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MTI Kult

Meleg cowboyok és a Nyughatatlan a Golden Globe-gála nyertesei

a hétfő este megtartott 63. díjkiosztó gálán. A Nyughatatlan (Walk the line) című, Johnny Cashről szóló filmbiográfia három Arany
mint az Elszánt diplomata (The Constant Gardener) című krimi, az egyesült államokbeli kommunistaüldözés időszakáról szóló Good Night
..., George Clooney rendezte alkotás, az Erőszakos múlt című gengszterfilm és Woody Allen Meccslabda (Match Point) című filmje. A Nyughatatlan (Walk
... megelőzte a második világháború idején Londonban játszódó Mrs. Henderson Presents című filmet, a kosztümös "Büszkeség és Balítélet"-et, a

HVG English version

The new CEO of Budapest Airport

Budapest Airport is the least competitive airport in the region, but its growth opportunities are all the
... Briton, whose company BAA International has paid HUF465bn for a 75-year contract to operate the
come with me to ensure a smooth handover. I am here to realise our vision for Budapest Airport, that it should become the main airport
... main task is to turn the airport into a private company. My second task is to develop commercial opportunities. We are starting
... manage to talk the unions out of striking? It is a simple formula. We will sit down and talk with them. We asked for time to

hvg.hu English version

European championships 2012

The Hungarian Football Association (HFA)is leaderless, while it has only until the end of May to present its joint bid with
... European championships. Unlike in the past, this time the ouster came from inside - along with a promise to kick-start
Lothar Matthaus, the most recent manager of the Hungarian football team, was looking for a job in Brazil last week. But on
... the former German footballer's contract with the HFA did not expire until 2008. But Imre Bozóky, the
... Matthaus must have been referring to a draft contract. This strange story highlights the chaos that has afflicted Hungarian football

MTI Gazdaság

Big Mac-index: Magyarország a legdrágább a térségben

ezt mutatja a The Economist pénteken közölt legújabb Big Mac-indexe, amely szerint ezen a mércén továbbra is a világ legdrágább országa
Így a The Economist elemzői szerint a Big Mac alkalmas annak mérésére, hogy mennyire érvényesül a vásárlóerő-paritás elvileg

hvg.hu English version

Compaigning tricks

The attempt to sell the publisher of Magyar Vizsla as a civil society organisation failed spectaularly, just as did
... distance themselves from the scurrilous book The Victor. We can only hope that voters will not be deceived by such
The outsourcing of dirty tricks is becoming standard practice for our political parties. The PR experts within
... that Hungarians are so dim-witted that they will fail to guess the origins of a dirty-tricks campaign if there is no party slogan.
... Vizsla, a fantasy civil society organisation, came into being. The print quality of their publications is so low, their targets

English version

Firing on the flagship

The storm over the Financial Times's Hungarian supplement continues. Fidesz published its advert about the
... for a special parliamentary committee to be established. The FT was supposedly to be excluded from the affair, but it
... have now written a strange letter to London. They continue to attack the Gyurcsány government. But what does the
Fidesz politicians alleged that not only was the six-page supplement paid for by the Hungarian government, but that
... journalists were bought too. The FT protested. Fidesz placed adverts in several Hungarian dailies saying Ferenc Gyurcsány had paid
... reassuring foreign correspondents working in Hungary that the recent scandal related "not to their work, but to the

MTI Itthon

Az Economist is a Fidesz által kritizált FT-mellékletről ír

a Financial Times decemberi cikkeire, amelyekben - a Fidesz állítása szerint - a kormány a valósnál rózsásabb képet festett Magyarország helyzetéről
egyet a kormányon".  A The Economist szerint "a választások idején a Fidesz híveinek kedvelt időtöltésük a külföldi sajtó csépelése. A
..., hogy az egész egy félreértés, és dicsérte az országban dolgozó "nagyra becsült" külföldi tudósítókat. Ám a Financial Times még mindig várja a

HVG English version

Attila Michnai

In order to have a genuinely fair tax system we need things to be clear and transparent, and we need precise figures. The current
... with anew every year, has none of these features. For the moment, we can only guess which members of society will bear what share of
last granny would need to have an electronic account which would keep track of the money flowing in and out of the state
... would be opened with a value of zero at 00:00 on the first day of the year when the new system was
..., every item of income and expenditure would be tracked. Assuming that there are 10m tax subjects, then let there be a VAT payment to

HVG English version

A lost generation

restarting in 1989-90, the monasteries have still not managed to replace a generation lost when most orders were banned in
"There are three things the Lord does not know: how many nuns there are, the thoughts of the Jesuits, and how
... an old Catholic saying. The world of monastic orders is something of a mystery even to believers, let alone complete outsiders. It is
..., that the number of nuns in Hungary has declined continuously over the past 15 years. The same goes for

HVG English version

Growing distance from the euro?

Most of the new member states are within grasping distance of the euro. Smaller countries could adopt the
..., though the larger countries, including Hungary, may have trouble meeting even the 2010
Supporters of the euro have fallen into a minority, according to Eurobarometer. Governments are committed to the switchover
... measures to bring it about, but the broad support is dwindling. 37 per cent of 10,000 people surveyed in the new member
... the introduction of the euro. 53 per cent would oppose the move. Most people are aware of the

HVG English version

Hungarian money makers

Amongst the world's financial centres, Hungarian is most often heard in the City of London, though Vienna (because of its
Many of these are not earlier emigrés or their offspring, but people who have arrived straight from Hungary. László Urbán, managing director of
... meetings of some 20 to 30 Hungarian businessmen, bankers and students in Manhattan, arranged by the Hungarian consulate-general. Erste
.... "The reason there are so few Hungarians in the financial world is that between 1949 and 1986 there was no real banking

