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Some 50 protestors have moved from Kossuth ter to protest in front of the Hungarian Television building. The protestors returned ... reinforcement, and then returned to break down the building's front door. Police vans arrived at 11.30pm. The police have announced only able to repel the attackers by using tear gas. Protestors threw stones at the building and tore down an EU flag, which they later ... on the square, and striking numbers of hoodies were to be seen in the front rows. The demonstrators originally wanted to ... police promised that protestors would not gain entry into public television's headquarters on Szabadsag ter. The police were prepared
Andras Lanyi, the environmentalist writer, philosopher and leader of the Living Chain Hungary movement, played an active role in the lead-up ... cannot look on idly as the capital collapses," begins his manifesto, in which he calls for a cross-party push to create a livable the local elections over the past few weeks, and people regularly shut the door in my face, saying: "We don't even want to see a ... no difference if I said we weren't politicians, but environmentalists. These people would in principle be open to a radical ... Hungarian political system, but present conditions maintain people's aversion to politics. You've talked of the past years as the
Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany was facing a potential crisis Sunday after he admitted on a clandestine tape leaked to radio Hungary's huge budget deficit with a view to joining the euro zone. Gyurcsany defended his comments in a TV interview and said that ... over the issue. He said that he was not referring to lying over the austerity measures, but was referring to the "trap of ... entire Hungarian political elite had fallen into. He also said that his comments regarding doing nothing referred only to the lack of
Critics are wrong when they say that reform plans are incomplete, according to PM Ferenc Gyurcsany, who says his critics have little in too little to cut expenditure, that key reforms are missing. But when I ask exactly what cuts they want to see, there .... What reforms do they want? Where in Europe is the government that managed to start work on a root-and-branch reform of the ... structural reform measures of the 1990s. Has the family support system changed? Lajos Bokros wanted to change it, but he couldn't. Has
to use a quote from Socialist prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsany as a slogan for their campaign posters. What makes a comment a mistake or suggest was not said in the most threatening of fashions, motivated the Free Democrats to set up a Best of Tarlos forum on the party's .... But the Free Democrats' move may prove to be an own goal. Last spring, ridiculing Istvan Mikola, Fidesz's candidate for deputy PM ... stumbles, the tactic may turn out to be free advertising for Tarlos, who is fighting desperately to become a more widely
Despite piling on the pressure, the Hungarian government is having no luck pushing the Slovak cabinet into taking steps. But nobody has yet managed president of the Slovak National Party, a member of the governing coalition, made repeated anti-Hungarian statements, saying he would prefer ... - she claims because she was speaking Hungarian on the telephone - and a reference to retreating beyond the Danube was written on her ... perpetrators are still being sought - Slovak authorities have supposedly established a special unit to find them. Admittedly, they are
EDS (NYSE:EDS) is a leading global technology services company delivering business solutions to its EDS (NYSE:EDS) is a leading global technology services company delivering business solutions to its clients. EDS founded the ... services to clients in the manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, communications, energy, transportation, and consumer and ... to governments around the world. Learn more at or . Budapest based EDS Hungary is now expanding its
EDS (NYSE:EDS) is a leading global technology services company delivering business solutions to its EDS (NYSE:EDS) is a leading global technology services company delivering business solutions to its clients. EDS founded the ... services to clients in the manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, communications, energy, transportation, and consumer and ... to governments around the world. Learn more at or . Budapest based EDS Hungary is now expanding its
The Alliance for the Nation has managed to make itself one of the most successful money-raisers among the political foundations, but the ' Istvan Barankovics Foundation, which was set up this June, is fighting to get a government grant like the other four parliamentary ... the first round in June when the government distributed money to the parties according to the new parliamentary balance of ... division of spoils was most favourable to the Christian Democrats, because the party got into parliament on the back of a joint
