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Karoly Rassay was one of the most honourable of Hungarian civic politicians. He rejected both communist dictatorship and Károly Rassay Hungarian history in the 20th century has been perhaps too rich in bitter blows, and the final ... a democracy deficit. If only for this reason, we should welcome the publication of the historian Zsuzsa Nagy's short ... institutions emerge so late in Hungary, and why did Hungarian society succumb to the disease of left- and right-wing totalitarianism?
Majtenyi and Miklosi, the ombudsmen responsible for upholding the independence of Magyar Hirlap, are leaving ... the owner's anger at a ruling they issued, which has been published in the literary weekly Elet es of the rich man's club does not understand that a newsroom cannot be run like a factory. For those who do not know ... industry employees, party propagandists sequestered in the newsroom, even advertising copywriters. But it is good if ... Gabor Szeles is well on the way to building up his media empire to take up all the available space. Via his holdings in
Az al-Kaida elleni "lefejezési" taktika nem vált be a The Wall Street Journal írta a The Wall Street Journal a hét végén. Az üzleti napilap szerint Washington azzal számolt, hogy ha megsemmisítik az al-Kaida ... nem is az al-Kaida tagjai, de például az interneten közösségre lelnek és "saját terrorizmusba" fognak. A The Wall Street Journal ... megsemmisíteni a szervezetet. A The Wall Street Journal által megszólított hírszerzési szakértők abban egyetértettek, hogy az Egyesült
Eastern Europe is undergoing a wave of interest rate hikes: following the US and the EU, the Hungarian, Czech Credit is getting more expensive, and interest payments will rise too following interest rate hikes in three of the EU's new members ... were prepared for the Slovak and Hungarian moves, but the extent of the hikes - half a percentage point in ..., while experts were not sure in advance that the quarter point rise in the Czech Republic would take place. In Poland
Hungary's OTP and Greece's Ethniki Trapeza are the only contestants still standing in the battle to take control of 10 foreign banks threw their hats into the ring when plans to privatise Romania's 150-year-old CEC Bank, the country's ... announced last summer. Now only two remain in the running. They have until the end of August to come up with a winning ..., Rabobank of the Netherlands, France's Societe Generale, Austria's Erste Bank, Italy's Banca Monte dei Pasci di Siena, Belgium's Dexia
accelerated procedures on Friday and Saturday. The Hungarian Prostitutes' Interest Group thinks the 20 to 30 day prison ... sentences to be reduced. The group said prostitutes would turn up at the event every year, however drastic patrolling the scene this year. It is estimated that there were fewer prostitutes, even if some spent as much time in prison as on ... took 1000 police officers to arrest 10 prostitutes. On each of the two days, five prostitutes were caught offering their services, and ... sentenced to prison terms of between 25 and 30 days. Three Austrians and one Estonian were arrested for availing themselves of the
The Szekelys are to be pitied for many reasons, but most of all they are to be pitied for the 'Szekely anthem', which is For a start, it is hard to imagine a less Hungarian song. Everything (the rhythm, the structure), that Kodaly and Bardos ... in the Hungarian musical tradition - it can all be found in the anthem. And it is hard to imagine a more ugly song. You ... bring deliverance or merely lead us into exile. That windy road does not lead to victory beneath a starry sky but to the sea, a sea
A lack of preparation has meant that Istvan Hiller, the minister responsible for religious affairs, has not been received in ... corps whose opinions are listened to by the decision-makers. Kinga Goncz has a huge task ahead of her: she must come up with this How should Hungary react to the "catastrophe coalition" that has just taken the reins of government in Slovakia? A few ... be remembered, the EU and the civilised world condemned the Austrian government for including Jorg Haider's ... legitimise the new government in Slovakia. The Slovak foreign minister, Jan Kubis, was received in Budapest a few days
The war in Lebanon has drowned out the sound of another battle that has since come to an end. Krisztina Morvai ... organisation that fights discrimination against women, has managed to prevent her designated successor Andrea Peto, a historian and sociologist from Morvai has also failed to have her mandate extended for another four years. Thus, from January, Hungary will not be represented on the ... committee. On 9 June, national missions to the UN received an unusual letter: Krisztina Morvai, who teaches at the ELTE ... responsibilities, was accusing her own government of giving into Israeli pressure in nominating not her for a four-year mandate on the
Tagadta egy magas rangú iráni vezető vasárnap a The Sunday Times brit lap állítását, miszerint Irán nagy mennyiségben próbál illegális britanniai atomerőművek ellen, és az említett sejtek már meg is kezdték a lehetséges célpontok felderítését - írta a The Sunday Times
After his first year in office, we know what kind of president Laszlo Solyom does not want to be. Over the summer, his influence and ... sunk to new lows. Up until now he has barely been able to show the positive sides of his presidential style Solyom, who moved into the Sandor Palace last August, has not followed the well-trodden path of his predecessors over this ... twinning ceremonies with his presence. The third president of the Third Republic has been cautious in exercising his ... not flooded his former workplace, the Constitutional Court, with referrals, and he has resisted the temptation to submit
It is wrong to see values and the national interest as being in opposition to each other in the field of foreign policy ..., the 52-year-old president of the Parliamentary European Affairs Committee, who has little faith in the EU as There has been some controversy recently about the future of Hungarian foreign policy. It would seem the government has ... is developing a new strategy. Where do you expect this to lead? The loss of confidence resulted from the fact that we ... policy goals that we set ourselves at the beginning of the 1990s. We have to ask ourselves if there are new goals. Saying
évében - írja a The Times. Blair szerint az erő alkalmazása "elidegeníti a Nyugattól a mértékadó arab közvéleményt".
nem fog győzni - idézte a The Times Blair figyelmeztetését. "Nem fogjuk megnyerni a világméretű harcot a szélsőségesség ellen, ha
The 2010 deadline for adapating the euro cannot be reached, but as of now a later date has not been set. The ... construction, but how and by whom still remains a mystery. The economic program devised by PM Gyurcsány is fundamentally flawed, it is ... taxes and prices instead of cutting expenditures. Zsigmond Járai, President of the Hungarian National Bank provided this picture in an suggest instead? Zs. J: Indeed, we don’t know what the plan entails, or who is designing it. We know however that tax and price ..., announced by the Gyurcsány administration, would be the backbone of the plan. That scheme is fundamentally ... economy to the wrong direction, set back business activity, hurt competition, push companies in the black economy, speed
Emmanuel Macron francia elnök szerda esti televíziós beszédében a tartós béke fontosságáról beszélt, és jelezte, csúcstalálkozót szervez a béke garantálásában érdekelt európai hadseregek vezetőinek.