autóra költik a munkáshitelt

A legtöbben használt autóra költik a munkáshitelt

Trump hétfői rendelete újabb fordulatot hozhat TikTok-ügyben

Trump hétfői rendelete újabb fordulatot hozhat TikTok-ügyben

Turner Tibor, OTP Alapkezelő: Biztos, hogy Trump alaposan felkavarja az állóvizet

Turner Tibor, OTP Alapkezelő: Biztos, hogy Trump alaposan felkavarja az állóvizet

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