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MTI Itthon

Bajban vannak a balatoni halak

A Balaton ökológiai állapota jó, a vízminőség kiváló, a vízszint megfelelő, azonban a halállománya bajban van - mondta Persányi
rontották és sok idegen halfaj került a tóba - tette hozzá a környezetvédelmi és vízügyi miniszter. Megjegyezte: a Balatoni Halászati
... halfauna visszaállításáért dolgozik. Persányi Miklós történelmi jelentőségűnek nevezte, hogy jövő tavasszal lezárul a körül a

hvg.hu English version

Offshore traders to leave?

A new tax package is not making life easier for every offshore company in Hungary, according to consultants working in the sector. They
... the many offshore companies may leave Hungary, despite further reforms made to an already advantageous tax
position and tax status from January, in accordance with European Union rules. These companies will be paying corporate tax at 16%, compared
..., and they will lose their exemption from local business tax as well. These changes are prompting analysts to sound warnings about the
... companies registered in Hungary, since these companies could very easily pack their bags and move to another country. But these

hvg.hu English version

Is the forint the best currency in the region?

Comparing the performance of the region's currencies with majority forecasts at the beginning of the year brings us to a surprising
... widespread negative recommendations of the foreign "Big Names" seems to have had little effect on the forint, which had amply rewarded
and the interest rates obtainable from the various currencies it is possible to calculate exactly how much capital growth a foreign

hvg.hu English version

New record to be set at the weekend

The hottest day of the year is expected, and the national record could also fall in the next couple of days, according to the National
being set, according to the OMSZ's Szilvia Jenki. The absolute temperature record in Hungary over the past century was the 41.7
... August 21, 2000 in Békéscsaba. It is still impossible to say whether the absolute record will be beaten, according to the
..., a spokesman for the National Ambulance Service said that they had received 15-20% more calls on Wednesday due to the high

hvg.hu English version

More to follow

Viktor Orbán's recent trips abroad were meant as a damage limitation exercise. As part of his preparations for government, the opposition leader
Viktor Orbán's recent trips abroad were partly for domestic consumption. His visit to Israel was intended to counter
... anti-semitism by showing that the party's chairman was on negotiating terms with Israeli leaders. And his Washington trip was meant to
... is not beyond the pale for the leaders of the world's leading power. But if Orbán needs to send these messages, he only has himself

hvg.hu English version

Uniformed services camp for young Roma

The Interior Ministry (BM) has organized a "career advice" camp for young Roma in the hope that they might choose to work for the police
"I once bought a phone that turned out to have been stolen. The local policeman spoke to me as if I were a dog. And so I
... become a policeman - one who wouldn't speak to people like that," says Róbert, who is participating in the BM's uniformed services camp
... the opportunity for the participants to meet officers who identify themselves as Roma. There are no official data on how many Roma are

MTI Világ

Jelcin és Kohl együtt horgászik a Bajkál-tónál

Együtt vakációzik a Bajkál-tónál Borisz Jelcin volt orosz elnök és Helmut Kohl volt német kancellár: a két jó barát kedden érkezett meg
is elkísérték a nyaralásra. Hivatalos program egyáltalán nincs, egyszerűen pihenéssel töltik el a következő négy napot a Bajkál-
... évvel ezelőtt az Oroszországban tett hivatalos látogatása keretében Jelcinnel együtt ellátogatott a Bajkál-tóhoz, s annyira megtetszett

hvg.hu English version

Magyar Telekom’s Competitive Advantage?

By forcing state institutions to obtain telecoms services from Magyar Telekom, the government is making a monopolist of the incumbent
liberalisation.” In a few years’ time, state institutions may be forced to order all their telecoms services from Magyar Telekom Rt
... currently obliged to order all premium services – like IP telephony or digital date and voice transfer – from the company. “For
... have been refusing to sign contracts we’d already agreed on. They tell us they’re not allowed to deal with us, because

hvg.hu English version

How to keep your new job

New employees generally have a 3-month trial period in which to settle into the new organisation and get used to company
 Get to know your new colleagues right away. Identify the team-players, the mentors and the opinion leaders amongst your new
... contribute usefully to the company’s work. - Try to build up a network of contacts in which you occupy a key position.
.... - Be balanced and unassuming, try to seem poised and ready for action. - Set yourself long-term goals. Assume that you will remain

hvg.hu English version

Gyurcsány and Orbán: lurching leftwards

Politics isn’t about scoring goals, but about winning votes. The winner is decided by the voters, who allocate ‘points’ to the
So to this extent, politics is more like boxing than football. Ferenc Gyurcsány and Viktor Orbán’s encounter was an entertaining bout
... striking that both fighters had a preference for the left hook. It must bring the business world little comfort to see the two
... minister competing to see who can spend more taxpayers’ money. The real left-wing rhetoric (sometimes shading into populism) came from

hvg.hu English version

Fidesz lead growing, Fidesz leaders more popular

Turnout looks to be low and MSzP supporters are less committed and less optimistic about their chances of victory than Fidesz-MPSz
A Medián poll for HVG reveals that Fidesz-MPSz continues to ride high. According to the poll, amongst citizens of voting
...-27% lead. At midsummer, less than half of voters say they are certain to vote. Amongst definite voters, the Fidesz lead widens
... it seems that the SzDSz is the only smaller party with a chance of overcoming the 5% vote threshold required to gain parliamentary

