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hvg.hu English version

Tamas Barta - victim of a drugs ring?

It was 26 years ago that Tamas Barta, singer-guitarist in the band Locomotiv GT, died in Los Angeles. Many consider him to be the
... Hungarian guitarist. He died from a bullet to his head under circumstances that remain a
greatest rock stars in Hungary. Tamas Barta, born in 1948, was the greatest guitarist, they concluded. It was this vote that led to
... was devoted to rock'n'roll and the rest to girls. They didn't meet for a year, until Barta turned up at a rehearsal for
... instrument by himself in just one year - in 1964, he hadn't been able to play at all. Admittedly, he already had basic musical

hvg.hu English version

Istvan Stumpf on Gyurcsany's reshuffle

had to leave the Prime Minister's office. He had to swap his non-portfolio position with the justice portfolio, where his
... process of drafting new laws, according to Istvan Stumpf, who was chancery minister in the Orban
Tibor Draskovics. In a new position. Stumpf, who is president of the Turn-of-the-Century foundation, said Draskovics had failed
... out his task of reforming central and local government. His team had been slow to draft new laws, it had been poor at communicating
... to explain why no impact studies had been carried out for certain laws, Stumpf said. He believes the reshuffle on Tuesday heralded a

hvg.hu English version

Laszlo Lengyel: China's imperial century

If the 20th century belonged to America, the 21st will be China's. This will be the case even if China does not defeat America
..., politically, nor - let us hope - militarily, and only succeeds in counterbalancing it as a world power. To quote from Csaba Gombar
... world follows the sun, passing from the Greeks to Latin Europe, thence to England, then to America's east
© AP China produces 5-6 per cent of the world's GDP, compared to America's 30 per cent. The struggle between the two
... not only to the differing growth dynamics, but also to the way in which the two countries' growth models will influence
... Niall Ferguson and John Mearsheimer, the Chicago political scientist both expect China to develop at a dramatic pace in coming decades

hvg.hu Gazdaság

Befektetési tanácsok február közepére

miközben a tőzsde erősen esett. Most csak olyan tőkét fektessünk be, amit minden körülmények között nélkülözni
az, hogy csak olyan tőkét fektessünk be, amit minden körülmények között tudunk nélkülözni az életünk egyéb területeiről. Ez a

hvg.hu English version

Magyar Garda leaders with criminal convictions

court has not yet named a date for the hearing, allowing the group which established the Magyar Garda to mount a counter-attack
Keszthely. In both cases, they claimed to be acting to preserve public order, though the speeches were primarily
.... © Fazekas István The Garda continues to recruit new members. The application form asks for details including height, weight
... - even if some of these are far enough in the past that the people concerned are under no obligation to disclose them. But the Garda

hvg.hu English version

How to steal at the airport

Airport passengers may have to pass through tight security screening, but the luggage they check in can easily end up as swag for
Szollar, an airport spokesperson, said all items were tracked from the check-in desk to the aeroplane. From check-in to
... with a handheld camera by an independent security official, meaning it would be too risky for baggage handlers to remove anything from
... - and 90 per cent of these crimes were cases of theft, according to Andras Turos, head of the criminal department at the Airport

hvg.hu English version

Laszlo Keller and the Torokbalint defeat

The Socialist Laszlo Keller first came to public attention as state secretary for public finances in charge of the 'glass pockets'
... programme. He was elected a Budapest MP in spring 2006 and later mayor of Torokbalint as well. Last Sunday, he lost to the Fidesz
László Keller © mszp.hu Why did you come second in the local elections? L.K.: I expected it, because everyone from the far right
... the centre right was united against me. You could already see this tendency developing in autumn 2006. I barely had a year to prepare
... wasn't enough to persuade the people of Torokbalint and of the centre right to lend me their support. I got 43 per cent of

English version

Born in 1989

represents some kind of end - something is lost with the new generation. But of course the new generation is just different. hvg.hu spoke
..., teachers and cultural studies researchers about the generation born at the time of the regime change as its members prepare to enter
Independence, changes to the political and economic system, the arrival of freedom and the establishment of democratic institutions
... a turning point that meant something for everybody. But now a generation has grown up that never knew the previous regime. They barely relate
... coming of age. "I don't know if Hungarian society has ever known a generation that was left to its own devices as much as this one,"

English version

Constitutional confusion

Only a constitutional amendment can put an end to the legal confusion around the referendum initiatives - as has been proven once again
Commission (OVB) rejected all five variants of the question she had submitted. Last year, appealing OVB rulings to the Constitutional
... straightforward. Referendums that confirm laws are no different from any other, she claims. It is true that the law has little to say
... referendum. The constitution and the law on referendums each devote a single sentence to the matter, but neither says anything about

Csikász Brigitta English version

Are police officers being recruited into the Magyar Garda

A police officers' association has asked police to support the Magyar Garda, hvg.hu has learned. The call was made by the Action Ready
Some weeks ago, a surprising poster appeared on the noticeboard of the 8th district police headquarters. It asked police to support
... Garda. The TMRSZ, one of the police associations, was the signatory. The Magyar Garda: click to view the gallery ©
... he hopes no police officer will join the Garda. He added that if the courts disbanded the organisation, police will lose the right to

