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hvg.hu English version

Bloggers and hired hands in the election campaign

parties - including their IT policy specialists - are unaware of the differences between blogs, forums and web pages. Experts say that
'We're planning, we've conducted a few experiments,' said spokesmen for most of the parties when we asked them about blogs. This isn't
... area where we're behind. T-Online estimates that there are 2.355m internet users in Hungary over the age of 14, of whom only 6
.... Internet penetration in the United States is 68% (224m web surfers), and 27% of them read blogs, although only a third of these read

hvg.hu English version

Gábor Széles buys stake in Magyar Hírlap

Gábor Széles and Mária Vissi have bought up 76% of the daily Magyar Hírlap, which is due to receive HUF100m in loans from its owners
the remainding capital being divided between the paper's employees. Gábor Széles heads Videoton Holding and Műszertechnika
... CEO of Ikarus from 1996 and played a key role in crisis management at that company. Széles said that the loan was necessary because
... money to the press and that it had a poor cash-flow performance. He said that this would help Magyar Hírlap to become a soundly

hvg.hu English version

"Stop it, America!"

footsteps. It was he who felt it necessary following September 11 and Hurricane Katrina to tell the United States to "stop it!" He was
Gáspár Tamás (Gazsi) and Elemér Hankiss - had a conversation. The interviewer asked them about terrorism - why couldn't America pull
... it couldn't, why couldn't it just stop it? One could only guess at what America was meant to stop doing. László Lengyel took the bate
... to the next, the US - which creates such wonders - had become helpless. It was helpless when the aeroplane

hvg.hu English version

Gyurcsánys nationalities policy

Ferenc Gyurcsány has come up with three new proposals on the nationalities question. Two of them - setting up a parliamentary committee
... Hungarians abroad and enshrining a "sense of responsibility" towards them in the constitution - are of primarily symbolic importance
... "neighbouring country Hungarian" identity card is a watered down version of Fidesz's dual citizenship rhetoric, and is likely to be no more popular
could take such a step. But with the best will in the world, it's hard to see such a poor excuse for a committee inspiring
... since 1989 have made symbolic gestures of support and given money to Hungarians beyond the borders. But in reality, Gyurcsány is laying
... from being the great protector of our cousins in the Carpathian Basin to second fiddle, able only to nod through

MTI Világ

Rejtélyek Arafat halála körül

Nem meggyőzőek a Jasszer Arafat egykori palesztin elnök halálával kapcsolatos orvosi zárójelentések - írta csütörtöki számában a Háárec című

hvg.hu English version


It seems natural for politicians to tar their rivals and their promises with the populist brush in the heat of an election
... isn't true. But the very word populism is problematic, and the accusation of populism can itself be populist if it is just
... arguments. And what is the problem with a democratic politician making an appeal to the
recently it was Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister, who tried to define what populism means in practice. Here at home, he said
... is populism, addressing the people in order to do whatever you like behind their backs, without actually coming up with a serious
... clearly referring to Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party, more particularly to their more recent idea of renationalising former state companies. But

hvg.hu English version

Demagogues, friends of the people, populists

It seems natural for politicians to tar their rivals and their promises with the populist brush in the heat of an election
... isn't true. But the very word populism is problematic, and the accusation of populism can itself be populist if it is just
... arguments. And what is the problem with a democratic politician making an appeal to the
recently it was Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister, who tried to define what populism means in practice. Here at home, he said
... is populism, addressing the people in order to do whatever you like behind their backs, without actually coming up with a serious
... clearly referring to Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party, more particularly to their more recent idea of renationalising former state companies. But

hvg.hu English version

The decline of the Constitutional Court

Over the past six years the Constitutional Court (AB) has become a much softer body. It's now paying the price
... body any more. For the first time, the AB has suffered a humiliating defeat in its clash with the Supreme
The first AB, led by László Sólyom was much criticised for its activist profile. The court kept unearthing new passages of
... Constitution", and ruled in accordance with them. The Court ruled in cases where the its own members believed it had no
... fall within the Court's competence. During this period, there were many occasions on which the Court frustrated

hvg.hu English version

We are more worried about unemployment

Support for joining the euro zone has risen in Hungary, according to Eurobarometer figures released yesterday. The report
The proportion of Hungarians who agree with EU membership has fallen from the 63% recorded in spring 2003 to 42% in spring
... also measured a significant rise in the number of people who are neutral about EU membership. Hungarian respondents were most
... moving to lower-cost countries as a result of EU membership (89%) and about difficulties faced by farmers (79%). More than half of respondents that

hvg.hu English version

Andor Ladányi: problems with the higher education law

Ferenc Mádl referred the higher education law to the Constitutional Court before signing it into law - parts of it were
.... But there are problems with the law that go beyond his own reservations. Amongst the most important relate to
There is no doubt that the structure of higher education needs to be reformed. The traditional University Council and
... longer enough to meet the challenge of running today's greatly expanded institutions. The law tries to solve
... a so-called senate to research and education affairs, whilst leaving swathes of strategic management questions to a body composed of

hvg.hu English version

"There is talk of up to 50m victims"

