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The title of the historian Hans-Joachim Veen's speech to the 20th Century Institute said it all. As the professor of comparative ... University of Trier said, in many places a new generation of the old elites came to power, while elsewhere the secret services provided Veen was very specific about what he meant by the term "young democracy," restricting it to the post-communist countries of central and ... Europe, from the Czech Republic to Ukraine, from Estonia to Macedonia, but excluding Russia, a 'managed democracy' that ... democratic institutions. The western countries of the region are closer to the stable European democracies, but as you go further east
The lies and unspoken truths we were treated to during the election campaign have done more damage than even I imagined when last March ... parties to tell the truth, because otherwise they would be unable to govern. The price that has been paid is not just the ... political elites, and it is not just about the loss of confidence in the reform process. It is about a loss of the belief that there is a point political force had an adequate response to the lie, its causes and nor did the elites have any idea how to move towards a .... They began to hate media democracy (scandal, poison, lies and manipulation). They grew to hate capitalism, because it is .... People would like responsible leaders to tell them how to escape from it. But the leaders won't say, because they don't
Eva Beleznay, 44, has finally been confirmed in her post as chief architect of Budapest. Beleznay's family has not followed a straight path ... success. A noble ancestor once gambled away the vast Beleznay fortune, leaving her grandfather to eke out a living as a master fondness for the subject. A talented draftswoman, she "had creative thoughts, and even at secondary school [I] liked to wonder the city .... With an architect's diploma, she followed her husband on a scholarship to America, where she studied city management and planning at ... Pennsylvania. Only eight years later did she return to Budapest, now a mother of two. She started work at the city planning institute
Justice and police minister Jozsef Petretei is on the way out. Apart from him, Laszlo Bene, Peter Gergenyi and Jozsef Dobozi all fell victim "If this goes on, people will be sacred of every constable, every time they are asked to show their ID. We need a police force that ... one that we fear," said the prime minister. The government hopes to have successors in place by 31 May. There may also be changes ... policing and on the management of the police forces, but the role of the ministry will remain unchanged, according to Gyurcsany. He
The EU needs to take a common position on strategic questions - and the Hungarian government has its part to play in this ... Martens, the president of the European People's Party, giving the opening speech to Fidesz's 22nd party congress. The party's nominees Wilfried Martens said that Europe had to grow in strength, speaking with one voice on strategic questions. Energy policy was one such .... He said Hungary had to commit itself to a common energy policy. He emphasized that Fidesz was committed to a ... government coalition's parties had to show a similar commitment. Martens said Vladimir Putin's energy policy is unacceptable. Putin
Háziorvos és asszisztense mentett ki három gyermeket egy tóból a baranyai Kozármislenyben A három testvér még kedden délután, az iskolából hazafelé menet megpihent a tó zsilipjénél. Meleg volt, ezért lábukat a vízbe lógatták
a tó vízét, majd vitorlát bontottak a hajók, s ezzel megkezdődött az idei vitorlásszezon a Balatonon a pünkösdi Nemzetközi Regattával folytatódik a versenysorozat, majd a tó legnagyobb nemzetközi viadala a július első hetében
effectively the rights of children and large families could be protected if children could send their representatives to parliament ... adults! That many have not yet come of age, that some have not yet learned to speak need not be an obstacle. Parents could exercise enthusiastically, while the National Association of Large Families not only welcomed the idea, but dispatched a letter to every single ... proposal was unconstitutional according to most lawyers, Marius Revesz said: "100 years ago, it was unconstitutional for women ... this early stage," it was not necessary to work out the details. Yet a little thought would have shown him that the idea was unworkable
I was profoundly indifferent to the 2012 European Football Championships until Tamas Gyarfas, head of the committee in charge of ... bid, asked how far it was acceptable to go with bribery, said, "until it gets noticed." And then he handed Michel Platini, president of to hand out bungs in a live broadcast, still less for the presenter to react not with outrage, demanding an official ... of good wishes for the success of the deception. It was extraordinary that someone thought they had the right to spend my tax forints ... using the justification that all this was being done "for my interests." Supposedly, it would be good for me if Hungary were to host
According to Tibor Jarmy, spokesman for Budapest Police, Laszlo Zoltan Szabo was arrested for resisting "authorised police operations." custody for several hours, despite wanting only to bear witness to police actions by taking photographs. Szabo says he ... the end of a demonstration held by the Soviet war memorial. He noticed that a young man standing next to the memorial was surrounded by ... policemen who ordered him to empty out his rucksack. The professor approached them and told them he wished to serve as a
of the reshuffle. The prime minister is nonetheless reluctant to contemplate a radical reshaping of the For a decade, Hungary's environment ministry has been in the hands of a party that believes there is no particular reason to have a ... portfolio. More paradoxes are to come. Gabor Fodor, who will serve as environment minister, has set as a condition of service that his ..., trying to persuade the entire coalition that the country needs a new ombudsman tasked with overseeing the environmental protection
The success of the community social networking portal iWiW has inspired others to follow. Across Hungary ever more internet companies is a free personal information management service that provides help to people while they are working. It was ... a weekend last autumn and tested in a closed environment, with extra functions being added once a fortnight. It launched to the public ... of time spent on a job, making it simple to work out the returns on a project and carry out cost-benefit analyses. It' s easy
The Socialist-Free Democrat government has never been keen on the "national identity document" first issued by the Orban government to ... Hungarians in neighbouring countries. There was talk of abolishing it, but the prime minister's office has now announced plans to limit The ID currently lasts five years, and the planned changes to the law are necessary because the first documents were issued almost five ... only a few applications a year from each country. Applying was often a primarily symbolic gesture of belonging to the Hungarian ... even visit Hungary, the only place where it confers any benefits. They still felt it important to have some kind of document that
There's no way of knowing what political advantage Gabor Fodor expects to gain from serving as environment minister. But we can guess ... for Janos Koka: by bringing his rival into the tent, he is trying to neutralise his critics within the party. The Free Democrat leader What might Fodor want to achieve? His portfolio is one of the least influential, regarded by many as a political parking slot. In the ... by grey technocrats with no party hinterland. In 1994, when the Socialists and the Free Democrats were negotiating to form a coalition ... tried to force the environment ministry on his junior coalition party. But they didn't want it, so they went looking for a Socialist MP