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hvg.hu English version

Euro or manna?

Who is the government trying to hurt with its Lex Euro white paper, Itself or the opposition? Or maybe it is all part of
... our politicians make fools not just of the voters here at home but of the European institutions as well. The
... convergence programme and this years budget in line with each other by enshrining the most important convergence goals for 2006-2008
Are we to believe that the numbers embedded into the law will guide the governments economic policy? This has
... imagine European officials or market analysts being much impressed by a law with merely suggestive power. They were perfectly happy with
... existed before now, it was just the actual measures taken that they were worried about. We might therefore conclude that

MTI Kult

Washington: emlékművet emelnek a kommunizmus áldozatainak

A kommunizmus áldozatainak állítanak emlékművet Washingtonban, amelynek előkészítő munkálatait már az idén elkezdik a The Wall Street
lemondott, mint ahogy az ellenzék egyik vezetője is, akinek az apja besúgó volt - írja a The Wall Street Journal.  A cikk azzal zárul

hvg.hu English version

Burgeoning Bureaucracy

The Orban government was often justly criticised by its opposition for its clientilistic tendencies. But, once ensconced in their
This coalition has taken certain steps that overshadowed Orban himself. There are 6100 more civil servants now than in 2002, according to
... Central Statistical Office. Despite the rise in their number, the civil servants seem to be just as slow and incompetent
... if our leaders lacked the courage to cut back on superfluous bureaucracy, it was surely not necessary to add to it. Allowing their

MTI Világ

Magyar kalózok fosztogatták a trafalgari hajótemetőt

Magyar kalózok fosztogatták a trafalgari csatában elsüllyedt hadihajók kincsét - írta a hétfői The Times, amely szerint a spanyol
egy távvezérlésű merülő robot, nyolc fémdetektor, öt laptop, egy vízálló kamera és 65 oxigénpalack - írta a mai The Times. A lap

MTI Kult

Zenés darab Margaret Thatcherről

Thatcher: the musical - a címe annak a zenés darabnak, amely az egykori brit miniszterelnök-asszonyról szól és amelyet február elején

hvg.hu Gazdaság

Bill Gates 600 millió dollárral küzd a TBC ellen

A Microsoft vezére több mint félmilliárd dollárral támogatta a The Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis nevű kampányt. A 400-nál is több
küzdelmet a G8 és az Afrikai Unió egyik elsődleges feladatává kívánják tenni. „A The Global Plan alapvető fontosságú Afrika számára

English version

Phantoms of the past

There is no obstacle, it would seem, to a politician suddenly deciding to support what just a while before he passionately opposed. The
It would look odd if a defendent in court suddenly started to attack the police for allowing the streets to be so
... is doing when they demand the extension of the planned route of the fourth metro line. The
... should be built from Rákospalota to the Budaörs flower market, because extending it would ease transport for several hundred thousand

English version

Marijuana legalization - Behind the scenes

When the Hemp Seed Association began its civil obedience programme of self-denunciation last spring, participants said though they were
... against a series of dubious disco raids, they did not hold the police responsible for an unjust and ineffective drugs law
Change would need political will and parliamentary decisions, they might have said. Maybe so: but the police were so ill-prepared in
... proceedings against the self-denuncers that it must be conceded: something is rotten in drugs policy. Let us begin by pointing out
... activists and sympathisers denounced themselves to the police in 2005, proceedings have been started against only a handful of them

hvg.hu English version

Unmoved - Students staying at home

pupils from the 168 small towns in the country chose a college or faculty that was within their own county
A further 40 per cent indicated a first preference for an institution in a neighbouring county. Looking at students' top three preferences
... is even clearer, with a marked preference for institutions in the home county or a neighbouring one. There are exceptions, however
... institution outside their own county. The same went, to a lesser degree, for Komarom-Esztergom, Somogy and Zala. There is no surprise

