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hvg.hu English version

Opposition Candidate Wins Presidential Vote

László Sólyom, a nominee of the opposition parties, received 185 votes against 182 for government candidate Katalin Szili in a repeated
Sólyom, a founding member of junior opposition party MDF and the first president of the Constitutional Court, was
... Fidesz-MPSZ based on a sympathy vote conducted through the Internet. Senior coalition force Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) was
... MPs abstained from the vote leaving MSZP alone against the opposition parties. While both SZDSZ chairman Gábor Kuncze and


Oasis - Az igazat megvallva

Elkészült a Definitely Maybe óta legjobbnak kikiáltott Oasis lemez, a Don’t Believe The Truth. A Gallagher testvérek közben kicsináltak
csak beugrani volt hajlandó az Oasisbe, és már az elején kijelentette, hogy csak kisegíti a csapatot, nem akarja otthagyni a The Who-t
....” Noel Gallagher az új lemezről. 1. TURN UP THE SUN 2. MUCKY FINGERS „Képzeld el, hogy Bob Dylan elénekli a Velvet
..., és úgy hangzik, mintha a Soundtrack of Our Lives The Who-t játszana egy pszichedelikus városban. 4. LOVE LIKE A BOMB „Az egyik

MTI Világ

Veszélybe kerülhet Románia és Bulgária felvétele

pénteken közölt elemzésében a The Economist, amely szerint a francia belpolitikai fejlemények az egységes piac sérülésének kockázatát
a The Economist elemzésében. A hetilap úgy véli: mivel Franciaország és más uniós tagországok jó eséllyel minden további bővítést
... bocsátani, a politikusoknak jobb értékesítési technikákat kell elsajátítaniuk, mégpedig gyorsan. A The Economist szerint a francia és

MTI Világ

Clinton ENSZ-főtitkár szeretne lenni?

Bill Clinton az ENSZ főtitkára szeretne lenni a The Washington Post című amerikai lap állítása szerint, de maga a volt amerikai elnök
segélyezési tervet. A The Washington Post szerint "Clinton - ellentétben Bush elnökkel - az Egyesült Államok másik arculatát akarja

MTI Gazdaság

OTP: már 25 százalékos Bank of New York-szavazat

A The Bank of New York (BNY) - speciális letétkezelőként - 33,69 százaléknyi részvénnyel és - a szavazati korlát miatt - 25 százalék
A The Bank of New York a Magyar Tőkepiacban közölte, hogy június 1-jén 94.342.892 darab OTP részvényt kezelt. A The Bank
... a bank közgyűlésén. A The Bank of New York (BNY) és az OTP Bank megállapodása az angol jog alapján, 1995-ben köttetett a
... engedélyezte, hogy a The Bank of New York 10 százalékot meghaladó, de 50 százalékot el nem érő részesedést szerezzen az OTP Bankban. Az

MTI/hvg.hu Világ

Az FBI embere volt a "mély torok"

a The Washington Post két újságíróját a Watergate-botrány leleplezésében, amely végül lemondásra kényszerítette Richard Nixon elnököt
újságírókat, a The Washington Post munkatársait, akik leleplezték a demokrata párti ellenzék törvényellenes lehallgatásának és az
... később a The Washington Post honlapján megerősítette a hírt. Ben Bradlee, akkori főszerkesztőjük, ma a lap egyik alelnöke úgy
... a The Washington Post egyik vezetője. Bernstein 1976-ban megvált a laptól és most szabadúszó újságíró.

MTI Gazdaság

Részesedést szerezhet az OTP-ben a The Bank of New York

A The Bank of New York 10 százalékot meghaladó, de 50 százalékot el nem érő mértékű befolyásoló részesedést szerezhet az OTP Bankban
Megváltozott ugyanis a tőkepiaci törvény szerint a közvetett tulajdon számítása, s a belga Nominic helyett az eddig is letétkezelő The

hvg.hu English version

K&H Equities Racks Up Losses

K&H Equities Rt., the brokerage firm involved in an embezzlement case still under police investigation, made HUF 4 billion losses on HUF
K&H Equities said the losses, similarly to previous year’s losses, are connected to the embezzlement case in 2003, in
... broker Attila Kulcsár is suspected to have used deposits and investments of clients, including state-owned firms. The brokerage has put
... billion as a special reserve to cover possible losses of clients affected by the fraud. Auditor Ernst & Young Kft. has earlier stated