hvg.hu English version

How to behave with your female colleagues

Women are successful problem-solvers while men are always looking for opportunities to compete. This can cause problems at work. But for
... career it is essential to recognise and act on these differences. The following tips may
1. Talk. If your boss wants to chat, then take advantage of the opportunity. 2. Learn to pay attention. Look actively
.... This shows your conversation partner that you are interested in what she says. 3. Listen to what she says. Choose your words
... anything out of your mouth that might be offensive to your colleague. 4. Criticise carefully. Think before exploding angrily about

hvg.hu English version

The forint’s mysterious climb

The forint has been rising in recent weeks, despite domestic macroeconomic uncertainties. Analysts attribute this mainly to foreign
... for higher returns. Some believe that the second half will not bring any significant weakening in the forint. In the final days of June, the forint
The forint continued to firm despite the fact that the current account deficit in the first quarter was higher than expected at
... to figures released by the Hungarian National Bank on Thursday. The budget deficit is also high, even ahead of tax reforms introduced
... may even cause Hungary’s entry into the Eurozone – planned for 2010 – to slip further. Yet foreign investors still flood onto the

hvg.hu English version

Is online banking risky?

The National Security Office (NBH) has released a report on the dangers of online banking. The NBH’s task is to work with the police
warns us to be prepared for an increase in online swindles. Now that there are 450,000 users of e-banking services in Hungary, experts
... to increase. According to data released by GKI Economic Research in January, there were 436,000 domestic and 65,000
... number of customers using mobile phone-based banking services has risen by 70 percent in the past year, to 490,000. A study conducted

HVG English version

Fidesz launches St. István Plan

The Batthyány Professors’ Circle of right-leaning academics has prepared a “St. István Plan,” which is to serve as the philosophical and
The plan’s authors devoted much attention to the press, which “most often abuses the freedom it won at the time of the regime change.”
... recommends that the media be “placed under strict moral supervision,” a move the authors claim is necessary to protect fair competition
... execution of any kind of national development programme.” The text indirectly suggests that the country needs a strong leader who is able

hvg.hu Tech

Rémisztő adatok a globális felmelegedésről

tanulmánya arról számolt be, hogy 125 nagy északi egyszerűen eltűnt a globális felmelegedés miatt
következtében az elmúlt két évtized során az arktikus zónában eltűnt 125 nagy , s számos másik vízszintje jelentős mértékben leapadt
... megolvadni. Ez a permafrost felengedésére is vonatkozik, s mind több sarki eltűnésére lehet számítani. A jelenlegi számítások

hvg.hu English version

The 12 finalists in Hungary's Big Read competition

Contemporary writing is lagging behind in Hungary's Big Read competiton, which has failed to give a boost to the publishing
Death was helped into 18th place by an organised campaign in Nyiregyháza, it is alleged. And, from The Golden Man to The Lord of the
... as the best Hungarian novel of the past decade, ended up in 100th place. Results like these may confirm certain writers in their hostility
... be forced to buy the finalists, or whether they can choose from a broader list. The state lottery and Magyar Telekom were also major

hvg.hu English version

State security papers heading to market

The Historical Archive of the State Security Services have neither the staff nor the resources to make former state security apparatus’s
... available on the internet. Despite its building’s recent renovation, the Archive continues to struggle with a lack of space. The
Following President Ferenc Mádl’s referral of the revised Agents’ Law to the Constitutional Court, the Historical Archive of the State
... currently have the resources. The ÁBTL was created in 2003 as a successor to the Historical Office that was set up in 1997, and
... complement of 94 staff, according to Katalin Kurucz, deputy director of the institute. The terms of the president’s request for a

hvg.hu English version

Down the tube

schedule sees the complete line, from Kelenfold to Bosnyák tér being completed by
to have passed a law on extending the first construction phase to Bosnyák tér. The city government, which seems
... fourth metro, has managed to get two laws on the project through parliament in the past two years. But the completion date continues
... section is now due to be completed by 2010. City Hall blames protracted legal squabbles for the delay. But the lengthy arguments

MTI Világ

Patkányinvázió Kínában

Sok millió patkányt hajtott a környező megművelt földekre a Kína középső részén, Hunan tartományban elterülő Dongting vízszintjének
be. A hatóságok szerint a partján négyzetméterenként több patkány is akad, és helyenként olyan tömegben vetik magukat a

110 111 112 113 114
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Donald Trump őrületében van rendszer

Süddeutsche Zeitung: Donald Trump őrületében van rendszer

Gyereket vár Böde-Bíró Blanka

Gyereket vár Böde-Bíró Blanka

Hosszú Katinka bejelentette visszavonulását

Hosszú Katinka bejelentette visszavonulását

A Tesla zsebét tömi a többi autógyártó, hogy elkerüljék a környezetvédelmi bírságokat

A Tesla zsebét tömi a többi autógyártó, hogy elkerüljék a környezetvédelmi bírságokat

Farkas Zoltán: Orbán Viktor újévi repülőrajtjával is csak Magyar Péter hátát nézi

Farkas Zoltán: Orbán Viktor újévi repülőrajtjával is csak Magyar Péter hátát nézi

Meghosszabbították a Till Tamás megölésével gyanúsított férfi letartóztatását

Meghosszabbították a Till Tamás megölésével gyanúsított férfi letartóztatását

A Porsche bemutatta a még erősebb új 911 Carrera S-t

A Porsche bemutatta a még erősebb új 911 Carrera S-t

Kitűzték az időközi választás időpontját a lemondott Varju László választókerületében

Kitűzték az időközi választás időpontját a lemondott Varju László választókerületében

Jessica Alba tizenhét év után elválik a férjétől

Jessica Alba tizenhét év után elválik a férjétől

A címlapról ajánljuk