English version

Ministerial appointees in the universities

Bálint Magyar, the education minister has appointed openly left-liberal figures to the management councils that are to help
... opposition is crying foul, but Magyar says personalities from the right declined the offer to
Two finance ministers from the Horn government and two from the Medgyessy government could play a key role in
... education. This, at least, is the hope of Bálint Magyar, who has appointed them to serve on the university management
... March 1. The 69 council members are appointed by the government to serve five year terms - and it is not only

MTI Világ

A brit nők fele az abortusz-szigorítás mellett van

A brit nők csaknem fele az abortusz törvényi szigorítását pártolná - ez derült ki a The Observer felméréséből, amely szerint a
ezer terhesség-megszakítást hajtanak végre, jóllehet a The Observer adatai szerint az esetek 85-90 százalékában a beavatkozás a 12. hét

MTI Világ

A Scotland Yard nem tud semmit a merényletekről?

folyó vizsgálat során - írta a kormánynak szánt belső hírszerzési jelentésből idézve a The Sunday
    A The Sunday Times szerint a nyolcoldalas jelentés elismeri, hogy az MI5 azt sem tudja, volt-e kapcsolat a júliusi 7-ei, 56

MTI English version

Now it's a good thing?

Serving a three- or five-year terms in the armed forces have suddenly become a respectable occupation, with applicants often waiting
... their uniforms. The armed forces are set to earn money from property sales, and its numbers will fall to 29,000 by the end
... members, the quickest way to better pay and promotion is to serve on a foreign
Monday was a busy day for the Hungarian army, with 82 new soldiers turning up for work at the training base in Szentendre
... of 129 career soldiers set off from Debrecen to carry out peacekeeping duties in Kosovo. Colonel Judit Arato, the Szentendre base's
... been a career soldier for three years, and has moved as many times, as the bases on which she was serving were closed down. But

HVG English version

Parties background

There has been a rash of supposedly non-affiliated organisations campaigning for one or other of the main parties this year. This
Magyar Vizsla and The Victor 2 - in one respect they are both the same publication. The authors and publishers
... spring elections, even though they are not part of campaign itself. Traditionally, the way such activities are seen depends on your
... victim of the attack cries foul, while the camp that benefits from the action praises freedom of speech

MTI Világ

El akarták rabolni Blair kisfiát

A Scotland Yard akadályozta meg Tony Blair brit kormányfő legkisebb gyermekének elrablását - írj a mai The Sun, amelynek értesülését a
küzdő brit szervezet egyik radikalizálódó oldalági csoportja dolgozta ki. A The Sun szerdai beszámolójának név nélkül idézett

231 232 233 234 235
Hazánkba is juthatott a hibás Ozempic-injekciókból

Hazánkba is juthatott a hibás Ozempic-injekciókból

Mit keres a matematikus a háziorvosi rendelőben, ha nincs panasza? Hatalmas változások jöhetnek az EESZT-ben

Mit keres a matematikus a háziorvosi rendelőben, ha nincs panasza? Hatalmas változások jöhetnek az EESZT-ben

Ennek a 34 éves Mercinek az árából kijön egy vadonatúj 802 lóerős S-osztály

Ennek a 34 éves Mercinek az árából kijön egy vadonatúj 802 lóerős S-osztály

Itt vannak a Samsung pénztárcabarát mobiljai: bemutatkozott az új Galaxy A26, A36 és A56

Itt vannak a Samsung pénztárcabarát mobiljai: bemutatkozott az új Galaxy A26, A36 és A56

„Ez penész, vagy egy növény?” – gyomorforgató jelenetek a János-kórház pincéjéből

„Ez penész, vagy egy növény?” – gyomorforgató jelenetek a János-kórház pincéjéből

Emberfáklyák az ózdi lángtengerben – sosem lett felelőse a magyar kohászat legsúlyosabb tragédiájának

Emberfáklyák az ózdi lángtengerben – sosem lett felelőse a magyar kohászat legsúlyosabb tragédiájának

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