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Faces Slowing Economy

Analysts are watching the Hungarian economic policy with growing
Analysts of several London-based financial institutions stated last week that they doubt the Hungarian government’s abilities to keep
... deficit at 4.7% of GDP, the government’s last published deficit target figure. At the same time, Péter Adamecz, Vice
... of Hungary (MNB), told Reuters that he foresees 5.4% deficit as a realistic target, a figure 20 basis points worse than the average

hvg.hu English version

Budapest Bourses To Merge

The general meeting of the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT) approved plans to buy shares of the Budapest
BÉT will use an option to raise its 46.67% stake to 100% in Central Clearing House and Depository Rt. (Keler) buy buying a stake held by
... National Bank of Hungary (MNB). BÉT finances the acquisition from a loan. Keler had an own capital of HUF 14 billion at
... meeting, Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy was reelected as BÉT Chairman for another three years, while both the Board of Directors and

hvg.hu English version

Socialist Gov’t To Tax Capital Gains

The Hungarian government is planning to introduce a 4% tax on incomes from capital gains, dividends, forex gains, property sales and
All proceeds from the new health tax will go to the National Health Fund. The upper annual limit of
... government expects the move to bring an extra revenue of HUF 10 billion for the state budget. As of Jan. 1, 2006
... the National Health Fund covering the health taxes of the unemployed. The amount of

hvg.hu English version

Property Boom Comes To Halt

Real estate consultants forecast price of residential properties to rise 2% in the case of newly built homes and 1% in the
... cite a sudden fall in demand and a saturated market as reasons behind the halt in residential property
are also seen as posting relatively low gains at 4% for new warehouses and 2% for used ones. Price increase of building plots is expected to be
... highest at 6%. Real estate developers and consultants in Q1 2005 were generally skeptical of the market, due to a fall of demand and a
... estate market. Thanks to a spectacular growth in the real estate market, which lasted until the beginning of 2004, a

hvg.hu English version

PM Announces Social Spending

Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány on Monday announced plans to double the amount of child raising benefits as a part of the
24,000 and families with three children can expect HUF 42,000 a month as benefit from the state. The new measures will
... 2006 the government plans to spend a total of HUF 349 billion on supporting families, of which HUF 319 billion will be spent on paying
..., increased child raising benefits, up from HUF 312 billion currently being spent. About 90% of Hungarian families will receive twice as much in

hvg.hu English version

Central Bank Cuts Prime Rate

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) cut its prime interest rate 25 basis points to 7.25% on Monday. At the same time
The MNB’s Monetary Council cut the prime interest rate four times prior to Monday’s cut. In January it lowered
... 9%, in February by 75 basis points to 8.25%, in March by 50 basis points to 7.75% and in April by 25 basis points to 7.5%. The central
... forecasts lower rate of annual inflation than previously. It lowered its annual inflation forecast at the end of the year

hvg.hu English version

Blue Chips Produce Smaller Profits

Hungary’s listed companies posted modest results in Q1 2005, with the growth of their profits and revenues slowing. While oil and gas
.... remained the strongest performer on the market, market leader OTP Bank Rt. lagged behind in
Companies listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT) made a total of HUF 1,067 billion in revenues, 10% up from a year ago and HUF 155
... profits in Q1, 16.5% up from Q1 in 2004. A total of 13 companies managed to increase their revenues by a larger extent than the rate of
... the strongest players on the market. MOL mostly profited from high crude oil prices and growing margins at refineries

hvg.hu English version

Hungarian Economy Seen Slowing

Hungary’s gross domestic production (GDP) grew 3% in the first quarter of 2005, compared to the same period last year
Hungary’s Ecostat Economic Analyses Institute published growth figures based on the calculation methodology used by Eurostat
... office, for the first time. The new methodology allows for publishing figures about 15 days earlier than in
... warns its figures might be 0.2 percentage point off the final numbers. Regardless of the methodology, the

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Szijjártó szerint az EU megsértette a Magyarország felé vállalt energiabiztonsági garanciáit

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Elon Musk szerint itt az idő, hogy az USA kilépjen a NATO-ból és az ENSZ-ből

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A címlapról ajánljuk