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The Hungarian Democratic Forum's (MDF) biggest problem is that the elections are approaching, and the party's aspiration to preserve its They were happy to accept a common party list and common candidates. But who does Orbán need more at the elections? Zsolt Semjén's ... Hungary (Jobbik) have joined to form the Third Way party, which hopes to ride into parliament on the back of a strongly ..., extreme-right programme. If the party leaders' statements are to be believed, the final straw that led to this new
others all won office on the back of political compromises that remain murky to this "The city commander doesn't want a social democrat mayor. He says they're far harder to work with and they can't be ordered around as ... (MKP), and he was still in Debrecen at the time. Ger ő w ho was deputy first secretary, was referring to the wishes of General Ivan ... Zamertsev, who had just been appointed, and he was justifying his failure to replace J ános Csorba, the current mayor, with a more
I'm starting to suspect that the drafting of legislation at the Interior Ministry is rather like the workings of an open theatre ..., perform their play, improvise, draft a law, even bring it before parliament, so long as he asks nicely. Otherwise it's hard to explain ... ministry managed to draft an unconstitutional law on private security companies twice Both laws failed to take into account the Constitution's strong defence of personal data and the right to privacy. Over ... the 1993 law on data protection, which has had its own impact on the area. Legislation on CCTV is very strict. It allows police to use ... exclusively for criminal investigations. But the new legislation on CCTV cameras was reluctant to curb police powers in this way. The
Budapest needs its open-air restaurants, cafes and patisseries. According to a new survey, their presence has a positive effect on The young, men, the better educated and Budapesters are more likely to go for a drink than older people, women, people from outside the ... the less well educated, according to Studio Metropolitana's survey of the impact of cafe and restaurant terraces and open-air bars on ... city this is far less likely to happen. But town-centre bars have to offer something special to seduce
Eurázsiai hódokat engedtek szabadon a WWF munkatársai kedden a Tisza-tó egyik szigetén folyószabályozása nyomán elveszítette élőhelyét. Ugyanakkor az 1978 óta létező Tisza-tó ideális körülményeket biztosít számára, mert
Terézváros is getting rid of its palatial apartment buildings on Andrássy út. Buildings are being sold off to private investors without A resident in the apartment building at 52 Andrássy út recently wrote a letter of complaint to Ferenc Gyurcsány, the Prime Minister .... The resident complained that he would have liked to buy his apartment from the local authority, which he could have done at a ... he was not given the opportunity to do so. And he suspects that the transaction itself was suspect. It was certainly unusual: the local
left-leaning thinkers to right-wing beliefs. It happened with President Reagan, with Milton Friedman, with prominent neo-conservatives politician, he also believes in solidarity. He knows that orthodox left-wing answers belong to the past. The future has to ... to look to the market economy for the answers. Look at all the Third Way experiments of the past 10 years. It's clear ... as an electoral ideology. But it's also clear that it does nothing to get rid of poverty and other social problems. It's far harder
A rhythm and blues, a pop és a rock egyik állócsillagának tíz év szünet után jelent meg Time to Love című hurrikán több tízezer áldozatának és károsultjának ajánlotta. A Time to Love a kritika szerint az év egyik legnagyobb visszatérése
this visit? And even we old men only remember that Brandt unexpectedly fell to his knees before the Warsaw Ghetto memorial. It wasn't a his reaction. He withdrew wordlessly for a few minutes, then, apologising to his small audience, he visibly struggled to ..., months, years n the future. I'm no longer familiar enough with the situation back home to say whether these tears would have met the ... there. I hope so. But I know that here one doesn't have to be Jewish to understand the significance of such a moment. This
Though the Economic Competition Office has no objections to a merger between Magyar Telekom and its mobile subsidiary, competitors HUF263b last year, and a 45.29% share of a market with more than 9m subscribers. Magyar Telekom's decision to merge with its subsidiary ... to the deal, and Magyar Telekom owns T-Mobile outright. Since there will be no change in ownership, there is little prospect of the ... be passed on to its legal successor. The state holds a golden share in Magyar Telekom, but the Ministry for IT and Telecommunications
