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for a special parliamentary committee to be established. The FT was supposedly to be excluded from the affair, but it ... have now written a strange letter to London. They continue to attack the Gyurcsány government. But what does the HUF20m to write that Hungarians live better today than ever before. Can we still believe him, they asked. Thereafter, they issued a ... reassuring foreign correspondents working in Hungary that the recent scandal related "not to their work, but to the ...." Fidesz's letter to the FT was published on Friday. In it, Tamás Deutsch wrote: "We do not and have never doubted the objectivity and
In order to have a genuinely fair tax system we need things to be clear and transparent, and we need precise figures. The In order to create some semblance of fairness, we need exact figures based on known documentation. On such figures, we create a new tax ... impossible to create a system to keep track of precisely how much every tax subject gives and receives. But it would mean ... last granny would need to have an electronic account which would keep track of the money flowing in and out of the state coffers. The
There are more would-be monks in Hungary than monastic places - and yet monasteries continue to be filled with an aging, dwindling ... restarting in 1989-90, the monasteries have still not managed to replace a generation lost when most orders were banned in an old Catholic saying. The world of monastic orders is something of a mystery even to believers, let alone complete outsiders. It is ... Sisters of Notre Dame. The other orders were populated with monastics in their 60s on their re-establishment. Furthermore, those who lived ... life had to be restarted with tired, aging members. Most re-established orders managed to recruit new people, but this
Hungarians pursuing stellar careers in the banking world abroad always
talked of wanting to do something for the mother country the banking world: Péter Róna, who led the New York subsidiary of the British investment bank Schroders from 1996 to 1991. In Renyi's ... in Miskolc in 1942 and escaped with his father to Washington after the 1956 revolution, has continuously nurtured links with the land ... European Monetary Institute. From 1999 to 2002 he led former PM Viktor Orbán's consultative committee. György Szapáry left for Austria
Next week, HVG will devote a special supplement to a ranking of Hungary's colleges and universities. The challenge of the project is Preparing a league table is thankless task, since, with the exception of the leaders, everyone on the list is likely to be unhappy with .... It gets even harder if you try to rank institutions according to a combination of factors. You get several winners, of ... clear, how hard it is to find the common denominator linking statistics from diverse sources. For those who will be making university
That there was heavy competition to buy Budapest airport is no surprise. European air traffic liberalisation has led to were two kinds of airport. Those with inadequate traffic, and those with inadequate capacity. The former had to be mondernised, the ... this spirit, European airport operators are planning to invest at least $60bn by 2025. This level of investment is often too much for ..., which has led to huge growth in private investment in the field, spurred on by privatisations in bother western and eastern Europe
from beyond the borders would arise to tear at their still-bleeding wounds (which did indeed happen), and here at home, the far right Crown, seemingly committing themselves to continued pursuit of political ravings and to a re-run of the referendum - so ... everyone once again. The icing on the cake is that the Hungarian Democratic Forum declared that day of greatest divisiveness to be the ... were put in place, it would become very easy to gain voting rights. It is well known that the national-civic (right) wing is far more
"People who write great novels are the ones who can afford to," remarked the literary historian Mátyás Domokos sarcastically. Péter ... to write a long novel, because his three volume work Parallel Stories was published in His publisher, Jelenkor, is marketing it as a great novel of our times, hoping to both pre-empt and influence the critics' judgements ... took an even more elevated approach to his work when he said at the turn of the millennium: "You can only hope that there are still ... novels according to their own convictions, novels which say something new about human beings." Defining a great novel is no easy
environmentalists, a success for the civil sector, a success also for Hungarian constitutional democracy, and proof of our commitment The Medgyessy and Gyurcsány governments worked tirelessly to exclude public opinion and environmental movements. They tried ... accompli, to influence the media, to exploit economic arguments ("we'd have to pay for a change of plan" ... made to NATO. The Horn and Orbán governments did much the same. And next year's government would do the same too, whether it is red or