that incited the crowd. It seems to me that Hungarian politics should not be held to less strict criteria than the ... football. But it would seem that centuries-old trees, stands, roofs are as nothing compared to the sturdiness of the politicians' We are used to the idea that not even the most clumsy moves have no consequences for politicians mid-term. That there have been one or ... animal committed suicide and that he was just trying to resuscitate it. It is this kind of picture that looms before our eyes when we ... catastrophic celebration and the way the people in charge point to everyone and their underlings but never to themselves
referendum. If Orban had managed quickly to clamber out of the hole, turning to the Europewards leading path of the civic to paint Orban in the devilish colours of the potential dictator. But Orban was in a hurry. He could not believe that the Socialists ... that their Hungarian equivalents would follow. From week to week, from day to day he sat waiting for the Socialists ... the party to enter into a death struggle with the Liberals. He hoped the Socialists would repeat Gyula Horn's mistakes from 1998
The parties may one day take a back seat, ceding their place to a government of experts, the historian Maria Schmidt believes. She said ...- and right-wing press was unable to recognise the real danger and distinguish between moderates and the real extremists. The political ? Nobody denies the need for these museums any longer. I'd like to think it was more than praise from abroad and winning some of the ... Hungarian prizes that led people to change their minds. The House of Terror Museum has had almost 2m visitors over the past four years ... museum. This is also a clear success. Every city should have a similar institution dedicated to unearthing the past and building a
sudden burst of honesty can have done little harm to sales of his recently published taken the secret of his time in the Waffen SS to the grave. This contrasts with Istvan Szabo, who only confessed to ... press had found out. This is the first, but not the only difference. Grass is ashamed of himself, and does not lay claim to any ... to compare their experiences. If Goebbels had been born in America, he might have become a multimillionaire advertising guru or a
We would like to further enhance and expand our existing operational teams in Budapest, in which we are We would like to further enhance and expand our existing operational teams in Budapest, in which we are recruiting candidates for
Eastern Europe is undergoing a wave of interest rate hikes: following the US and the EU, the Hungarian, Czech and Slovak central banks have all immediate change, but warned that a rise may yet come this year. The Hungarian National Bank was the first to move: the monetary ... unanimously decided to raise the lending rate from 6.25 per cent to 6.75 per cent, the highest rate in the EU. The markets ... hike in, taking their lead from the 19 June decision to bring about a 25 basis point rise. That hike had little effect, and the forint
Hungary's OTP and Greece's Ethniki Trapeza are the only contestants still standing in the battle to take control of the last large 10 foreign banks threw their hats into the ring when plans to privatise Romania's 150-year-old CEC Bank, the country's fourth largest ... announced last summer. Now only two remain in the running. They have until the end of August to come up with a winning bid. Bank ... EFG Ergasziasz have all withdrawn from the bidding. EFG's retreat was the biggest surprise, because their bid last autumn is believed
accelerated procedures on Friday and Saturday. The Hungarian Prostitutes' Interest Group thinks the 20 to 30 day prison terms are ... sentences to be reduced. The group said prostitutes would turn up at the event every year, however drastic the took 1000 police officers to arrest 10 prostitutes. On each of the two days, five prostitutes were caught offering their services, and ... sentenced to prison terms of between 25 and 30 days. Three Austrians and one Estonian were arrested for availing themselves of the ... not understand the severity of the punishments meted out to the prostitute, which would in any case not keep them from the trackside
The Szekelys are to be pitied for many reasons, but most of all they are to be pitied for the 'Szekely anthem', which is For a start, it is hard to imagine a less Hungarian song. Everything (the rhythm, the structure), that Kodaly and Bardos once taught ... in the Hungarian musical tradition - it can all be found in the anthem. And it is hard to imagine a more ugly song. You might call it ... text! It claims our nation is led along a dark, windy road not by God, but by Fate. We call King Csaba to aid us, but it is not clear
Sarló-kalapácsos zászlók az út mellett, kirobbanthatatlan kommunista vezetés, Marx, Engels, Krisna és Visnu közös felvonulása és transzneműek ingyenes átműtése az állami klinikákon.