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The gap between the Socialists and Fidesz has closed slightly, but there is no sign of a Socialist breakthrough. Fidesz ... likely winner if an election were held now. Fidesz is on 40%, the governing Socialist party on 33%. The Free Democrats The Socialists suffered a significant fall in popularity following last December's referendum campaign, but it seemed at ... they would be able to catch up with their largest rival. But the senior coalition partner lost momentum in February, with Fidesz ... lead that it maintains to this day. At the end of October, the figures were much the same as in September
I'm starting to suspect that the drafting of legislation at the Interior Ministry is rather like the workings ..., perform their play, improvise, draft a law, even bring it before parliament, so long as he asks nicely. Otherwise it's hard to explain how Both laws failed to take into account the Constitution's strong defence of personal data and the right to privacy. Over ... the 1993 law on data protection, which has had its own impact on the area. Legislation on CCTV is very strict. It allows ... exclusively for criminal investigations. But the new legislation on CCTV cameras was reluctant to curb police powers in this way
A The Times című brit napilap értesülése szerint a mostani konzervatív kormány szemében mérsékeltnek, vagy túlságosan liberálisnak A visszahívott képviselők munkájukat a külügyminisztériumban folytatják tovább - jelentette be szerdán Manusehr Mottaki külügyminiszter. A
Titkos fegyenctelepeken vallatja a CIA az al-Kaida terroristáinak vélt rabokat - állítja a The Washington Post. A lap szerint a börtönök ki az amerikai Központi Hírszerzési Ügynökség (CIA) a fogságába került legfontosabb al-Kaida-terroristák egy részét - írta a The ... haditengerészeti támaszpontra, és néhány kelet-európai demokratikus államra is - írja a The Washington Post. A lap szerint a ... hozzáférhetőek - mutatott rá a The Washington Post. A rabokat teljesen elzárták a külvilágtól, nem illetik meg őket a foglyokra
The Financial Times published its rankings of the worlds Executive MBA courses. The Central European The CEU Business School is the only course in the region to feature in the Top 20, alongside ... course, which the school runs in cooperation with partner universities, was ranked in the 16th place this year. ... labour market position of its graduates, their income levels before and after the course, career development, quality of education and
Budapest needs its open-air restaurants, cafes and patisseries. According to a new survey, their presence has a positive effect on tourism The young, men, the better educated and Budapesters are more likely to go for a drink than older people, women, people ... the less well educated, according to Studio Metropolitana's survey of the impact of cafe and restaurant terraces and .... The location of bars is significant. Terraces in the centre have the big advantage of being well-located
Terézváros is getting rid of its palatial apartment buildings on Andrássy út. Buildings are being sold off to private investors without a public A resident in the apartment building at 52 Andrássy út recently wrote a letter of complaint to Ferenc Gyurcsány, the Prime ... that CD Hungary, a company that lets exclusive diplomatic residences in Buda, had bought the building in which he lived from Terézváros .... The resident complained that he would have liked to buy his apartment from the local authority, which he could have done
Az előírások megszegésével figyelt meg amerikai állampolgárokat az Egyesült
Államok Szövetségi Nyomozó Irodája (FBI) belső vizsgálati dokumentumok az információs szabadságról szóló törvény alapján. A The Washington Post már előző nap hozzájutott az okmányokhoz, amelyeket ugyan
The Left has mainly been driven by the struggle against poverty and exploitation, both in Europe and in America. But, in ... turned out that poverty was resistant - it could not be defeated via left-wing means. This realisation caused the 'left-wing exodus' ... left-leaning thinkers to right-wing beliefs. It happened with President Reagan, with Milton Friedman, with prominent neo-conservatives and with Ferenc Gyurcsány is also dealing with the problems of poverty and exploitation. He has a diagnosis, but there is some doubt over ... of the prescription. The traditional left-wing cures were rarely effective, as can be seen from the ... Eastern Europe and attempts made in America. Over the past 40 years, America has spent some $9 trillion on the fight
