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The number of recalls of dangerous or faulty consumer goods in EU member states has increased sharply over the past 12 ... latest European Commission figures. Of all member states, Hungary provided the second highest number of Since the introduction of the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) by the EU at the beginning ... reported to the EC has grown 175% from an average four per week in February 2004 to 11 per week in February 2005. The ... protect consumers from unsafe products by increasing the reporting obligation and introducing mandatory recalls on companies in
Excise and other taxes on fuel should be amended so that people who have been filling up their tanks on the other side of Hungary’s Veres added that the current form of local industrial tax, a revenue-based tax whose proceeds go directly to local municipalities ... be terminated by 2008, by when a new financial model that ensures the financing of local municipalities will have to be developed. ... said a proposal by the government’s informal tax committee suggests that a chunk of personal income taxes could serve as
By the end of April the government will propose new measures that serve justice in society and the proposals Veres pledged enhanced action aiming to expand tax payment to those people who currently do not contribute to the costs of running .... Veres anticipates the move will involve between 500,000 and 1 million people currently working in the black or “gray” ... designate said the measures will include moves which will “motivate, orientate or increase scrutiny”. Citing an example to
Számos fenntartása ellenére az idei parlamenti választáson is a kormányzó Munkáspárt támogatása mellett döntött a világ egyik legnagyobb tömeglapja " úgy határozott: az egymás utáni harmadik kormányzati mandátumáért harcoló Labour mögött sorakozik fel. A The Sun szerint Tony Blair ... sajtóbirodalmának részeként ugyanahhoz a médiaistállóhoz tartozik, mint a Sky tévékonglomerátum, és a patinás The Times napilap - az ... elképzeléseket egy jobb Nagy-Britannia megteremtésére. A The Sun a Labour támogatását egyebek között azzal indokolta: nem lehet
As coalition forces struggle to name a common candidate for president of the Hungarian Republic, senior opposition party In 1995 Mádl accepted his nomination by then opposition party Fidesz for two reasons. “One of the reasons was that I found ... as a ba-sic value of democracy. At the same time, I found the nomination honorable and deemed the opposition ... a morally and professionally supported candidate for the post,” Mádl said. Five years later “I accepted the candidacy for
As regular unveiling of former secret agents of the Communist regime stir up emotions these days, 60 years ago the “The single report I wrote was made under the hardest pressure, and it is worthless because I simply copied a newspaper ... Király to his own de-fense at his trial in 1945. Király’s name was found in documents of Gestapo, the secret police of the ... shocked to hear the news as Király was a celebrated liberal journalist, who became famous for reporting on crime scenes for tabloid
Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány on Monday dismissed Finance Minister Tibor Draskovics and appointed János Veres, Chief of Staff at the “I suggest that the new Finance Minister should be János Veres as of next Monday,” Gyurcsány said at the meeting of senior ... Socialist Party (MSZP) Monday morning. “In the next few weeks the govern-ment will initiate several moves in ... steps’, and to achieve this, the cooperation with government parties should be improved,” Gyurcsány explained the change
A 30-year old Hungarian woman was arrested by the Italian Police for managing a 500-member internet database of Hungarian girls All girls in the database were reported to be adults, and were willing to prostitute themselves. They paid €100 a day to ... for prostitution – while those adults who willingly offer their body cannot be punished. Besides the Hungarian matchmaker woman, two ... are charged in connection with the case. They are believed to provide the high-quality apartments in Florence where
ads, TV and radio campaigns, and other means to boost the image of the state-owned development ”, a procedure that is only acceptable by the procurement law in the case of “special urgency”. The bank said ... previous year’s advertising budget was about to be used up entirely. In the tender, Mindshare Media Agency Kft. was the .... Berg Media plans to use ESMA Spanish-Hungarian Advertising Kft. as a subcontractor accounting for more than 10% of the total value of
Officials of the National Labor Supervision Office found several Hungarian stores of German-owned discount retailer Lidl in violation of Lidl, known for its aggressive pricing policy and harsh treatment of employees, was fined several millions of forints for the ... Lidl’s stores in Pápa and Tapolca, West Hungary, 70 staff members were allowed to have less than the legally prescribed 11 hours of ... Péter Nesztinger, director of Veszprém County Labor and Labor Safety Supervision Office. He added that none of the staffers at
részt vett volna, sőt Magyarországon dezertált a német hadseregből – írta a The Sunday is dolgoztak – áll a The Sunday Times riportjában. John Allen, Ratzinger életrajzírója a lapnak azt mondta: Ratzinger csak rövid ideig ...]" – mondta a brit főrend. A The Sunday Times szerint nincsenek ugyan adatok arra, hogy Ratzinger bármilyen atrocitásnak részese lett ... a haláltáborokba szánt magyar zsidók összegyűjtését, de már 1944 áprilisában dezertált, és néhány hetet hadifogolytáborban töltött – áll a
A Swedish court has sentenced Hungarian Csaba Richter (26) for three years in prison on charges that he broke into the computer network The court said by his illegal move Richter jeopardized Sweden’s national security. When deciding on the sentence ... that Richter cooperated with Swedish authorities. Between 2002 and 2004, Richter broke into Ericsson’s computer network, and contacted ... under the pseudo name Timo Gelb. In February 2004, he met a representative of the company, called Mr. Brown, in Vienna and
State-owned fair organizing company Hungexpo Rt. went HUF 110 million into the red last year, as opposed to making HUF 260 million in Hungexpo owner State Privatization and Holding Rt. (ÁPV) confirmed HVG’s information that the fair organizing company posted losses in ... of the planned profits. ÁPV sources added that the privatization and state asset agency will seek written explanation from .... Hungexpo is currently in the process of being privatized, and last month ÁPV announced a consortium lead by real estate tycoon Sándor
A steering committee session at MSZP last Saturday accepted the party’s principles for choosing candidates to be Hungary’s next According to information obtained by HVG, the session decided the ideal presidential candidate is a true democrat ..., and both coalition parties – MSZP and SZDSZ – support him or her. However, the third condition means that Chair of House Katalin ... rumored to be the MSZP’s choice for Hungary’s next President, might not make it to candidacy. SZDSZ repeatedly said it does not support
The number of residential users of internet banking services grew 44%, while the number of corporate users swell 36% last A total of 476,000 residential and 74,000 corporate clients had internet banking contracts at Hungarian credit institutions last year. Of ... internet banking services, money transfer is the most popular service among both residential and corporate users. Also joining ... insurance companies, which are increasingly selling insurance policies through the world wide web. The latest boom in
György Nika, news editor of Hungarian Television Rt. (MTV), was sacked from his position after the state-owned television was 27 minutes “What we set as goal for Hungarian Television is to be first to inform Hungary’s population on the most important news of ... not met on the hour of Pope John Paul II.’s death, and [MTV’s] president made the necessary personnel decision,” said ... Television, commenting on firing Nika. “The state TV ha set up an action plan in order to ensure fast and reliable information to
Közelebb van a műholdas mobiltelefonálás, mint néhány éve látszott. Kína egészen eltérő technikával körözte le az amerikai Starlink rendszert – igaz, csak a világ egy részén.