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The Economist: a térségi választási tendenciák változásának jele lehet a magyar koalíció A magyarországi választás eredménye annak előjele lehet a térségben, hogy néha a hivatalban lévő kormányok is győzhetnek - írta a The ... a kívülállókban félelmeket ébresztett az új demokráciák törékenységével kapcsolatban - áll a The Economist cikkében. Az elemzés ... mandátumszámával szemben - áll az elemzésben. A The Economist véleménye szerint Orbán Viktor Fidesz-elnök (a kampányban) megosztónak
Tizennegyedik alkalommal nyitja meg kapuit a Soproni Volt Fesztivál július 5-én - hangzott el a rendezvény szerdai sajtótájékoztatóján. Az egyik fő az érdeklődők. Játszik a The Cult, a Pet Shop Boys, a Fun Lovin, Criminals, a német De Phazz, valamint a Los de Abajo is. Először jár
Határozott gazdasági reformokat sürget Magyarországon a The Wall Street Journal című konzervatív amerikai lap európai kiadása (WSJE), s A The Wall Street Journal keddi számában megjelent szerkesztőségi cikk felidézi Orbán Viktor egyik kijelentését, miszerint az ellenzéki
In 1982, I wrote an article commemorating the 75th anniversary of Frigyes Podmaniczky's death, in which I bemoaned the ... Metropolitan Works Council (FKT). The article was picked up upon by the leaders of the Metropolitan Council ... outstanding work "How Budapest was built" about the FKT's first sixty years, was reissued. The publisher asked me to write Budapest be Built? Re-establishing the Metropolitan Works Council". The book contained various other writings and was ... committee. It may be important to quote Viktor Orban, who, in justifying his idea for a Budapest Ministry, said "during the past two ... published a really fat book about the the Works Council." The Fidesz leader's sudden desire to deal with
The next few months in Hungarian politics are going to be very interesting. If the coalition wins, then it will have to dig ... hole it spent the last four years leading the country into. If Fidesz loses, the party will face structural ... sticks to her current possition, adopting the role of a constructive opposition, then she will be in a dreadfully lonely Election night brought about a profound change on the right: while Orban Viktor's conservative-Christian party alliance came in behind ... Socialists, the despised and marginalised Hungarian Democratic Forum crossed the parliamentary threshold. Orban, trying ... situation, evoked his party's joint labours with Ibolya David's party in the years of the regime change. He displayed
"We have to reach a deal with the MDF at all costs," Viktor Orban was told by several local party leaders, the HVG has ... himself cannot be allowed to get in the way. The first round of the elections brought the It took only 2429 votes to make sure that the same four parties would remain in parliament after the elections. Had ... replacing the current centre-left coalition. Even with the MDF, it seems an unlikely outcome. Iboly David, leader of ... Minister of Justice, said on Monday that she did not wish to help her former boss back into power. The narrowness of that 2429-vote
Free Democrat politicians' behaviour after the first round suggests that they are unaware that they have emerged strengthened from The sun had barely risen after the victory, but already the Free Democrat leadership had reached an agreement ... candidates to withdraw, without consulting with the party membership. This does not seem a self-confident move. It suggests that people ... a wounded and weakened Orban to take a hard line with the Socialist party. But given the level of support the
The message from Fidesz headquarters is that Viktor Orban is in
control: there is no rival who would even contemplate questioning his Fidesz activists are trying to make a virtue out of necessity: the party leader has stood down as prime ministerial candidate, thereby ... he is driven not by a lust for power, but by concern for the future of the country. Activists reject the ... the certainty of defeat, and that he was positioning himself to work more effectively in opposition after the elections
Separately or together - this question has defined the relationship between the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) and Fidesz Tensions between the MDF and Fidesz began the evening after their coalition lost the second round of ... Fidesz and the MDF formed a single party group in parliament and managed to get a recount, then there was a chance of Ferenc Madl ..., asking them to form a government. Ibolya David dashed those hopes that evening, saying her party would form an independent party group. Over
The Right will only be successful if they adopt a moderate, principled conservative position, supported by a sober and high-quality The Magyar Nemzet [Nation], once the pinnacle of Hungarian journalism has become an extremist paper, bulldozing anyone ..., according to Janos Pelle. The results of the elections of 9 April 2006 are known: the Socialist-Liberal ... heading into the second round is little better than in 2002. Of course, the MDF did squeak past the 5 per
Sources close to Fidesz have claimed the party leadership spent little time dealing with Ibolya David's eight points, regarding them ... a basis for negotiation. The Fidesz leadership suggested in a letter to Ibolya David that Akos Bod Peter could be a joint prime ... Peter's task would be to lead the country out of its present situation. Akos Bod Peter was the Antall government's finance Political analysts believe Orban is positioning himself for the situation following the elections. He already knows that ... second round, and wishes to avoid being a losing candidate. This would also allow him to drop Mikola, the party's candidate for deputy ... has become a burden. If Ibolya David is not prepared to discuss Orban's proposal and Fidesz is obliged to fight the second round
Today's Fidesz is riding a wave of antipathy felt by the traditional Hungarian Right and the Hungarian provinces towards ...-style middle class, claims the political analyst Péter Tölgyessy. He believes Viktor Orbán lost Wednesday's debate between Two days have passed since the Gyurcsány-Orbán debate. There is no clear verdict: Orbán seemed to be suffering from stage fright, but ... commentators have claimed that public opinion may have found prime minister's seeming arrogance off-putting, and that this may cause a boomerang in ... round of the elections on Sunday. What do you think? However much the press tries to talk up the
The past few decades have seen increasing numbers of mixed Hungarian-Romanian marriages in Transylvania. These are motivated by more .... The latest research shows that Hungarians are being assimilated into the Romanian The residents of the village of Izboranu near Bucharest will long remember the day at the ... Royce, wearing a very low-cut dress, to kneel before the altar of the village church and convert to orthodox Christianity ... is nothing unusual in a Hungarian choosing a Romanian partner. The 2002 census showed 364,869 marriages where at least one half of