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hvg.hu Kult

Született gyilkosnő a Sziget zárónapján - ajánló videókkal

A Soundgarden énekesének szólókoncertje sajnálatos módon elmarad, de hiányáért remélhetőleg kárpótolnak az olyan nevek, mint a Juliette &
..., napjaink egyik legnépszerűbb bandája, a The Killers vagy a szókimondó Leningrad. Sziget-ajánló idén
Reszkessen a Tenacious D! Jack Black hobbizenekarával legfeljebb a Queens of the Stone Age frontemberének gimnáziumi bulibandája
... közönségének. Juliette & the Licks Juliette Lewis a színésznő, a Született gyilkosok Malloryja, pofátlan és szexi, örök
... annyira dögös, mint maga az énekesnő. The Killers Az idei Sziget talán legjobban várt bandája az USA-ból indult, elsőként

hvg.hu English version

Striking season

We should brace ourselves to expect more fraught salary negotiations from the autumn, especially in industries we all depend
Retail employers at a multinationals strike in vain, since most of them could be replaced and fully trained within a week. Airport employees have
... best chance of getting an improved pay offer, but specialists working for the railways and the other public transport
.... This is partly because of their security expertise and party because of the laws that regulate their industries. Locomotive drivers go

hvg.hu Kult

Mit nézzünk a Sziget második napján? – Videók

Csütörtökön érkezik a fesztivál egyik legjobban várt formációja, a Chemical Brothers, valamint a Blur frontemberének új bandája, a The
... & The Queen. Rajtuk kívül lesz még német reggae, mali blues és sanzonok a Zöld-foki Köztársaságból, és még sokan mások. Ajánlónk a
& The Far East Band Ez a német fickó úgy pödri a reggae-dance hallt, hogy akármelyik jamaikai raszta megirigyelhetné. Az Otto Tillmann
... sem panaszkodhatott, alaposan megtáncoltatta a jelenlévőket. The Good, The Bad & The Queen Itt
... létezett legjobb punkbanda, a The Clash basszusgitárosa, a festőművészkéntként új pályára állt  Paul Simonon, és a világzenei

hvg.hu English version

Hungarian sex workers

Prostitutes are to receive subsidised business classes. Like other self-employed people, they will pay tax and social security contributions. In
It exceeded the wildest dreams of Agnes Foldi, head of the Hungarian Prostitutes' Interest Group (MPEE), whose members have
... in accountancy and business law. In April, the MPEE's website was telling visitors it had received Ft15.2m in subsidies for providing
... training for budding businesswomen. The 110 places available were several times oversubscribed. One part of the story

MTI Shake

Sherlock Holmes feltámadt

A 21. században Sherlock Holmes sem lenne csalhatatlan - állítja Michael Chabon amerikai író, aki A Végső megoldás (The Final Solution
a detektívregénnyel párhuzamosan megírta a Pókember következő részének forgatókönyvét és több elbeszélést adott a The New York Times

hvg.hu English version

Hungarian Visa-Applicant: US Consul in Budapest Humiliated Me

Hungarian visa applicant at the US Embassy received the visa but in the process she has been humiliated, being
... an embassy official. Others have similar complains. The officials aim at filtering out those applicants who might not leave
... their visa expires. There is much at stake: if the rate of rejected visa goes under 10 percent, US Visa-Waiver Program mayl also
U.S. Embassy, Budapest One recent applicant who finally received her visa told a story of humiliation and abuse during the
... and torturous grilling. She works in the Archive of the Budapest based Central European University, established by
... philanthropist, George Soros. At Window no.3, the Consul asked her why she wanted to go to the U.S. She explained, to

MTI Világ

Milliárdokért fegyvereket ad el az USA Szaúd-Arábiának

Az Egyesült Államok 20 milliárd dollár értékű fegyverzet eladásáról készül szerződéseket kötni Szaúd-Arábiával és öt Perzsa-öböl menti kőolajtermelő
az iraki kormányt - írta a lap. A The Washington Post szerint a fegyvervásárlási szerződéseket hétfőn jelentik be Condoleezza Rice

hvg.hu English version

Tits, bums and money shots

Tits, bums, dicks, actors panting and ready - oh, and a fresh, two-week-old AIDS test certificate in a non-existent pocket - and the
.... We asked the porn actress Kati Kiraly and the best-known Hungarian porn director, Kovi, about the secrets of
a single Hungarian company on the market making professional, high quality films with an expert staff and good equipment," says Istvan
... everybody knows him. The porn director set up his own company at the beginning of the 1990s, which only
.... Shortly after the first casting, things almost went tits-up: Kovi finally reached the top of the waiting

