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hvg.hu Világ

Magyar siker Los Angelesben

Átütő sikerrel mutatták be Kocsis Tibor a verespataki aranybányáról szóló Új Eldorádó című dokumentumfilmjét a Los Angeles-i Laemmle
meg a hvg.hu a film magyarországi forgalmazójától. Tóth Krisztina, a Budapest Film sajtómenedzsere azt is elmondta, hogy a film

Jobline - Other


A Jobline.hu-t kiadja a HVG Kiadó Zrt.1037 Budapest, Montevideo u
  A Jobline.hu -t kiadja a HVG Kiadó Zrt. 1037 Budapest, Montevideo u. 14. Tel: (06 1) 436 2001 Fax: (06 1) 436 2014

hvg.hu English version

Budapest Spring Festival Expects Record Crowd

With a HUF 1 billion – larger than ever before – budget, the 25th Budapest Spring Festival aspires to attract a record crowd. The
Budapest Festival Center Kht., the public benefit company in charge of organizing programs of the Budapest
... led by Hungarian conductor György Solti, in the program. Another, partly local, grandiose performance is expected from the
..., which plays Disney’s “Beauty and the beast” musical in its own adaptation, which is a European first. Besides the own adaptation


Adopting Euro, Expanding Economy at Stake

Ashoka Mody, Assistant Director of the International Monetary Fund’s European Department, just concluded a ten-day visit to Budapest, as
hvg.hu: Your fact-finding mission came in a critical phase of Hungary’s © Túry Gergely economic development. Real wages are
..., government debt surged to record high, unemployment is increasing, and the budget deficit in the first two months reached almost half
... the whole year. Prominent economists whose ideas are otherwise close to the present government’s philosophy, concluded in a recent


Vaskos privatizációs tanácsadói díj

miatt nemrég botrányba keveredett Budapest Airport Rt. eladásának
az idén egyebek között az év üzletének ígérkező, a Ferihegyi repülőteret üzemeltető Budapest Airport (BA) Rt. - a remények szerint

hvg.hu English version

Tenth Budget Airline Starts Serving Budapest

British low cost carrier EUJet will start flights to Budapest on March 28, pushing the number of budget airlines serving the Hungarian
.... Observers say the market is approaching saturation point, while Europe’s low-cost giant Ryanair is yet to start service to
starting to serve Hungary, the number of passengers on the London-Budapest route grew to 727,000 in 2004 from 383,000
... Budget airlines have become popular in Hungary in the past two years. Their popularity, which produced a total of 1
... airline Malév in an e-mailed statement. Malév’s market assessment is echoed by executives of budget airlines. “We are generating new

hvg.hu English version

Healthcare Fund Publishes Death Toll Rate

Approximately 19% of all patients who were hospitalized with a heart attack in Hungary died in the hospitals, the National
The OEP published figures on the death toll in hospitals without disclosing the names of the institutions. However, it revealed a full
... healthcare institutions and their death toll figures to professional bodies. According to statistics that was made public by the OEP
..., while their individual rates hover between 10% and 20%. The range of the death toll rate among Budapest-based healthcare units starts

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Attracts A League Of Financial Co’s

Since Hungary entered the European Union last May, the number of foreign financial companies that registered in the country has reached
member states and in Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Budapest Bank Rt. aims to enter Poland and the Czech Republic, to
... included in PSZÁF’s registry list. Since Hungary’s EU accession, EU-based financial service providers can start service
... Hungary-based banks, three have registered themselves as service providers outside Hungary. Hungarian Foreign Trade Bank Rt. (MKB) registered

hvg.hu English version

Farmers Stop Demonstration In Budapest

Farmers’ representatives signed an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Parliament building midday
adding that the farmers did not intend to disturb the peace of the country. Sunday evening the several hundred tractors that stationed
...’ demonstrations in the Hungarian capital. Gyurcsány said he will submit a proposal at the next government meeting to fulfil the
... that the government cannot spend more on agriculture than specified in the central budget, because otherwise the government would curb

hvg.hu English version

Inflation Drops To Record Low

Consumer prices rose 3.2% year-on-year in February, well below the rate expected earlier, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced
.... Earlier forecasts by analysts put the rate of inflation between 3.5% and 3.8% in
low as 3.2% in Hungary was in June 1981. “In line with the expectations of the National Bank of Hungary, the
...,” National Bank Spokesman Gábor Missura said, commenting the KSH figures. He added that inflation follows the path the central bank outlined
... to a falling rate of inflation, but the fall will not continue in the second half of the year, Missura added. Orsolya Nyeste, an

