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Ferenc Gyurcsany chose to unveil his drastic savings package not in parliament, but before the more understanding audience of the ... Conciliation Council's functionaries. Many of the measures had already been leaked - few of them came as a surprise to the ... is how people who believed in the electoral promises will respond to this cold groups, who will see their standard of living decline drastically. Gas prices will rise 30 per cent from August, electricity prices by 10 ... cent. Food will become more expensive, and the middle VAT rate will rise from 15 per cent to 20 per cent. Taxes on luxuries wil rise ... the tax base and cracking down on tax avoidance. "Expected" corporate tax wil be introduced, meaning loss-making companies will need to
Ninety per cent of the Hungarian population say the Roma have criminal tendencies in their blood, according to a survey by Tarki, and ... years, moreover, we have seen even feelings of sympathy on the part of the majority disappear. But it is hard to find a reason for the it is thought they are unable to integrate. Most Hungarians agree with the statement that "there are good gypsies, but most are not." ... is irregular employment the only way for most members of the Roma underclass to survive, but casual work is the only, hopeless, means ... worse. It is not just poverty, but the exclusion that goes with it that has pushed the Roma to the margins of society. And since it
been concluded. We publish the article in abridged form, believing it to be of interest to more than just the a doctor who played a central role in the operation itself? Yet this is the newspaper which I contributed to regularly until it changed ... a new editorial staff in 2000, and which undoubtedly contributed to the defeat. It is true that this was not the fault of its ... but the result of a decision taken at the highest levels, to the effect that the Hungarian Right should be shaped into a single
pharmaceutical researcher who has waded into controversial waters since his return home to Hungary one year colleagues. Last year, to the surprise of many, he decided to return home, becoming director of Budapest Medical School's ... scientific community down on to his shoulders. We asked people about you. Some said you were a genius in your field, others that you ... is concerned, I think everyone does it to some extent. Everybody after his own fashion. Lets assume you are one of the best. It would
The law on the representation of Hungary's minority is a treatment worse than the disease it was meant to Until now, anybody could be a member of a Roma, Slovak or German minority council, regardless of their origins, so long as he or she was prepared ... stand for election under a false ethnic identity. If a candidate could persuade a few dozen, also non-minority, friends or relatives to ..., then he could be almost certain of becoming an elected delegate with some 'ethno-money' to distribute. But the law passed last year by
The president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and two former presidents have joined forces to make the case for lifelong and ... membership of the Academy, and to argue that members should also receive a substantial honorarium, which should also last until the ..., people are arguing about whether to revoke the public servant status of every last employee, ensuring that everyone be paid on the worth pointing out that in the history of Hungarian science, many undeserving scholars have been elevated to the rank of Academician ... probably have the same problem, and it would certainly be hard to kick a burned out, washed up former scholar out of the Academy. But ... those who were never good scholars but who became members for political reasons. The Academy squandered the opportunity it had in 1989
Almost everyone has a story about the ticket inspectors: people who were ordered off the vehicle or allowed to pass, inspectors who were From the nine interviews we conducted with them, it is clear that nobody plans to become a ticket inspector. Peoples stories differ: ... unable to find a new job after finishing their maternity leave, others came for a stint of a couple of months, and others thought it ... beats whom in a psychological sense," said Laszlo Horvath. "If someone pays the spot fine but the person next to them doesn't, then you
performance for the fiftieth anniversary of the revolution, when both political sides are visibly planning to complete their shameful ... years: finally cutting 1956 to pieces, squabbling over who owns the rights to major writers of the younger generation have set out to do precisely this. There are few precedents: there are no essential works on ... the language of art. The generation that experienced those days has proved unable to address 1956 artistically. It may never be able ... for art the discourse on 1956. It has been a while, too, since theatre has been so contemporary: it takes a stand with regard to
Politicians call the simplified corporation tax (eva) a success story, pointing to its popularity and the revenues it brings in. But ... that its effect on the economy and on the budget make it one of the worst decisions of recent years. Furthermore, it undermines attempts Let me try and explain why I believe that a tax that brought in HUF94.1bn last year and is set to bring in more than HUF100bn this year .... Until eva arrived, VAT was closed. Disregarding exports, buyers only reclaimed VAT that sellers had already paid to the treasury ... each month costs his company HUF2.4m each time. BUt if his friend is prepared to write an invoice for HUF1.2m each month, and pays
Több mint 400 millió forint forrásból fél évig tartó, és 71 tó menti települést érintő balatoni közmunkaprogram indult - jelentette be több mint 400 millió forint áll rendelkezésre a térségbeli 560 munkanélküli közfoglalkoztatásához 71 tó menti településen" - jelentette ... a 62 ezer forintos minimálbérért, esetenként ennél nagyobb fizetségért dolgoznak a tó menti közmunkások a vonzóbb, tisztább üdülési ... megteremtéséért. Csizmár Gábor elmondta: május végén megkezdődik a Velencei-tó és a Tisza-tó környékének öt hónapos
Duna Television is spending almost HUF500bn on its new station, Autonomia TV, though very few of the Hungarians in neighbouring countries who neighbouring countries. There was plenty of time to prepare things. Cselenyi first proposed the new station in spring 2005, shortly ... chairman, and planning began immediately. Duna TV hoped to launch the new channel last Christmas, on its 15th birthday. However ... was in charge of transmission, was unable to secure a channel on the HotBird 6 satelite, forcing Duna TV's managers to tie
It is rumoured that Istvan Mikola, Fidesz's former candidate for deputy prime minister, will be forced to resign his seat representing ... Fejer county. It is an impressive performance: in just two weeks Mikola changed from 'doctor to the nation' to the leper I do not intend to analyse Dr Mikola's mistakes, though they certainly contributed to Fidesz's defeat by playing into the ... manual of war, said: "The one who makes no mistakes will see his efforts lead to victory, and he will be victorious over those who ... campaign. "It's like they don't really want to win," some of them said. If Sun Tsu were with us today, perhaps he would agree that the
Moral regime change cannot be completed until all the Chernobil files have been released. Unfortunately, many of the people referred to ... still with us. The files should be opened up: Hungarians have the right to know who was responsible for the way in which the world's It may seem strange and somewhat morbid that the environmentalist group Vedegylet is seeking to name a street in Paks after Chernobil. ... revealed that the state security archives have similar inaccessible material. It seems that people in charge think Hungarian society has no right ... officials or Rakosi-era activists, nor senile retired security services officers. Many of them continue to play a role in public life
outstanding work "How Budapest was built" about the FKT's first sixty years, was reissued. The publisher asked me to write an committee. It may be important to quote Viktor Orban, who, in justifying his idea for a Budapest Ministry, said "during the past two ... published a really fat book about the the Works Council." The Fidesz leader's sudden desire to deal with Budapest is striking. His ... years removing all support from the Socialist-Liberal city council. It is therefore srange to hear him say: "even as a provincial, I
Sarló-kalapácsos zászlók az út mellett, kirobbanthatatlan kommunista vezetés, Marx, Engels, Krisna és Visnu közös felvonulása és transzneműek ingyenes átműtése az állami klinikákon.