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You might think it was some kind of anti-Semitic provocation. But no, the press release is attributable to the chairman of Mazsihisz, an Peter Feldmajer is telling his fellow Jews to stay at home to protect them from acts of violence committed by the ... thought: that papering over problems just makes them worse. But problems are also made worse, for various difficult-to-explain reasons ... our country's media history as the most classic example of the boomerang effect. It will do nothing to discourage the anti-Semites. On
Száz kockázati tőkét bevonni akaró vállalatból csak 2-3 esetben történik tényleges befektetés. A legtöbb meghiúsult ügylet oka többek a forrásbevonáshoz. Száz kockázati tőkét bevonni akaró vállalatból csak 2-3 esetben történik tényleges befektetés és a legtöbb
The Gonczol report on the autumn riots fails to address the question of police responsibility and makes no attempt to ... government. But the Morvai report confines itself to looking at police brutality. Ferenc Koszeg is not impressed. The founding ... Szilvasi. Fidesz and Orban have only one desire: to bring down the government. Ill omens ahead of the long police chief had already covered much of this ground. The convention is to accuse the other side of bias, dismissing the opposing ... wrong to describe it as a piece of propaganda. But it is true that it doesn't address the moral and political responsibility of the ... to acknowledge that other acts of violence were committed beyond the occupation of the TV headquarters. This is ridiculous. In this
Tizennégy év fegyházbüntetésre ítélte hétfőn a Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Bíróság azt a férfit, aki még 2004-ben ölte meg feleségét, majd holttestét nem messze, egy tóban találják meg feleségét. A rendőrök az elmondottak alapján meg is találták az asszony holttestét. A férfi egy
it had to. It is a curious paradox that Gyurcsany has this reflex to thank for his newly minted party leadership. The a genuine victory won by his power of argument. A closer look shows that a prime minister seeking to tear his party away from its ...-communist moorings owes his victory to its single-party reflexes. In order to understand this, we have to ... origins. To be clear, even if it acquiesces, the party does not like Gyurcsany the way it likes Gyula Horn, a former Socialist PM. In
And if they did not always understand what was happening to them, they seemed certain that it was right to support their On one side of Dozsa Gyorgy ut, by the market, pedestrians are forced to avoid people hawking knock-off batteries, homeless people and ... stumbling along. Poor people are crowding around to buy cheap consumer goods. It's a kind of introduction to the country ... J. Zoltan Gal, who chaired one of the sessions, stepped out of his role to summarise the results of the discussions. He said
First it was hordes of singles, and now it's the yellow peril. This, in a few words, is Christian Democrat leader Zsolt Semjen's reaction Take, for instance, the Socialists' dire warnings about the arrival of "23m Romanians". At least they had a clear motivation: the Socialists had ... keep their chips in in an escalating rhetorical war. But that's not the case this time. There are no election campaigns to fight at the ... is even considering opening the doors in this way. To do so would be political suicide for a major politician. He is referring
There's no more intellectual excitement and the party leadership seems incapable of accepting measured, intellectual criticism, according has been linked both historically and via various individuals to Fidesz. But we have never had any kind of institutional link with the ... visited the party's headquarters on Lendvai utca in 1994, after Fidesz had suffered an electoral defeat, in order to express my ... 1996 we had the idea of conducting an analysis of the entire structure of the government, and I suggested it to Viktor Orban, who liked
A Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV) január 31-én 47 milliárd forint friss tőkét kapott abból a 111,6 milliárd forintból, amit az idei központi A 47 milliárd tőkejuttatásból 250 millió forinttal a 80 milliárd forint jegyezett tőkét emelik meg, a többi a tőketartalékot ..., és így a saját tőkét növeli. A további három ütem esetén szintén egyenként 250 millió forinttal emelik meg a jegyzett .... A korábbi tájékoztatás szerint a friss tőkét a társaság hiteleinek mérséklésére fordítja. Kóka János gazdasági és közlekedési
Kerepesi ut and the "Hungarian Las Vegas" being built on Hajogyari Island. His company was behind Duna Plaza, built 12 years ago, and has since Plaza Centers created the first shopping centre in Hungary, and even though you have sold all of them - 12 to the French, four ... provincial city can lay claim to one or two such 'refuges'. Did you realise that shopping malls would prove such a success? ... the Czech Republic, and we are working on a vast shopping and entertaining centre in Bucharest called Casa Radio. We've broadened our activities
private office but five other important units, running to 109 people, in a ministry with just 499 official They act as close confidantes to ministers, and have a fundamentally political role. In the early 1990s, they could only issue orders ... secretaries. But this apolitical state administration came to an end last year. According to the public administration law ... head of cabinet varies from ministry to ministry. In some cases, the chief of staff remains a right hand and adviser to
living in this nightmare country for long enough to know that the most startling bits of news tend to be baseless. But As a witness to the events of 18 and 19 September and 23 October, I am certain that the largest opposition party is pursuing the wrong ... been paralysed by an unknown disease, which has prevented it from winning the last two election and made it unable to exploit the ... is at once anti-American, pro-Russian and, extraordinarily, closely allied to the proto-Marxist regimes of Latin America. Where is the
is to turn his back on politics. spoke to Mihaly Kupa about his life, political economy and the government's forced distributing flyers protesting Imre Nagy's execution to students at Petofi Gymnazium. You were free to study on your ... built a career. How did they grew to trust you? It was all part of the Kadar normalisation. From 1975 onwards I worked for the ... had no thought of it. Most, including me, were thinking in terms of a social market in 1981, which we could persuade Moscow to accept