Hungary is relatively well prepared for the next global epidemic, according to László Bujdosó, the 45-year-old Chief
... the data protection commissioner, psychology and prudery are the main reasons why few people are prepared to take
HVG: The World Health Organisation has been warning of a major worldwide bird flu epidemic for months now. This summer
...' Service added their voice to the choir. Why is everyone so convinced that millions will fall ill with a disease that has killed 112
... 2003? LB: We're not trying to alarm people. WHO's experts are sounding a warning because much of the world is not taking

hvg.hu English version

Anti-Islamic activities in Budapest

a website, but recently posters have started appearing around the city, asking whether "Islam is a criminal religion?" or "Allah - a
... Muslims have no recourse against the group. HVG.hu has heard that ITT is planning further
"Our group, ITT [a contrived acronym meaning 'here' and standing for 'Society for Revealing the Indivisibility of Islam and Terrorism]
... organisation of friends whose aim is to examine the links between passages in the Koran that advocate terrorism and
... blog. The group claims to number prominent Hungarian experts on religion, public figures, sportsman, and well-known media

hvg.hu English version

Millionaires in Eastern Europe

Private fortunes grown astonishingly fast during the 15 years since the regime changes in Central and Eastern Europe and
As a result, the richest Russians have a total fortune of $335bn while their fellow tycoons in Central and Eastern Europe have only
... between them. The richest Czechs have $81bn altogether, the richest Poles $73bn, and the richest Hungarians
... lead in almost every category. But the Czech Republic, a medium-sized economy, leads in one area - they have the largest

hvg.hu English version

Interview with Klára Dobrev

"I was a pioneer, I even joined the Young Socialists, but I never felt like a child of the party
"I was a pioneer, I even joined the Young Socialists, but I never felt like a child of the party cadres," says
.... She is the child of a Bulgarian engineer, and was born in Sofia. After effortlessly gaining degrees in law and economics, she became
... a legal adviser to his company Altus Investments. She worked in a senior position in the Finance Ministry until 2000 - Fidesz clearly

hvg.hu English version

The state of the economy before the elections

The Hungarian economy is on a roll: the conditions for growth are in place. The forint is stable
... government is showing a real commitment to slowing budget deficit growth. The real danger to the economy is
Inflation causes problems twice over: first when it begins to race, and again when it falls. This poses a dilemma for the government
... be 3.5-4%. That's all that will remain after a RPI increase of less than 2% and a wage increase of at most 5-6%. The effect of this
... the introduction of the 13th monthly pension payment, which will be complete in 2006. But from the

hvg.hu English version

Storm over privatisation

The state holding company ÁPV has postponed selling shares in several companies - including Malév - partly, it would seem, because of a
It's quite possible that Malév's privatisation will not be privatised until after next year's elections. Last Friday, the third attempt
... privatising Malév ended in a fiasco, with ÁPV deciding not to sell 99.95% of the airline. Both Tamás Mészáros, ÁPV's chairman, and
... Finance, insisted that privatisation continued to be a priority, the airline will not be placed on the market before

hvg.hu English version

The truth - somewhere out there?

The media storm surrounding the Szatmáris and their alleged spying is causing problems for both the Romanian
... couple were familiar faces in the very highest circles, even after they came into the Hungarian security services'
"A bit of campaigning, a bit of this, a bit of that," was the way Bálint Magyar, the education minister, described
... European elections, on which he supposedly had a now notorious telephone conversation. A transcript of the conversation has recently
... Romanian daily Cotidianul. It purports to transcribe a conversation between the minister and an individual codenamed Lorin

hvg.hu English version

Double zero

Recently, Zsigmond Járai - speaking of course as a private individual - called for state debt to be progressively cut and for the budget
The central banker, who was the Fidesz government's finance minister between 1998 and 2001, has until now refrained from
... manifestos, but this work, published as a supplement to the financial daily Világgazdaság, proposes measures so radical that they outdo
... and Lajos Bokros, the wise old men of Hungarian monetarism. At least they never dared to go this far. Bokros has recently being calling

hvg.hu English version

Sólyom aloft

The upholstery on the new president's chair is barely warm, yet already the press is speculating about
the real novelty. Sólyom's predecessors frequently explored the further limits of their power, sometimes even going beyond
... difference lies in Sólyom's political status. The two previous presidents could easily be fitted into a party framework. It was no
... Göncz had the support of the current government parties, and that Ferenc Mádl was backed by the parties that

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KSH: A rémes autó- és akkuipar az aszállyal együtt elintézte, hogy a közelében se legyünk a kormány növekedési tervének

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