a Budapest Airport ellenőrzéséért a legnagyobb brit repülőtér-üzemeltető, a British Airports Authority (BAA) - írta a The Sunday Times hússzorosára értékelte volna a magyar céget, ami rekord ár-profit szorzó lenne az európai repülőterek között - áll a The Sunday Times ..., Anglia egyetlen fizető autópályáját, és "ostrom alatt tartja" a Londoni Értéktőzsdét is, szintén vezető pályázónak számít. A The
Egy eddig soha meg nem jelent Bob Marley-felvétel hallható azon a válogatáson, amely novemberben jelenik meg Africa Unite: The Singles is. Clapton és Bob Marley kölcsönösen sokat köszönhet egymásnak. Eric 1974-es 461 Ocean Boulevard című albumán dolgozta fel nagy sikerrel Marley I
a kórházban kezelt egykori magyar labdarúgó felesége azonban továbbra sem kapott értesítést - írta a keddi The Daily Telegraph. A az 56 ezer fontnak megfelelő összeget (20 millió forintot). Erdős László szerint a család az összeg "egy részét" már megkapta. A The ... The Daily Telegraph szerint azonban Puskásné ezt is vitatja, mondván: ő fizeti a külön fizikoterápiás és egyéb kezeléseket, jóllehet ... a Nemzetközi Labdarúgó Szövetség (FIFA) figyelmét is. A The Daily Telegraphnak Joseph Blatter FIFA-elnök egyik közvetlen munkatársa a
It was 35 years ago that Willy Brandt, the West German chancellor, visited Warsaw. How many of HVG's younger readers know ... this visit? And even we old men only remember that Brandt unexpectedly fell to his knees before the Warsaw Ghetto memorial. It wasn't a Ferenc Gyurcsány visited the Washington Holocaust Museum last week. And though it was only his first official visit, a number of people ... his best speech in Washington, but it was spoken through tears, and I suspect I am not the only one who will remember this speech in ..., months, years n the future. I'm no longer familiar enough with the situation back home to say whether these tears would
Though the Economic Competition Office has no objections to a merger between Magyar Telekom and its mobile subsidiary, competitors be endorsed by the two companies' AGMs, but in practice it's a done deal. Deutsche Telekom, which holds 59.21% of Magyar Telekom, has ... to the deal, and Magyar Telekom owns T-Mobile outright. Since there will be no change in ownership, there is little prospect of ... Competition Office kicking up a fuss either. The National Telecommunications Authority is unconcerned. They have said that T-Mobile's
It's not an edifying competition: the towns in the running are looking for development funds, and age-old tensions between ... provinces are coming to the fore. Seven cities are competing for the title of 2010 European Capital of Culture Winning the cultural capital title for a year is not the enormous festival that many imagine. But nobody should blame ... misled. Several of the 11 original bidders misunderstood what was expected of them if they wanted to hold the title in ... in Germany. Veszprém, Székesfehérvár, Kecskemét and Kaposvár all fell out of the race in March, when it emerged that they had drawn up
From mid-November, Mihály Bihari, a former nominee for President of the Republic, will head the Constiutional Court. There ... appointment of Bihari, who once taught numerous opposition politicians, will bring an end to the stalemate over future court Bihari is not the most senior judge, and nor is he the most popular candidate, but he is now certain to to succeed András ... president of the Constitutional Court. The president has been a member of three parties - the Hungarian ... Forum and the Hungarian Social Democratic Party. He was even sat on the Socialist benches in Parliament between 1994 and
There will be a new party to vote for come 2006. The Hungarian Truth and Life Party (MIÉP), the Movement for a Better "We've nothing to with them. We never did and we never will." This was MIÉP's view of the Jobbik in June 4 press release. But things ... since then. Last week, the two organisations announced that they were forming an electoral alliance. MIÉP's furious antipathy was ... Jobbik was composed mainly of MIÉP deserters. So there have been skirmishes aplenty over recent years. Csurka applied his favourite soubriquet to
"Businessmen should stick to business," said Viktor Orban at a village party meeting, and though he didn't say it explicitly, the second ... taking part in public affairs. Which begs the question: who is suited to run the It's well known that over the past two centuries, apart from 1918-19 and 1945-90, the country has been run mainly by ... from time to time by professional soldiers. After the regime change of 1989 there came a museum curator, hospitality industry experts ... diplomats, lawyers, economist-bankers, and a well-connected Socialist businessman. And that's fine, because these gentlemen were chosen by