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A férfiak italát is mérgezik drogokkal

Simon Millist, a The Times angol napilap újságíróját kellemetlen meglepetés érte, amikor egy esküvőn a barátai „megfűszerezték” az
sörébe az agglegénypartikon” – mondja Rhodes a The Times nak. Rhodes szerint a felnőtt férfiakra igen jellemző ez a fajta idiótaság

English version

Peter Hack's route out of the chaos

The last two presidents had good reason for doing what many are now demanding of Laszlo Solyom. They agreed with the
... parliamentary parties on candidates for nomination to state offices. The approach Laszlo Solyom is taking to nominations is fine in
It is easy to come up with arguments in favour of the president's approach: candidates for state positions are more likely to be chosen
... of their competence and not according to party allegiance. Furthermore, the pesident can legitimately claim that his candidates are
... to nominate a Supreme Court president, and the bitter exchange of words between the president and the

hvg.hu English version

Solving the Hungarian-Slovak conflict abroad

Hungarian-Slovak relations could be rebuilt from the ground up, but for as long as the Magyar Garda acts as cultural
... neighbours, and as long as Robert Fico and Jan Slota form our picture of the Slovaks and their thinking, then results are going to be
... people abroad very sympathetic to our position, argues Zoltan Novak, head of research at the Dignity Political Analyses
Ferenc Gyurcsany and Robert Fico's meeting in Komarno achieved few results. The Hungarian prime minister's proposals were received
... four-point joint declaration was fairly bland. Ferenc Gyurcsany and Robert Fico © TASR At the beginning of the
...-running conflict, it seemed sensible to hold a public television debate as the first step towards a solution. Instead of fruitless

hvg.hu English version

Vanished French student was unaccompanied

A French student who disappeared this week was captured on security cameras along her route to the Lanchid, the daily
mysterious circumstances. The French woman left Portside de Cuba, a bar on Dohany utca, heading presumably to her apartment in
... side of the river. She never arrived, but her bag was found on the Lanchid. Nepszava learned from the French
... Roosevelt ter, and the girl was clearly visible on recordings from security cameras on the Lanchid as she crossed

English version

The NBH worried more about Bacsfi than about kuruc.info

For three years, the National Security Office's (NBH) official yearbooks said not a single word about far right groups, even though
... when both far right and anti-democratic left-wing groups had their place in the NBH's
Get a few people together, put up a few pictures of Ferenc Szalasi, executed leader of the wartime Arrow Cross fascist party, on
... then pose for the press photographers. That's all you need to do dominate the NBH's annual report on extremist groups and
... that's the way it was in 2004, when the NBH's yearbook was full of Diana Bacsfi and her Hungarist organisation

MTI Gazdaság

Paraffinpiaci olajkartell, bizonyítékok a Molnál

felgöngyölítésében - írta a pénteki The New York Times. A Mol az üggyel kapcsolatos értesüléseket nem kívánta
kartellben. Az érintett 9 cég az európai piac 75 százalékát ellenőrizte. A The New York Times pénteki írása szerint a legtöbb kartell
... például a különféle viaszok árait sorolta fel és feljegyzést tartalmazott az új árstruktúráról. A The New York Times azt írta: a Mol

ingatlanmenedzser.hu Ingatlan

Horror bútor dizájn: véresen elegáns

A felhasznált sorozatok: Californication, Dexter, The L Word, The Tudors, és
A felhasznált sorozatok: Californication, Dexter, The L Word, The Tudors, és Weeds. Ez a teljesen fehér ebédlő a Dexter

hvg.hu English version

Corruption in the Jewish Quarter

Two years ago Laszlo Hoffmann, legal representative of the Protection Group (Ovas) made a complaint to prosecutors about illegal
... privatisations in the Jewish Quarter. For a long time, Ovas has been saying that something is amiss in the rehabilitation
hvg.hu: It was two years ago that your organisation, the Protection Group (Ovas), made a complaint to prosecutors about illegal
... privatisations in the Jewish Quarter. For a long time, Ovas has been saying that something is amiss in the rehabilitation
.... Gyorgy Gal L.H.: The way the local authority has been selling buildings in the old Jewish

MTI Gazdaság

NYT: a neheze még hátra van az USA-ban is

Az amerikai gazdaság hivatalosan tavaly decemberben kezdődött recessziója bizonyosan a leghosszabb és talán a legsúlyosabb lesz a második világháború
százada nem értékesítettek ilyen kevés járművet. Az amerikai gyáraknak 1982 óta nem kellett ilyen nehéz körülmények között boldogulniuk. A

hvg.hu/MTI English version

Simor: without reforms the country will fall behind

Andras Simor, governor of the Hungarian central bank told the Association of Employers and Manufacturers (MGYOSZ) that
Andras Simor © MTI At the MGYOSZ event, Andras Simor said the budget deficit could be lower than
... forecasting for this year if the government refrained from overspending in the final weeks - the deficit
... that the government could have placed the burden of restructuring elsewhere: it was a political decision to make business

hvg.hu English version

Pirates to buy government debt?

