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The new railway station at Budapest's Ferihegy airport, which was recently opened to much fanfare, does little to make the .... Our reporter travelled from Nyugati station in the centre of Budapest to Ferihegy, and discovered that there was less to and then the next 10km was built. It was little different on 16 July, when a few guests braved the heatwave to witness the opening ... a new stop on the Budapest-Cegled-Szolnok line, which has been christened Ferihegy. According to the Budapest Transport Alliance, this ... have wondered down to Nyugati station and bought a ticket to the airport. Admittedly, the ticket clerk would have
power who is working to re-establish his country's superpower prestige? Ferenc Gyurcsany chose the former by attending the council of than Brussels. And Fidesz, which called Gyurcsany a lackey, an unprincipled servant of the Union, now seeks to set itself up as the ... party. Before jumping to conclusions, let us ask what this dispute between the Russian bear and Estonia's blue lion is about, exactly ... secondary schools. Despite this, after World War I, the democratic government in Tallinn declined to persecute the Russian minority
years ago, people largely accepted they had to pick up the tab for the comfort spending the Communist government had indulged in ... dictatorship had died so recently that it was impossible to believe it might be resurrected. But then the state managed once again ..., just like under Socialism, it was possible in a market economy to consume more than was produced. For this reason, and with a constant struck by a strange metaphor. If we forget to pull the handbrake, then a car on a slope will just roll until it hits something. But ..., you have to start the motor. A democracy built on party competition seems to work in the same way. The difference is that ... way round. It's not unheard of for an undeserved victory to fall into a party's lap. At the same time, you have to work
They're not about to collapse under our feet, but some of the Budapest's bridges over the Danube are in a pretty miserable state. There over recent years had unfolded as predicted, we would be taking the ferry from inner Pest to Buda. Though in poor shape, Budapest's ... a day to 149,000 over the same period - though this number had fallen to 107,000 by last year. Yet the city fathers ... their power to improve things. There has been no end to plans for new bridges. Everybody claims to be sure
Viktor Orban is using advertising to fight the silly season. After guerrilla marketing - a strange Hungarian approach, no less - we are ... witnessing the anti-political advertising campaign, whereby our politician campaigns under the banner of an anti-campaigning jihad. His idea, that ... see enshrined as a white paper, was not proposed to be accepted, but in order to provoke a Viktor Orban's proposal is to ban TV, radio and poster advertisements from political campaigning, since, "advertising is not a way of ... a means of manipulation." But this only means something if every party (including Fidesz, of course) uses the media to drag voters .... If this disinformation, which Orban says must be banned, is intrinsic to politics, then the proposal is incomplete. If campaign
Egy átgondoltan kialakított mesterséges tó nemcsak díszíti a kertet, hanem fürdeni, úszni is lehet benne. Nem utolsó sorban pedig A kerti tó már régen nem a néhány négyzetméteres pocsolyát jelenti, hiszen a ma használatos technológiákkal a legkülönbözőbb méretű és ... ilyesmit, 5–6 ezer forintért pedig a legdrágább tavirózsákat is beszerezhetjük. Kellemeset a hasznossal A tóban lévő növényzet nem ... van más védelem, bár léteznek speciális árnyékolók is. Éppen ezért a legjobb megfelelő mederkialakítással megelőzni a bajt – ha ugyanis a
Óriási, 112 kilós és 2,5 méter hosszú harcsát fogott egy hobbihorgász az egyik bulgáriai mesterséges Alekszandrov úgy döntött, hogy visszaengedi a harcsát a tóba, de "a lelkére bízta", hogy legközelebb legyen óvatosabb. Bulgáriában
A Balaton vize Siófoktól Keszthelyig kiváló minőség. A szokatlanul korán beköszöntött meleg miatt a szokásosnál hamarabb jelentek meg a zavaró lehet, noha az emberre teljesen veszélytelen rovarokról van szó. "A tóban a part mentén időszakosan megjelenő hab és ...-együttesek összetétele - fajgazdagsága, egyedszáma - kifejezetten a tó tisztaságára, jó állapotára utal" - áll a közleményben. Az ..., hogy telepítését 15 éve betiltották, s kizárt szaporodása a tóban. "A parti sávban ívó küsz, az itt élő sügér és folyami géb