English version

Battle on all fronts against the healthcare reforms

to prevent the new healthcare law from coming into force in January 2009. Legal challenges, referendum campaigns and popular movements
permission to meet at the MAV Hospital and the Kossuth Klub. Some traces of the previous anti-reform campaign in December remained at
... headquarters on Nador utca. Posters of governing party MPs flapped in the wind, with slogans appealing to the MPs' consciences - though
... influence the outcome of the 17 December parliamentary vote. At the end of the meeting, Endre Simo, chair of the roundtable said the group continued

Nagy Gergely (hvg.hu) English version

On not getting on - Romania and Hungary

picture. And the same goes for Romanians' views of Hungary. hvg.hu spoke to Boroka Paraszka, editor of a newspaper in Marosvasarhely
Europe. How do they do it, and why? Boroka Paraszka: Partly, they are forced to. Romania's image is not very good, even if it has
.... The old, post-communist inheritance - the saddest of all the barracks - all this has to be overcome. And now there is the new conflict
... gates that wants work and bread. But it wouldn't hurt for some parts of Romanian society to accept that there is a problem before they

English version

The fourth metro delayed again

Now even Gabor Demszky, the mayor of Budapest, has accepted that the project to build a fourth metro line is in "real difficulties."
The completion date for the new metro line had already slipped twice in 2007. Hidepito, which is charging E47m to build the Fovam ter
..., announced last year that it would need 200 weeks to complete the manufacturing works as opposed to the 140 weeks
... line. The mayor told the city assembly before Christmas that he regarded further delays or cost overruns as unacceptable - meaning he will need

hvg.hu English version

Waiting until 2008 to sell a flat

It matters whether you have to pay tax on a flat you sell after a few years at a gain of a few million forints. Timing is important
... January, rules on personal income tax and value added tax are changing with respect to real estate
One of the biggest changes to income tax is that the taxable period will be cut from 15 years to five. This means that
... a flat will be fully taxable in the first year, while the vendor will have to pay tax on 90 per cent of the revenues in the second, 30
... third and fourth years, and will have no tax to pay in the fifth year. This means people who bought their flats more than five years

MTI Itthon

Január 1-től lehet korcsolyázni a Velencei-tavon, a Balaton veszélyes

12 centiméteres jégréteg borítja, ami a déli partján néhány helyen már alkalmassá teszi a
Falusi Ferenc Velencei-tavi tófelügyelő tájékoztatása szerint vasárnap a több pontján megmérték a jég vastagságát, s azt
... már 5-12  centiméteres jégréteg borítja, ami a déli partján néhány helyen már alkalmassá teszi a korcsolyázásra - nyilatkozta

MTI Itthon

Még nem lehet korcsolyázni a tavakon

Rendőrök figyelmeztetik az embereket a korcsolyázás veszélyeire a Velencei- partján, a ugyanis befagyott, de rámenni
Befagyott a Velencei-, de a jégréteg még nem biztonságos, ezért a tavon tilos korcsolyázni - közölte szerdán a rendőrség. Ennek
... rámerészkedtek a jégre, a rendőrök ezért a partján figyelmeztetik az embereket. Különösen a nádasok mentén vékony a jég. A

English version

The new Fidesz manifesto: the same, with us, next year

The government is following the "Putin model," says Fidesz, which claims in its new manifesto to want a "western-style" democracy
... are reluctant to believe their party is truly as popular as the opinion polls show. They think it is a trick, allowing their opponents
Tibor Navracsics was behind the decision to launch the manifesto at yesterday's conference at the Golyavar in Budapest. It was he who
... predecessor. The electoral manifesto created by Viktor Orban out of the 2006 'National Consultation' offered something concrete to
.... The new manifesto, A Strong Hungary, only promises the hope of a better future. But, if one is to believe party sources, the party

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Szappanhabból készült tortát dobtak a német liberális párt elnökének arcába – videó

Szappanhabból készült tortát dobtak a német liberális párt elnökének arcába – videó

Hétvégén jön az újabb áremelés a benzinkutakon

Hétvégén jön az újabb áremelés a benzinkutakon

Becsapnák az ajtót a Greenpeace előtt a sarkadi gázmezőn, de beteszik a sarkukat a résbe

Becsapnák az ajtót a Greenpeace előtt a sarkadi gázmezőn, de beteszik a sarkukat a résbe

Újabb feszültség a NER csúcsbírói között: jogkorlátozást emleget, és elítéli Varga Zs. András újévi köszöntőjét az OBH elnöke

Újabb feszültség a NER csúcsbírói között: jogkorlátozást emleget, és elítéli Varga Zs. András újévi köszöntőjét az OBH elnöke

Századfordulós bűnügyek – Az országbíró titokzatos halála

Századfordulós bűnügyek – Az országbíró titokzatos halála

„Lázár kastélya, 185 km” – a Katona József utcában festettek fel újabb útbaigazítást Lázár János batidai kastélya felé

„Lázár kastélya, 185 km” – a Katona József utcában festettek fel újabb útbaigazítást Lázár János batidai kastélya felé

Úgy néz ki, sikerült rájönni, mitől lesz sikeres egy könyv vagy egy film

Úgy néz ki, sikerült rájönni, mitől lesz sikeres egy könyv vagy egy film

Nyüzsgő síparadicsomok és eldugott alpesi falvak

Nyüzsgő síparadicsomok és eldugott alpesi falvak

Becsapnák az ajtót a Greenpeace előtt a sarkadi gázmezőn, de beteszik a sarkukat a résbe

Becsapnák az ajtót a Greenpeace előtt a sarkadi gázmezőn, de beteszik a sarkukat a résbe

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