HVG English version

Bankers roots

Hungarians pursuing stellar careers in the banking world abroad always talked of wanting to do something for the mother
Thomas A Renyi headed up the Bank of New York for seven years betwen 1996 and 2003. So far, only one other Hungarian has reached similar
... the banking world: Péter Róna, who led the New York subsidiary of the British investment bank Schroders from
... name betrays his origins, since even his parents were born in the United States, and he himself speaks not a word of Hungarian. But

HVG English version

Political vision

I found an anonymous study of the EU's long-term plans on the internet. The details are found
As part of EU finance reform, the 1.045 per cent of the EU's GDP that is currently distributed should be increased to 5 per
... years. In domestic political terms it is unacceptable and unfair that only the six richest countries should pay for all
... income and new ways of saving have to be worked out. Two new committees, the New Customs Committee and the New Custom

MTI Világ

Jackson nem fizet, haladékot kér

A The Los Angeles Times című lap értesülése szerint Jackson ügyvédei tárgyalásban állnak a Fortress Investment bankkal, hogy hathónapos
becslése szerint Jackson része a Sony/ATV Music Publishing cégben mintegy félmilliárd dollárt, vagyis több mint egybillió forintot ér.      A

HVG English version

Reconstructed baths of Budapest

Now that the Rudas baths have reopened, the people of Budapest can once again enjoy the pleasures of a proper
... attitudes towards cleansing the body and the soul were fundamentally different from Hungarian customs, the
"It is forbidden to enter the bath without first greeting the other guests. Argument should be avoided, especially over
... bear nor use arms," ran the bath bye-laws in 18th century Hungary. This strict etiquette was widely understood in Hungary at a time
... Europe, such baths were scarcely to be found. When, at the end of the 17th century, the English Doctors'

HVG English version

Top list of Universities

Next week, HVG will devote a special supplement to a ranking of Hungary's colleges and universities. The challenge of the
... tradition of ranking colleges in Hungary, but its importance derives from the fact that Hungarian higher education is in
Preparing a league table is thankless task, since, with the exception of the leaders, everyone on the list is
... clear, how hard it is to find the common denominator linking statistics from diverse sources. For those who will be making university
... coming months, it is essential to know whether their time and money will be well spent at a given institution. The decision is made

hvg.hu English version

Budapest Airport sold out!

airport operators have benefited from the appearance of budget airlines on the
were two kinds of airport. Those with inadequate traffic, and those with inadequate capacity. The former had to be mondernised
..., which has led to huge growth in private investment in the field, spurred on by privatisations in bother western and eastern Europe.
... airport operator by passenger traffic is the French company Aéroports de Paris (ADP). Last spring, the French government

hvg.hu English version

Referendum anniversary

There was something in the air as the first anniversary of the referendum on dual citizenship approached. We
... from beyond the borders would arise to tear at their still-bleeding wounds (which did indeed happen), and here at home
This despite the fact that the government had pre-empted them all by moving a law in parliament on the status
... countries. (The Free Democrats abstained, saying there was no need for token constitutional change). Fidesz claims the
...: Viktor Orbán, assuming the role of parliamentary speaker, bade MPs rise for a minute's silence. (This reminded me and others of

HVG English version

Is there a crisis?

Hungary is not yet in economic crisis, but it is in trouble, according to László Antal, one of Hungary's leading macroeconomists. The
... economist has no confidence in either the Finance Ministry's or the Hungarian National Bank's
© Bánkuti András HVG : It's becoming an increasingly common practice for the state not to pay, withholding wages, subsidies
..., education bursaries. Is the state bankrupt? What does a state bankruptcy look like? LA: I can't give you a precise definition, but
... bankruptcy in 1946, at the time of hyperinflation, when 90 per cent of money printed was destined to support state expenditure

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Ukrajna automatikus NATO-tagságát javasolja a finn elnök, ha Oroszország megsértene egy majdani tűzszünetet

Ukrajna automatikus NATO-tagságát javasolja a finn elnök, ha Oroszország megsértene egy majdani tűzszünetet

Az állampapíroktól a tőzsdék felé fordulhatnak a K&H-s ügyfelek

Az állampapíroktól a tőzsdék felé fordulhatnak a K&H-s ügyfelek

Jön az Opera újdonsága, ami átveszi az irányítást a böngésző felett (videó)

Jön az Opera újdonsága, ami átveszi az irányítást a böngésző felett (videó)

Kapjon le egy könyvet a polcáról, mert rengeteg előnye van, ha napi szokássá teszi az olvasást

Kapjon le egy könyvet a polcáról, mert rengeteg előnye van, ha napi szokássá teszi az olvasást

Még a föld is megremegett az Oscar-gála estéjén Hollywoodban – szó szerint

Még a föld is megremegett az Oscar-gála estéjén Hollywoodban – szó szerint

Peszkov az amerikai fegyverszállítások leállításáról: Ez a legjobb hozzájárulás a békéhez

Peszkov az amerikai fegyverszállítások leállításáról: Ez a legjobb hozzájárulás a békéhez

Nem volt térerő, mégis átment az SMS: Európában először sikerült, hamarosan mindenki elérheti a műholdas üzenetküldést

Nem volt térerő, mégis átment az SMS: Európában először sikerült, hamarosan mindenki elérheti a műholdas üzenetküldést

Összetört autójuk mellett intézték a papírmunkát, amikor jött a váratlan folytatás – videó

Összetört autójuk mellett intézték a papírmunkát, amikor jött a váratlan folytatás – videó

Telelés közben vettek videóra egy denevért a Királyréten

Telelés közben vettek videóra egy denevért a Királyréten

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