hvg.hu English version

Popping the balloon

The new railway station at Budapest's Ferihegy airport, which was recently opened to much fanfare, does little to make the
.... Our reporter travelled from Nyugati station in the centre of Budapest to Ferihegy, and discovered that there was less to
In 1994, the press had a laugh at the expense of Gyorgy Schamschula, who had hit on the idea of shoring up
... - and then the next 10km was built. It was little different on 16 July, when a few guests braved the heatwave to witness
... a new stop on the Budapest-Cegled-Szolnok line, which has been christened Ferihegy. According to the Budapest Transport

hvg.hu English version

Anxious relatives

What matters more? Solidarity with a small democracy whose inhabitants are our linguistic kin, or a summit with the head of a
... power who is working to re-establish his country's superpower prestige? Ferenc Gyurcsany chose the former by attending the
... peoples. That the Estonian prime minister did not attend did not prevent him from representing Estonia's point of view, he said. Fidesz
Zsolt Nemeth, chair of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee believes that the prime minister, "by attending
... undermining Hungary's Euro-Atlantic relations." It is quite true that Jose Manuel Barroso stood up for the Baltic state when riots
... the Russian monument affair. It would seem that, just as with gas supplies, our country's diplomacy takes a softer line when Moscow

hvg.hu/MTI Itthon

A Sheffield United tulajdonosa vevő lenne a Fradira

a The Guardian. Együttműködések ma is vannak magyar, illetve külföldi klubok között, de vélhetően a brit tulajdonszerzés szorosabb
Feyenoorddal, de az MTI szerint a The Guardian most olyasmit ídott hírül, amihez hasonlóra nem volt példa a magyar labdarúgásban. A
... would bring in young Hungarian stars) a The Guardian nem úgy fogalmaz, hogy a Sheffield United venné meg a jobb napokat látott, de ma

hvg.hu English version

Back in time

A recent Gallup survey found no significant group in Hungarian society that held a positive overall view of the government's
... years ago, people largely accepted they had to pick up the tab for the comfort spending the Communist
... dictatorship had died so recently that it was impossible to believe it might be resurrected. But then the state managed once again to
If we ignore the point where Viktor Orban's party achieved its greatest degree of popularity and when the Socialists were
... struck by a strange metaphor. If we forget to pull the handbrake, then a car on a slope will just roll until it hits something. But to
..., you have to start the motor. A democracy built on party competition seems to work in the same way. The

hvg.hu English version

Not a life-and-death issue

The former Hungarian-Soviet Oil Company (Maszolaj) is being taken away from us. Once again, and now the Austrians are
© Túry Gergely In June OMV raised its position in Mol from 10 per cent to 18.6 per cent, investing €1bn in the process. In a
..., Mol and a group of allied investors, including the state-owned MFB Invest, started buying large quantities of shares. Yes
... battle as its own, and the opposition is only too ready to agree. The prime minster said OMV's activities were "not a

hvg.hu English version

Bridges of sighs

They're not about to collapse under our feet, but some of the Budapest's bridges over the Danube are in a pretty miserable
Click on the picture for the bridges gallery © Stiller Ákos If every one of the disaster
... over recent years had unfolded as predicted, we would be taking the ferry from inner Pest to Buda. Though in poor shape, Budapest's
... collapsed - but they are are carrying an ever increasing burden. The number of crossings has hardly changed, but traffic has risen

hvg.hu English version

The mayor on the weekends violence

Budapest rejects the aggressive Arpad Flag-toting extermists who call ever more openly for hate against the widest possible
...-party statement, while Fidesz and the Christian Democrats condemn the government. Meanwhile, the Hungarian
He said it was saddening that troublemakers bearing Arpad Flags claimed to be acting in the names of "normality." "The
... doing is far from what is regarded as normal in the world's democratic countries," said Gabor Demszky. The mayor said
... the threats and stood up for their rights at the weekend who showed true bravery." He thought it was "difficult to imagine

HVG English version

Together at the top

"We were never a political family, but we watched the television news every evening at 7.30 , and then we discussed what we'd seen
their daughter's future, sending her to the Austrian high school in Budapest, although she graduated from a Hungarian school before
... science at the Law Faculty of ELTE University in Budapest. She was an enthusiastic student. "The subject was new back
... choice. The School of Public Administration and Foreign Trade was only an emergency standby." Having enrolled in 1999, she was writing

hvg.hu English version

Parties does not need to advertise

Viktor Orban is using advertising to fight the silly season. After guerrilla marketing - a strange Hungarian approach, no less - we are
... witnessing the anti-political advertising campaign, whereby our politician campaigns under the banner of an
a means of manipulation." But this only means something if every party (including Fidesz, of course) uses the media to drag voters
.... If this disinformation, which Orban says must be banned, is intrinsic to politics, then the proposal is incomplete. If campaign
... TV adverts are not in themselves manipulative - they are just the medium. It's rather like making murder with a gun a criminal offence

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