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Some 50 protestors have moved from Kossuth ter to protest in front of the Hungarian Television building. The protestors ... reinforcement, and then returned to break down the building's front door. Police vans arrived at 11.30pm. The police have ... launching an investigation into the attackers and would prevent anybody entering the television At 11.30pm, Gyorgy Balo announced in a live broadcast that protestors had broken down the building's fornt door. has learned that ... only able to repel the attackers by using tear gas. Protestors threw stones at the building and tore down an EU flag .... Protestors sung the Szekely anthum and then began singing "Gay Socialists" and "Down with the government." Just about
Andras Lanyi, the environmentalist writer, philosopher and leader of the Living Chain Hungary movement, played an active ... regime change of 1989. Yet now he believes that the time since has been more like the twilight of the Kadar ... cannot look on idly as the capital collapses," begins his manifesto, in which he calls for a cross-party push to create a livable The local elections are approaching, and tensions are growing. I'm afraid that's not what I've seen. I've been collecting ... the local elections over the past few weeks, and people regularly shut the door in my face, saying: "We don't ... no difference if I said we weren't politicians, but environmentalists. These people would in principle be open to a radical restructuring of
Back in spring, it was assumed that the reigning mayor would easily win re-election, defeating his rival by a wide margin. Gallup's There is often a moment in a match when the team that seemed sure to win suddenly realises it may have a real contest on its hands. In ... Demszky's case, the moment this happened can be precisely identified. Gallup's poll shows that Tarlos has a 1 percentage point lead ... of the public's perception of his suitability for the job. Only a fifth of voters reject the Fidesz-backed
his party had lied. "Obviously we have lied over the last ... two years. It is clear that what we were saying was not true," Gyurcsany ... tape, which was supposedly recorded on May 26, just one month after the prime minister's ruling coalition had been re-elected "We haven't done anything for the last four years," he continues on the recording. "I can't mention a single political ... from finally pulling the government out of the shit." Gyurscany's governing coalition is already facing accusations of ... of a drubbing in local elections on October 1. The problems stem from the government's stringent austerity package, which
Radical right-wing voices are gaining ground inside Fidesz. This could
backfire on the party in the local elections, just On the campaign trail, Ferenc Gyurcsany is encountering all manner of protests, but the whistling and heckling pale in ... follow if he does not respond to a "sobering" defeat in the elections by changing his political direction. This at least is Viktor ... president of Fidesz wrote in Saturday's Magyar Nemzet: "By the time winter comes, it will no longer be a case of the left
Soros György magyar származású amerikai milliárdos ötvenmillió dollárral támogatja azt az új mezőgazdasági segélyprogramot, amellyel az éhező afrikai Az adomány kapcsán Soros úgy nyilatkozott, meggyőződése, hogy a világon a szegénység nagyobbrészt a rossz kormányzás eredménye. A The
A 18-35 éves fiatalok körében 2006-ra már nem a vodka alapú, hanem a rumos koktélok a legnépszerűbbek. Például a Sex on the beach már is, akik mint hobbi mixerek otthon, a baráti társaságuknak akarnak koktélokat keverni. Tavaly a legkedveltebb italok sorrendben a Sex on .... A dobogóra még a Sex on the beach, illetve a Mojito fért fel és immáron 3 éve őrzi negyedik helyét a Bloody Mary. Az első öt
The Free Democrats have assembled a list of awkward quotes from Istvan Tarlos, the opposition candidate for mayor of Istvan Tarlos, mayor of the Budapest district of Obuda-Bekasmegyer recently put down an MDF local councillor by saying jokily: "Don't ... I'll knock your glasses off and stamp on them." The comment, which Tarlos claims he said at the end of a long, tiring day ... suggest was not said in the most threatening of fashions, motivated the Free Democrats to set up a Best of Tarlos forum on
Az idén 65 esztendős Bob Dylan a Broadway-n rövidesen bemutatandó The Times They Are-A-Changin című musical társszerzője változatán is. A fel nem fogható, meg nem ragadható idő volt a főszereplője a néhány ezelőtti, szintén kitűnő lemezének, a Time Out of Mindnak
erősödhetett meg a radikális iszlám mozgalmat tápláló harag és gyűlölet - az amerikai elnök a The Wall Street Journal című lapnak Ellentétes értékelések A liberális The New York Times vasárnap a Washington Post-tal szemben azt írta: Bush nyilvánvalóan ..., hogy elterelje a figyelmet Irakról és általánosságban, a terrorizmus elleni háború szükségességéről értekezzen - írta a The New York ... visszautasítva azt a vádat, hogy a térségben a demokrácia terjesztését célul tűző doktrínája halott. A The Wall Street Journal
Despite piling on the pressure, the Hungarian government is having no luck pushing the Slovak cabinet into "There is no problem with relations wherever politics isn't involved," - said Etelka Riba, vice-president of the National Slovak ... connection with the rising tide of anti-Hungarian sentiment in Slovakia. But it would seem politics has spread far and wide since Jan ..., president of the Slovak National Party, a member of the governing coalition, made repeated anti-Hungarian statements
The Alliance for the Nation has managed to make itself one of the most successful money-raisers among The leaders of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) say they are still owned more than HUF100m of public money ...' Istvan Barankovics Foundation, which was set up this June, is fighting to get a government grant like the other four parliamentary ... the first round in June when the government distributed money to the parties according to the
The poet, translator and writer Gyorgy Faludy has died at the age of The Kossuth Prize-winner passed away at home on Friday. Fanny Faludy-Kovacs, his wife, said he would be buried on 9 September at 4pm in ... Ut Cemetory. Gyorgy Faludy was known for volumes of poetry like Autumn Trio, My Joyful days in Hell, Prison Verse, the 200 Sonnets ... Notes on the Margins of Illnes. He died just days before the launch of his latest volume. This latest book is a
Emmanuel Macron francia elnök szerda esti televíziós beszédében a tartós béke fontosságáról beszélt, és jelezte, csúcstalálkozót szervez a béke garantálásában érdekelt európai hadseregek vezetőinek.