Pirates of the world, unite! Somalia isn't your true haven, and Citigroup isn't the big deal - Hungary is! Hungarian
..., and Hungarian debt. In the midst of a political war, a motion that appears to sanction money laundering as a state activity appears to
Last week, somebody sent a fake news story, cleverly written in the style of the Bloomberg news agency, claiming that
... invest their ill-gotten gains in buying up troubled Citibank. Suddenly it seemed almost believable that the pirates would receive a
... the big rating agencies, and that the pirates would indeed make a humiliating 10 cent offer for one of the

MTI Gazdaság

A GM és a Chrysler heteken belül összeomolhat

A három legnagyobb amerikai autógyártó közül kettő, a General Motors és a Chrysler már decemberben összeomolhat - emelte ki szerdai vezető hírében a
csökkent. Mint a The Washington Times megjegyezte, a három vállalaton a benzinár jelentős csökkenése sem segített. A USA Today arról
... jutnak. Ez azonban nem elég a szövetségi segítséghez, alaposan meg kell indokolniuk kérelmüket. A The Washington Times szerkesztőségi

English version

Peter Tasnadi: The media says everything's going wrong

"When I applied to places, I used to say that I'm not Peter Tasnadi, but not *that* Peter Tasnadi," says the 52-year-old mayor of Pecs
convinced that you are doing everything right. You are getting the Pecs Cultural Capital of Europe programme right, even if
.... Peter Tasnadi: I think I see the point of the question, but please remember that I'm implementing a programme whose
... unsustainable in the long term. HVG: But at least explain how you manage affairs relating to the cultural capital

English version

The golden age is over in the financial sector

Finance players make money both when things are going badly and when they are going well. But the crisis has brought an end to abundant
... many believe that the golden age will never return. But what is in store for the financial services sector? We spoke with
... marketing for BT's global investment bank clients, who previously worked on the directive that regulates the EU's
hvg.hu: In the midst of the crisis, everyone is talking about the need for tightening up on market rules
... financial markets directive. What does this new regulation mean for financial sector players? C.P.: The European Commission came up
... regulation framework - MiFID - which creates more intense competition on the financial markets, but also harmonises the

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Húsvétra ígéri Nagy Márton, hogy összeáll a jövő évi költségvetés

Húsvétra ígéri Nagy Márton, hogy összeáll a jövő évi költségvetés

Elütötte a vonat, mégis kimászott alóla – videó csak erős idegzetűeknek

Elütötte a vonat, mégis kimászott alóla – videó csak erős idegzetűeknek

Az Apple beismerte: nem áll jól az egyik legnagyobb újdonság fejlesztésével

Az Apple beismerte: nem áll jól az egyik legnagyobb újdonság fejlesztésével

Elment Szilágyi Júlia, aki Horthy Erdélyének legfájdalmasabb történeteit mesélte el

Elment Szilágyi Júlia, aki Horthy Erdélyének legfájdalmasabb történeteit mesélte el

53 évesen elhunyt Monostori Attila 114-szeres válogatott vízilabdázó

53 évesen elhunyt Monostori Attila 114-szeres válogatott vízilabdázó

Keretet hirdetett Marco Rossi, Dárdai Bence mellett a Ferencváros fiatal középpályása is meghívót kapott

Keretet hirdetett Marco Rossi, Dárdai Bence mellett a Ferencváros fiatal középpályása is meghívót kapott

„Színésznek képeztek ki, nem sztárnak” – Gene Hackmannek ez a szerep nem kellett, de így is a legnagyobbak közé emelkedett

„Színésznek képeztek ki, nem sztárnak” – Gene Hackmannek ez a szerep nem kellett, de így is a legnagyobbak közé emelkedett

Íme a legújabb Skoda Octavia RS rendőrautó

Íme a legújabb Skoda Octavia RS rendőrautó

Varga Mihály a koszos fürdővízzel együtt a gyereket is ki fogja önteni?

Varga Mihály a koszos fürdővízzel együtt a gyereket is ki fogja önteni?

A címlapról ajánljuk