Hungary does not know what it wants to achieve with its National Development Plan, according to the CEU Slovakia - have a peculiar shared position. They have a common interest, for example in making sure regional development money goes to ...-sized countries to give voice to their desires. A common Visegrád Four position would go some way towards achieving this. ... was reached in Budapest. We missed an opportunity to put an end to the two-year-old running battle over the budget. The
For months, Paks nuclear power station has been placing full-page adverts in local and national papers testifying to the generator's ... bright future prospects, to its promise of carbon-free energy, and even about the cheapness of their to satisfy our energy needs. For the next step, building two new reactors, they will need more than HUF1000bn in state subsidies. The ... nuclear energy dwell upon the fact that nuclear generation produces no greenhouse gasses. But the tens of thousands of tons of iron used ... - except the cooling water running out of the power station just pumps 2,500MW of heat into the Danube. That could be used to heat
The pollsters Medián scored a coup in our civil war-struck political environment. They managed to unite government and opposition assembly." And suddenly a kind of national unity was achieved. The city assembly rose as one to support a condemnatory resolution moved ... question in the remaining cities then we could achieve the consensus for which so many yearn. But let's try to stay serious, however ... hissy fits.The questioners didn't ask whether the two politicans were violent or corrupt. All they wanted to know was whether residents
Ferenc Somogyi, the foreign minister, has led a delegation of Hungarian diplomats to the Middle East. asked László Várkonyi, a HVG: Hungarian diplomacy seems to have taken a renewed interest in the Middle East recently... Várkonyi: The Middle East has always ... anniversary of Rabin's death. We've managed to fit some other discussions in as well. The foreign ministers met in Jordan, and on ... was the Hungarian foreign minister invited to Bahrain? Várkonyi: The G8 countries met with the countries of North Africa and the Arab
best propaganda," but it would be too much to say that propaganda and objectivity never came into conflict in its programmes "The war has ended. What are we going to talk about now?" asked György Tarján, head of the BBC Hungarian Service in summer 1945. He was ... one: at the time, the BBC was seriously wondering whether it should shut down its smaller foreign-language services. They had been launched ...' capitulation, they seemed to have lost their purpose. The BBC's aim when it set up the broadcasts was to confront
They had no example to follow, but when they became fathers, they started caring for their children full time. We talked with fathers company. Money and career goals were the main factors. "We sensed that if my wife did not return to work they would get rid of her. I ... be nice - although I didn't get what I bargained for." Szabolcs and his wife are both doctors. They work hard, but to a flexible ... higher, as well. My wife continued to care for our daughter, taking the lead after work and at weekends." Both men were worried about
lessons to teach. Zsolt H Toót, the paper's editor, examines the reasons for its gave it a chance of meeting some bold aims, revolutionising the Hungarian press market. I had a role to play of course. I was a member ... company assembled a team - and then gave them a pre-prepared template that the team had to work within. We accepted this, since we had .... People who came to work at Reggel were forbidden from taking a creative approach to their own work. We had
It was a year ago that IBM shocked the world by announcing that it was selling its PC business to Lenovo, a Chinese company unknown in arrive to the minute: there is no space for them in the warehouses. Each year, five million notebooks, two million desktops and ten ... its managers, to Lenovo for $1.75bm. This was not a simple sale - it was more of a merger. Lenovo staff are present on the IBM board ... along with an international group of journalists, hoping to find out how successful this bold move hadbeen. We were near Hong Kong, a
Ferenc Somogyi, the foreign minister, has led a delegation of Hungarian diplomats to the Middle East. asked László Várkonyi, a HVG : Hungarian diplomacy seems to have taken a renewed interest in the Middle East recently... Várkonyi : The Middle East has ... tenth anniversary of Rabin's death. We've managed to fit some other discussions in as well. The foreign ministers met in Jordan, and on ... : Why was the Hungarian foreign minister invited to Bahrain? Várkonyi : The G8 countries met with the countries of North Africa and