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Ahogyan azt a költési mintázatainkon tapasztalhatjuk, valószínűleg sokan hálásak lettünk volna, ha a pénzügyek tudatos kezelésére már gyermekkorban ráirányítják a figyelmünket. Az OTP Bank ezt felismerve vezetett be új szolgáltatást, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy a szülők online, a saját mobiljukon nyissanak bankszámlát 14 év alatti gyermekeik számára. 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Hungary is relatively well prepared for the next global epidemic, according to László Bujdosó, the 45-year-old Chief Medical Officer. He ... the data protection commissioner, psychology and prudery are the main reasons why few people are prepared to take advantage of free ' Service added their voice to the choir. Why is everyone so convinced that millions will fall ill with a disease that has killed 112 ... 2003? LB: We're not trying to alarm people. WHO's experts are sounding a warning because much of the world is not taking the danger .... Virologists say it's a question of when, not if. If a bird flu virus encounters a human flu virus inside a cell and acquires its ability
We should fight prejudice, but without exposing weaker students to demands that exceed their trying to disprove the bible, claimed that God had created the various human 'races' separately, meaning that they should not mix ... persecution laws in Hungary nowadays, and there are no governments that want to introduce them. Apart from a few extremists, there are ... life who call for the races to be separated. Somewhat absurdly, even the racists themselves take offense at being labeled with this
government is showing a real commitment to slowing budget deficit growth. The real danger to the economy is the imminent Inflation causes problems twice over: first when it begins to race, and again when it falls. This poses a dilemma for the government ... to start the year, explaining what and why and how. Furthermore, the population perceives much higher inflation than is shown by the ... deviation is enormous: according to the Hungarian National Bank (MNB), the difference can be more than 10%. The only comforting sign is
Recently, Zsigmond Járai - speaking of course as a private individual - called for state debt to be progressively cut and for the budget manifestos, but this work, published as a supplement to the financial daily Világgazdaság, proposes measures so radical that they outdo ... and Lajos Bokros, the wise old men of Hungarian monetarism. At least they never dared to go this far. Bokros has recently being calling ... budget to be cut in order to spur on growth, but he didn't insist on getting rid of the deficit. Surányi has been
financial and call-centre operations to Hungary. But our competitive advantage, based on a well-trained, polyglot workforce and low Hungary is the 'jewel in the crown' of the European outsourcing market, according to Datamonitor, a British market research company ... December published a cost comparison of outsourcing telephone customer service centres to 14 different countries. The survey showed ... wage, contribution, property rental, telecommunications and tax costs. According to Datamonitor, Hungary is not one of the cheapest
"To those that have, shall be given, and from those that have not shall be taken is tantamount to an expletive in some circles - I feel a certain readiness to express my opinion. First, I should answer ... recommend to a left-wing government like the Socialist-Free Democrat coalition that it introduce the kind of property or solidarity tax ... governments have experimented with over the past decades, trying to stem the tide of poverty brought on by gloablisation and
Recently, Zsigmond Járai - speaking of course as a private individual - called for state debt to be progressively cut and for the budget manifestos, but this work, published as a supplement to the financial daily Világgazdaság, proposes measures so radical that they outdo ... and Lajos Bokros, the wise old men of Hungarian monetarism. At least they never dared to go this far. Bokros has recently being calling ... budget to be cut in order to spur on growth, but he didn't insist on getting rid of the deficit. Surányi has been
candidate, there to prove him or herself, can be forced onto the back foot. And that is precisely what the interviewer wants Many people take silence as a sign that they've made a mistake, or that the interviewer expects them to add detail. But trying ... a finished explanation just makes matters worse for the candidate and can lead to verbal and behavioural confusion. So what should we ... language has an important role to play. If someone is looking at you expectantly, then you can look back expectantly as well, perhaps
The procedure for selecting a new president for Magyar Rádió seems to be following the rules of absurd drama. Phantom civil society ... suddenly take physical form to cast the deciding vote on the question of who will run public radio. Fortunately, press freedom does not all of which cast the Media Law in the best possible light. This law created an ownership and management structure which is seemingly designed ... paralyse both itself and the institution it is meant to oversee. This is not the first time that the whole system has ensured that ...-long interregnum between leaders, both at the radio and at Magyar Televízió. What is clear is that all this is down to some