hvg.hu English version

Loan Interest Rates Seen Falling

Most Hungarian banks announced lowering their deposit interest rates in February, and started slashing interest rates on loans as late
March 1. OTP Bank Rt. announced in February that as of March 1 it will start offering home loans for new apartments at interest rates

hvg.hu English version

German Property Firm Ups Investments in Budapest

Bonn-based IVG Immobilien AG plans to invest EUR 66 million in the Infopark office complex in Budapest by the
Freyend said IVG has invested more than EUR 100 million in Budapest by building 65,000 square meters of real estate and
... Champs Elyssée of Budapest, which is under Unesco’s World Heritage protection. IVG will open in April this year the “C”
... 35,000 square meters by the end of 2007, with total investments exceeding EUR 150 million until then. Besides investment in Infopark

hvg.hu English version

Finance Ministry Vetoes Airport Land Purchase

State-owned Budapest Airport Rt. has to invalidate its contract with Carion group involving a HUF 4.7 billion land purchase deal, the
Carion bought former agricultural land for HUF 2,500-HUF 5,000 per square meter and sold it to Budapest Airport for HUF 24,000 per
... public utilities and building permits. Budapest Airport originally planned to build its new cargo base on the area.
... Hárskuti signed the contract after repeated approvals from Budapest Airport’s board and the board of State Privatization and Holding

hvg.hu English version

Hvg.hu Publishes List Of Secret Agents

Hvg.hu has published a list of state security officials and agents who were active members and leaders of county offices in the Interior
... III/III department – the bureau of the Communist regime’s secret agents – in
employed by the bureau can be estimated only. According to a report by historian János Kenedi, 3,975 people worked in the No. III
... regime. It is estimated that a similar size of staff was operated prior to the change of system in 1989. The list of officers obtained
... officers serving in the central office of the III/III. department and the names of leaders of III/III. county offices that worked

MTI Itthon

Európa kulturális fővárosa: négyen már kiestek

A tizenegy jelentkező városból hét - Eger, Miskolc, Pécs, Győr, Sopron, Budapest és Debrecen - jutott tovább az Európa kulturális
javasolta továbbjuttatni Eger, Miskolc és Pécs pályázatát. A szakértők négy város, Budapest, Debrecen, Győr és Sopron pályázatát

469 470 471 472 473
Még több devizahitelt vehet fel Magyarország

Még több devizahitelt vehet fel Magyarország

Trump fenyegetései árnyékában kezdődik az EU-csúcs Brüsszelben

Trump fenyegetései árnyékában kezdődik az EU-csúcs Brüsszelben

Rekordot döntött a NASA űrhajósa, aki nyolc hónapja „raboskodik” a Nemzetközi Űrállomáson

Rekordot döntött a NASA űrhajósa, aki nyolc hónapja „raboskodik” a Nemzetközi Űrállomáson

Megcsinálták a mesterséges kopoltyút, a vízből szűri ki az oxigént egy új robot

Megcsinálták a mesterséges kopoltyút, a vízből szűri ki az oxigént egy új robot

Rendőrség: A volt férj ölhette meg az ágyában halálra égett japán nőt a Belvárosban

Rendőrség: A volt férj ölhette meg az ágyában halálra égett japán nőt a Belvárosban

Megdöbbentette az ukránokat, hogy az Egyesült Államokban ugyanazt akarják, mint Putyin

Megdöbbentette az ukránokat, hogy az Egyesült Államokban ugyanazt akarják, mint Putyin

Tényleg többet fogyaszt a lámpa fel- és lekapcsolása, mint a folyamatos égetése?

Tényleg többet fogyaszt a lámpa fel- és lekapcsolása, mint a folyamatos égetése?

Ledobta a tollkabátot Kanye West felesége a fotósok előtt: alatta szinte meztelen volt

Ledobta a tollkabátot Kanye West felesége a fotósok előtt: alatta szinte meztelen volt

Iskolai lövöldözéssel fenyegetőzött egy bajai középiskolás a közösségi oldalán

Iskolai lövöldözéssel fenyegetőzött egy bajai középiskolás a közösségi oldalán

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