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Árverésre bocsátja egy londoni cég a The Doors-frontember Jim Morrison feljegyzésekkel teli füzetét és a róla készített utolsó a The Doors énekes-költője párizsi tartózkodása idején ebbe írta verseit, gondolatait, amelyeknek egy része már 15 évvel ezelőtt
After campaign newspapers like Magyar Vizsla, it seems that demonstrations can also be outsourced. For days, the press has been buzzing ... that Fidesz is behind a series of demonstrations against the government that began on 5 June. It seems certain that the ... peripheral ultra-rightist fan clubs. The man pulling the strings is supposedly Gabor Kubatov, an experienced Fidesz The poor turnout suggests that Orban's circle were right to keep a formal distance from the militant figures on ... Csurka's footsoldiers. The caution is justified, since the demonstrations were timed for the fourth ... ago. Most of us will remember that "direct action" that brought gridlock to the city for a few hours as protestors demanded a recount
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Bezárta az amerikai Központi Hírszerző Ügynökség (CIA) azt a részlegét, amely Oszama bin Ladenre, az al-Kaida nemzetközi terrorhálózat vezérére és A The New York Times vezető amerikai napilap úgy értesült, hogy a több mint tízéve működő, Alec Station kódnevű részleget már a tavalyi ... kezelheti a nagyfokú veszélyhelyzeteket, ha a regionális irányzatokra összpontosít, semmint egyes szervezetekre vagy személyekre - írta a
With a potential 6.000 billion forint on the way to Hungary, Fidesz worries about the allocation of EU Fidesz wants the government to change the distribution of European Union’s funds and restore the regulatory ... Friday press conference. According to the two politicians, the current government as well as the ... failed to monitor the monetary resources, raising the question of whether or not to trust the government to
Is the prime minister running out of steam too early? What do Gyurcsany's remarks on morality and politics in Nepszabadsag really mean ..., joint editor of the web magazine and Richard Hirschler, editor-in-chief of, discussed these In his interview with Nepszabadsag, the prime minister said he had been right not to talk about the coming ... election campaign. He said: Richard Hirschler: "What would have been the truth in terms of public morality would have been a political ... that politics is a moral issue, he excuses those who lie in the name of the greater good. Is the prime
Young footballers can train in luxury conditions at the Sandor Karoly Football Academy, concentrating only on football and their youth football championships, Hungarian football's best achievement in years. In the spring, he will start playing in MTK's adult team ... was trained at the Sandor Karoly Football Academy, which is where MTK Budapest sends its youngest footballers. Even talent scouts from ... successful footballing nations than Hungary are impressed by the school. Zsolt Tamasi, the director of the
a The Washington Post kommentárjában azzal kapcsolatban, hogy a taláros testület jogszerűtlennek minősítette és leállította a arra, hogy megalkossák a terrorizmus elleni harc jogi keretét, ha a kongresszus hajlandó végezni a munkáját - jegyzi meg a The
The Strasbourg-based organization based its recommendations on a recent visit by its representatives to the Kalocsa and .... The delegation noted “severe overcrowding” and a shortage of staff members, which put pressure on relations between “prisoners and Additionally, the committee urged the Hungarian authorities to increase effective protections against maltreatment for .... This practice was called to the attention of officials when the council received numerous signs of maltreatment ... that the majority of prisoners interviewed reported that they were fairly treated by the authorities.
"We cannot allow people who are not involved to be present in such a dangerous area. Anyone who does go there is taking a risk, and the These are the words of Lajos Lapid, public security chief of the Budapest Police, who was talking about a recent case ... a crowd following a match between Ujpest and Fehervar. They also forced press representatives to leave the scene. The ... in such cases, citizens holding cameras are in danger not just from hooligans but from the police themselves. Budapest Police played
Meghalt Charles Smith, a Kool and The Gang Ötvenhét éves korában New Jersey-ben meghalt Charles Smith, a Kool and The Gang nagysikerű funky-együttes gitárosa. A muzsikus ... sajtófőnöke szombaton megerősítette, de a halál okát nem közölte. A Kool and The Ganget még 1964-ben alakították meg a Bell-fivérek
Jozsef Debreczeni's biography of Gyurcsany, which was being signed by both biographer and subject at the Book Week, is a bit like ... a magic mirror. The book makes Gyurcsany and his circle look better the closer you The author After completing his posthumous biography of Jozsef Antall, Debreczeni started work in 1999 on a biography of ... the preface to his third political biography, Debreczeni writes: "The prime minister was not happy about this: he refused ... that this boycott did nothing to weaken the book. Debreczeni's biography of Orban is objective, analytical, rich in facts and also
"You can change the world in big steps too," said Kinga Goncz two years ago when she last changed her career. The ... Hungary's first female foreign minister. The new minister is keeping quiet about her grand plans for the new job, in which ... lives of 450m people as a member of the EU's powerful council of foreign During your varied career you spent some time teaching the social psychology of prejudice at the Central European ... feel about the way people have questioned your suitability for the job, claiming you'd be an "empty suit" at ...? I never really believed that by teaching one course on prejudice I could change a society's way of thinking. Much of the criticism
" születésnapját. A rendezvényt, a Trooping the Colourt mindig egy júniusi szombaton tartják, jóllehet a valós dátum a jelenlegi is szólt: a királynő férje éppen egy hete töltötte be 85. születésnapját. A színpompás rendezvényt, a Trooping the Colourt mindig
Ferenc Gyurcsany chose to unveil his drastic savings package not in parliament, but before the more understanding audience of ... Conciliation Council's functionaries. Many of the measures had already been leaked - few of them came as a surprise to the ... is how people who believed in the electoral promises will respond to this cold While the savings package spares big companies (they foot the bill for about 20 per cent of the total), most ... cent. Food will become more expensive, and the middle VAT rate will rise from 15 per cent to 20 per cent. Taxes on luxuries wil rise ... tax will rise three times in the next two years. All alcoholic drinks apart from wine will become more expensive. Taxes on small
Az idei évet tekintve 2,6 ezer milliárd forint plusz kiadást jelentene, ha Magyarország a GDP-je 5 százalékát védelmi kiadásokra fordítaná, ahogy Donald Trump követeli.