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There's no more intellectual excitement and the party leadership seems incapable of accepting measured, intellectual criticism, according has been linked both historically and via various individuals to Fidesz. But we have never had any kind of institutional link with the ... visited the party's headquarters on Lendvai utca in 1994, after Fidesz had suffered an electoral defeat, in order to express my ... 1996 we had the idea of conducting an analysis of the entire structure of the government, and I suggested it to Viktor Orban, who liked
A Magyar Államvasutak (MÁV) január 31-én 47 milliárd forint friss tőkét kapott abból a 111,6 milliárd forintból, amit az idei központi A 47 milliárd tőkejuttatásból 250 millió forinttal a 80 milliárd forint jegyezett tőkét emelik meg, a többi a tőketartalékot ..., és így a saját tőkét növeli. A további három ütem esetén szintén egyenként 250 millió forinttal emelik meg a jegyzett .... A korábbi tájékoztatás szerint a friss tőkét a társaság hiteleinek mérséklésére fordítja. Kóka János gazdasági és közlekedési
Kerepesi ut and the "Hungarian Las Vegas" being built on Hajogyari Island. His company was behind Duna Plaza, built 12 years ago, and has since Plaza Centers created the first shopping centre in Hungary, and even though you have sold all of them - 12 to the French, four ... provincial city can lay claim to one or two such 'refuges'. Did you realise that shopping malls would prove such a success? ... the Czech Republic, and we are working on a vast shopping and entertaining centre in Bucharest called Casa Radio. We've broadened our activities
private office but five other important units, running to 109 people, in a ministry with just 499 official They act as close confidantes to ministers, and have a fundamentally political role. In the early 1990s, they could only issue orders ... secretaries. But this apolitical state administration came to an end last year. According to the public administration law ... head of cabinet varies from ministry to ministry. In some cases, the chief of staff remains a right hand and adviser to
living in this nightmare country for long enough to know that the most startling bits of news tend to be baseless. But As a witness to the events of 18 and 19 September and 23 October, I am certain that the largest opposition party is pursuing the wrong ... been paralysed by an unknown disease, which has prevented it from winning the last two election and made it unable to exploit the ... is at once anti-American, pro-Russian and, extraordinarily, closely allied to the proto-Marxist regimes of Latin America. Where is the
is to turn his back on politics. spoke to Mihaly Kupa about his life, political economy and the government's forced distributing flyers protesting Imre Nagy's execution to students at Petofi Gymnazium. You were free to study on your ... built a career. How did they grew to trust you? It was all part of the Kadar normalisation. From 1975 onwards I worked for the ... had no thought of it. Most, including me, were thinking in terms of a social market in 1981, which we could persuade Moscow to accept
To whom does Arthur Koestler belong? A foreigner would doubtless say he belonged to all, or that a great writer and ... authentic witnesses to the twentieth century is the common property of all humanity, wherever he lived. But we are in Hungary, in their power to attack the other side, they declare with a clear conscience that nothing interests them other than the truth. Their ... 1942 was the first to describe the gassing of the Polish Jews, is very much a live issue for us. On 25 October 2005, on the 100th ... his birthday, the House of Terror Museum and the 20th Century Institute jointly organised a conference on "Arthur Koestler - Witness to
How is student life in western Europe different from at home? HVG spoke to a few university students studying in the 'exotic "I started by using my English to get a job as a barmaid in a Paris club to cover my EUR450-500 monthly rent. In France ... work, but the best thing is that an hourly wage of EUR12 is more than enough to cover both rent and food," says Bolgarka Palosi, who is ... a masters in cultural management and cultural policy at the University of Paris 8 (UFR). The Hungarian girl, who left for Paris to
The spokesman for the Hungarian civilian secret services has denied to that he worked for the counter-intelligence agency in the ... Vajda was reacting to allegations made by the noted Austrian-Hungarian columnist Paul Lendvai, who told from Vienna that Peter service. Vajda had behaved like a close friend while watching him all the time and delivering regular reports to the ... who pulled him aside and warned him to be careful with me, because I had told him that I was the informant and that I was collecting ... is concerned, all I have to say is that I did not write the article, and I never talked to that agency correspondent in
hogy elháruljanak az akadályok a tó környékének régóta esedékes korszerűsítése előtt. A per újabb fordulójára még januárban sor kerül kerül az élővilág, az ingatlanfejlesztők nem fogják figyelembe venni a tó érdekét. Terv: Zamárdi aquapark delfinekkel ...-fejlesztési programját: hét év alatt a tó környékének öt régiójában a szálláshelyek kapacitását 20 ezerrel, a kikötőhelyekét 300-zal, a ... valósággal megdézsmálták a Balatont. Hatalmas területeket vettek el a tótól, feltöltötték a medret, betonból és kőből épült
Jeszenszky, foreign minister in the Antall government and former Hungarian ambassador to Washington, to execution of Saddam Hussein, the writer wrote: "A portrait of Bush, eyes wide with astonishment, can be hung next to those of his great ... a Metternich to see that such claims are untrue and politically unwise. Whether the war in Iraq was justified or a serious mistake ... opposition to the US's Middle East policy. There is nothing wrong with condemning this policy. There are heated arguments in America
should be allowed to continue operations. If there is no corruption, then there is stuffed with fake goods. They should face material or legal sanctions. But indirectly, many others must have grubby hands, and it will take months ... establish exactly who they are. The hypermarkets are among the potential sinners, since the dodgy goods managed to get through their ... filters for far too long. And we should look, too, at the inspections authorities, which clearly lack the power and the means to do
A colonel general who was stripped of his rank following a conviction by a people's court in 1950 is to be reinstated posthumously, the committee that sentenced to death a former brother officer, the general Kalman Hardy, and sentenced others to lengthy ... commanding officer of the sixth army, he had a central role to play in Hungary's October 1944 attempt to leave the axis ... and his troops to Budapest, and informed him of his plans the day before Hungary left the axis. But Farkas sabotaged the plan and swore
be attaching their signatures to the "veiled government propaganda" that they say the organisation is producing. Karoly Gerendai has Szeretem Magyarorszagot was formed in March 2006 by a group of well-known artists and intellectuals. Its aim was to highlight ... Novak, Miklos Vamos, Nora Szili, Yvette Bozsik and Imre Somody. There was no shortage of events during 2006 to which the Club could ... Gyurcsany's Balatonoszod speech was beyond the pale, and that it was time to step off the "better Gyurcsany than Orban" treadmill