candidate, there to prove him or herself, can be forced onto the back foot. And that is precisely what the interviewer wants Many people attending a job-interview take silence as a sign that they've made a mistake, or that the interviewer expects them to add ... trying to add detail to a finished explanation just makes matters worse for the candidate and can lead to ... should we do? It's ok to remain silent. If two people stay silent, it often seems like a confrontation. Who will blink first? Who
The Sziget is likely to set a new record this year. According to the organisers, the 13th Sziget festival is likely medical staff had to deal with 2,500 cases, mostly relating to hypothermia and allergies. The ambulances were dispatched ... a 10% more toilets and showers available. New, up-to-date portable shower units were available at the festival for the first time this ..., because the clean-up is set to go on for days after the last reveler leaves the island. There were some concerns about the sound
largely to a traditionally unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity by the population in general According to Euromonitor International’s report, 47% of Hungary’s population was considered overweight or obese in 2000 and by 2020 ... is expected to increase to reach almost 62%. These rates are higher than many other European countries - in France and ... the population respectively were overweight or obese in 2000 and these figures are only expected to reach 50% and 52% by 2020. Indeed
Hungary is football-mad this summer - and not even arguments over the Puskás gala match could put a stop to that. The great teams are It was strange to see how seriously Croatians take matches in the national league. And it was stranger still to see how ... Manchester United 1-0, Tibor Nyilasi, a childhood hero of mine, said that it takes just one goal for Hungary to turn into ... (revenge for 1978, perhaps?), Manchester United are coming for the return match. And Debrecen, and maybe even Sopron could yet bring other major
The one-time green activist László Sólyom (63) is still opposed to the consumer society and is still a believer in showing be different" on various statues around Budapest. What kind of changes would you like to see over the next five years? LS: The line ... than it seems at first sight. In Hungary, politics has been reduced to simple party politics. But the classical meaning of politics is ... in public affairs - and that's the definition we have to get back to. I must emphasise that I am not opposed
number of patent applications is falling and bringing a new invention to market successfully is a challenge The number of patents applied for in Hungary has been falling over the past two years, according to the Hungarian Patent Office (MSzH ... of signing the European Patent Agreement on January 1, 2003. Since that date, patent holders have not needed to make a direct ... is enough simply to designate Hungary as one of the jurisdictions covered by their European patent. Most patents in Hungary are
informally asked the military prosecutors to dust off the old files, but no written request has yet been made Is it possible to drink half a litre of hydrochloric acid without suffering any damage to the oral cavity, even though it ...? This is the question that Gyula Tihanyi has been asking for 15 years. Until he gets an answer to this question, he refuses ... authorities' version of his son's death. This elderly man is expected to believe that his son killed himself in May 1990 whilst doing
It would seem that the organisers of Real Madrid's Budapest appearance used questionable measures to bounce the elderly wife of football A businessman was hoping to sell coloured plastic armbands with the words 'Puskás öcse' near Puskás Stadium on the night of the Real ... hospital treating the football star - will get for marketing this unique Hungarian brand name. For the time being, the family continues ... organisers' sometimes contradictory promises, but on paper, the organisers have only committed themselves to paying up HUF1m and
according to Attila Kulcsár, the former broker at the centre of the scandal, many major figures in the party are Ever more parallels are emerging between the statements of Zsolt Nógrádi, the main witness to the parliamentary oil committee of five ... the K&H Equities's one-time star broker, Attila Kulcsár. Two young men, both with a flexible approach to the law, both started their ... their stories, gradually losing credibility. Kulcsár, the central figure in the HUF20bn money-laundering scandal, who tries to portray
this time round? A journalist from HVG inquired at the government spokesman's office - to his a large-scale event. The Foreign Ministry's protocol department is in charge," according to the new statement. Our intrepid reporter ..., accusing him of misinterpreting the office's willingness to help. The use of the word "worried" was a blow below the belt, they said ... inaugural address. That would all be fine - the treasury is hardly flush at the moment, and maybe it would be best not to burden it
Economically, it's difficult to justify delaying our adoption of the euro. And just formally meeting the budgetary requirements for same applies to the euro, symbol of monetary unity - to the extent that in countries facing economic challenges, primarily ... openly discussing leaving the eurozone, with studies by major banks seeming to lend support to this idea. But here, and in ..., the main goal of economic policy continues to be to get into the euro as quickly as possible. Arguments tend
A magyarok nélkül indult a lengyel EU-elnökség, válaszul arra, hogy Orbán Viktor a két ország kapcsolatának helyreállítása helyett az árkok mélyítésén dolgozik.
Szépségtapasszal jelentette be a várható infláció alatti, 3,2 százalékos nyugdíjemelést és a havi nyugdíjak utalását a nemzetgazdasági miniszter pénteken.