Regardless of attempts by protestant German and Catholic Polish bishops to reconcile, regardless of Brandt's kneeling in Warsaw, of Unlike western Europeans who were building up common institutions five years after the war and mutual reconciliation 15 to 20 years .... Norman Davies called Poland God's playground. Hungary must surely be the devil's. And the Czech Republic? I'll leave that question to ... Ulbricht and Honecker, Gomulka and Gierek, even Jaruzelski, and now, as German chancellor, she has to deal with this!) At this point
If we are to believe the old adage that "Bolshevik dogs don't turn into democratic bacon," then we're depriving democracy of so much ... would die of hunger. But people who profess to believe it aren't serious, because they would not be happy without their ex-Bolshevik ... honour awarded to Gyula Horn because of his past is a very weak argument. You can't deny everybody an honour for serving a democratic There's another reason. A much better one. The question is not whether it is possible in 2007 to award a medal to somebody ... attack dog 50 years ago, but whether a medal can go 50 years later to somebody who continues to claim, "I defended the ...-revolutionary battalion." What kind of relationship to democratic values can somebody have if they think the repression conducted in
CA president John Swainson took to the podium in a Las Vegas conference hall to the sound of upbeat rock music. He had ... hitting rock bottom in 2004, he has managed to return one of the world's largest software companies to market CA, like other global companies, likes to organise its meetings in the casino city of Las Vegas, where there are modern conference ... services are used in infrastructure and in security and storage systems. Anybody looking for concrete proof needed only to look at the ... took over the vast exhibition hall to know that CA produces software for a huge number of different areas. But John Swainson's
The Budapest Stock Exchange set several new records at the beginning of the week. The BUX rose to new highs as Mol shares were sold by further to 29,442 the next day. The exchange registered transactions totalling Ft80bn, some Ft22bn of which came from trading in OTP ... buy shares in December for a subsidised price of Ft19,592). Analysts say most of the shares sold today are linked to Megded ... their company. At the end of May, the family announced that their company Kafijat Investment and Asset Management were raising their stake in Mol
Iren Karman herself suggested that the violent physical attack she suffered was linked to the film she made about the Cattani Group ... herself is unlikely to have been party to information damaging to the mafia Tasnadi case. Some suspect Peter Tasnadi wanted him to murder his ex-wife, but that his offroad vehicle was set alight when he refused ... one who put the papers relating to the group's activities in order. We understand that Labancz was a fairly junior officer involved ... group's cases. This does not mean that he would have had no access to information, but several of his former colleagues told
say "Janos Z." is suspected along with seven co-defendants of using various foundations and associations to make fraudulent grant said prosecutors began investigating the foundations in 2005. He said: "Over the course of the investigations, we began to suspect ..., since several foundations and associations were unable to account for the expenditure of grants received from central government and ... background." We asked if this meant Zuschlag had issued instructions to the employees of these organisations. The spokesperson said
Egyetlen hétvégét is érdemes a Wörthi-tó partján eltöltenünk. Nemcsak a gyönyörű környezet, a hosszú, véget nem érőnek tűnő A környező hegyeken hatalmas kirándulásokat tehetünk, másfél óra alatt felérünk Veldenből a Trattnig-tó partjához; ott találjuk a .... De ne hagyjuk ki a helyi specialitást: a Kärtner Kasnudeln, azaz a karintiai túrós derelye a Wörthi-tó partján élők konyhájáról nem
Holtan találtak egy 70 éves nőt a tiszaújvárosi mesterséges tóban -közölte a rendőrség kedden Holtan találtak egy 70 éves nőt a tiszaújvárosi mesterséges tóban -közölte az MTI-vel a rendőrség kedden. Az asszonyt hétfőn ... meg a Tiszaújváros belterületén lévő, mintegy ezer négyzetméteres alapterületű mesterséges tóban, halálát feltehetően vízbefulladás
of analysis. When he joined the Gyurcsany government, I can hardly have been the only one who dared to hope that he might serve as an ... Trojan Horse among all the politicians and party bureaucrats. But he, too, turned into a politician, seeming to lose his powers of waiting for the book, since even if he still owes discretion to his former colleagues, he must still retain his academic integrity. I ... emerges - that he would cast light on the workings of the mechanism of which he was a part. The book Bozoki sent us stands as a monument ... period as a minister. It contains documents and accounts starting with the parliamentary hearings before his appointment to the