provinces are coming to the fore. Seven cities are competing for the title of 2010 European Capital of Culture. The government is set misled. Several of the 11 original bidders misunderstood what was expected of them if they wanted to hold the title in 2010 alongside ... to town for a year. It' exhibition of European values," says Wolfgang Lorenz, who was in charge of Graz's cultural capital .... The aim is to promote developments and programmes that will affect the region in the long-term. That's why Brussels is so keen that
appointment of Bihari, who once taught numerous opposition politicians, will bring an end to the stalemate over future court Bihari is not the most senior judge, and nor is he the most popular candidate, but he is now certain to to succeed András ... be settling in in the Sándor Palace by now if the Socialists had followed the popular left wing of their party in proposing him as an alternative ... Katalin Szili. His six years on the Constitutional Court have been characterised by a willingness to find compromises between two
There will be a new party to vote for come 2006. The Hungarian Truth and Life Party (MIÉP), the Movement for a Better Hungary (Jobbik "We've nothing to with them. We never did and we never will." This was MIÉP's view of the Jobbik in June 4 press release. But things ... Jobbik was composed mainly of MIÉP deserters. So there have been skirmishes aplenty over recent years. Csurka applied his favourite soubriquet ...-MIÉP figure was merely an "agent of the Jobbik." The Jobbik were much more cautious - their concerns mostly related to Csurka's
"Businessmen should stick to business," said Viktor Orban at a village party meeting, and though he didn't say it explicitly, the second ... taking part in public affairs. Which begs the question: who is suited to run the from time to time by professional soldiers. After the regime change of 1989 there came a museum curator, hospitality industry experts .... It's true that Ferenc Gyurcsny came to power not via direct election but following a party putsch. So whilst his position is ..., there is no legal question over his legitimacy. Now let's come back to Orbn's statement. If I understand rightly, certain businessmen
Hungary's government recently increased its budget deficit targets for 2006 and beyond, after the EU required Hungary's government recently increased its budget deficit targets for 2006 and beyond, after the EU required to include government ... highway constructions. How realistic is the original plan to introduce the euro in 2010? Any chance of meeting that target date has ... and the next set on to avoid appearing the laggard in a regional context. 2012 could be realistic - we expect Hungary narrowly
It will be left to the next parliament to modify the agents' law it voted for in May, after the Constitutional Court ruled If things go on as before, then we can expect the names of plenty of former agents to be leaked in coming weeks. By now we know ... question of former informers and agents comes into public view, new information is unearthed and given to the press. When the current ... written by Károly Szita, the Fidesz mayor of Kaposvár, were revealed to the public. (Szita continues to deny the
government taking the place of our current left-wing party - people are once again pointing to the parallels. It began in 1993, when a József Antall, the first Prime Minister. It's fair to say that the Polish Democratic Left Alliance (DLA), which has just left office ... elections. But looking at the reasons for the DLA's fall, Hungarian observers are more likely to be reminded of the Fidesz ... proven. Of course, in Poland, sleaze started to speak for itself, driving the party's own supporters away. And here there is no obvious
Az osztrák OMV olajtársaság veszi át a brit BP tulajdonában lévő Aral 69 benzinkútját Csehországban – olvasható a cseh Mlada a 3-4 milliárd koronára (121 millió dollár) becsült Aral-érdekeltség megszerzése iránt, de a Royal Dutch Shell és az olasz Agip is ... a benzinkutakra. Az Aral januárban jelentette be, hogy az év vége felé szeretné tető alá hozni az üzletet. A vállalat megválik
Sarló-kalapácsos zászlók az út mellett, kirobbanthatatlan kommunista vezetés, Marx, Engels, Krisna és Visnu közös felvonulása és transzneműek ingyenes átműtése az állami klinikákon.
A magyarok nélkül indult a lengyel EU-elnökség, válaszul arra, hogy Orbán Viktor a két ország kapcsolatának helyreállítása helyett az árkok mélyítésén dolgozik.