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Hungary's government recently increased its budget deficit targets for 2006 and beyond, after the EU required Hungary's government recently increased its budget deficit targets for 2006 and beyond, after the EU required to include government ... highway constructions. How realistic is the original plan to introduce the euro in 2010? Any chance of meeting that ... gone. The sizeable austerity package that would be required in 2007-08 appears both politically implausible and economically
A brit hírszerzés kiszivárgott adatai szerint több mint 300 közel-keleti és ázsiai cég, illetve szervezet dolgozik atom- és egyéb tömegpusztító fegyverekhez szükséges berendezések térségi elosztói. A The Guardian szerint a „Fegyverkezési szempontból aggályos vállalatok és ... a dokumentum szerint „nem kimerítő" - áll a brit napilapban. A The Guardian által látott 17 oldalas névsorban egyebek mellett 95 ... szerint részt vállalt az ázsiai ország nukleáris programjában. Ezt a képviselt helyettes vezetője "abszolút képtelenségnek" nevezte. A
It will be left to the next parliament to modify the agents' law it voted for in May, after the Constitutional ... unconstitutional. Despite this, there will be plenty of talk of former agents in the coming election If things go on as before, then we can expect the names of plenty of former agents to be leaked in coming weeks. By now we know ... question of former informers and agents comes into public view, new information is unearthed and given to the press. When ... discussed, for example, the economics professor Tamás Bácskai was unmasked in the daily Magyar Nemzet. Then, as if in
Following the Polish Left's spectacular defeat, and now that our elections are fast approaching - where there's a good chance of a ... government taking the place of our current left-wing party - people are once again pointing to the parallels. It began in The same happened in Hungary the following year. Since then, both here and in Poland, governments of left and right have ... four years. Of course there are differences. The first four years in Poland saw several governments come and go in an atmosphere of ... came only with the return of the ex-Communist party. In Hungary, the first government survived for
"Building a home is an art," says one of the leading property investors. And it would seem to be a popular art form, given that there ... so many new homes to choose from on the market. An estimated 10-11,000 apartments are on sale in Budapest. But with growing supply It's almost impossible to sell a new flat nowadays without good marketing. Gone are the days when flats would be snapped up before they ... drawing board. That's good news for buyers - their negotiating position is all the stronger. But buyers should avoid being seduced by ... - free garages, furnished kitchens. The real concern is about the quality of the newbuilds. Zoltán Nagy is a
Vancouver a legkellemesebb város, ahol élni lehet, de Melbourne, Bécs, Genf, Zürich, Koppenhága, Helsinki, Stockholm, és Frankfurt is az élbolyba Budapestnek sincs szégyellnivalója: 126 város közül az 57.helyen áll a The Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) top-listáján, és még abba a
alapján a keletről érkezők alig veszik igénybe az ír jóléti rendszer szolgáltatásait, a korlátozások viszont többeket hajléktalansággal fenyegetnek vagyis nem váltak valóra a kelet-európaiak nagyarányú "kedvezmény-turizmusáról" szóló jóslatok. A The Irish Times szerint ugyanakkor ... kerülnek szembe, de így sem élveznek semmilyen védelmet, akkor sem, ha Írországban adót fizettek - mondta O'Donoghue. A The Irish ... korlátozásának törvényességével kapcsolatban. Bizottsági források a The Irish Timesnak megerősítették: az uniós végrehajtó testület úgy
Peter Ackerman expects Freedom House's latest report on the state of civil liberties in America to be heavily criticised ... be glad if the odd country complains about its 'grade' - it proves that his organisation has HVG: Freedom House has been assessing the state of democracy and civil liberties around the world for 33 years. You give ... what basis? What are your sources? PA: The beauty of it is that freedom can be broken down into its elements and measured. You can ... of the press, of religion, the independence of the courts, whether civil rights are guaranteed. We commission
Viktor Orbán giving government commissions to Fidesz companies that helped out in the Anyone who took that campaign seriously has had plenty of reasons to be disappointed. Most recently, the Sawyer Miller Group got a ... from City Hall to do PR work for the fourth metro project. Sawyer Miller is running the re-election campaign for Gábor ... mayor of Budapest. The whole story seems to be a standard "party-linked" kind of affair. But it's more serious than that. Left
prices could be popular, the Finance Ministry sees no way of replacing the billions that would be lost to the Unlike most drivers, hauliers had no reason to be happy about the cuts in fuel VAT announced in October. "It improves our cash-flow at ... Gábor Dittel, general secretary of the Hungarian branch of the International Haulage Association. The 5% cut ... price of a liter of fuel for the normal driver, brings no benefits to haulage companies, because they can reclaim the VAT
államokbeli tiltakozó mozgalom vezéralakja lett - írta kedden a The Washington Post A The Washington Post az őrizetbe vételekről a washingtoni városi hírek rovatában, a Metróban számolt be. A konzervatív
The budget is the problem. Eurostat is nor certain to say no to our peculiarly Hungarian approach to financing motorway ... if we do manage to stick to a budget deficit of Ft1022bn this year, it will mean a budget deficit of 6-6.2% of GDP, using the EU's If the deficit rises above 6%, not only is the credibility of our fiscal policy called into question, but it also becomes ... will be able to do nothing to bring down expenditures. We can't even argue that the economy has been on a deficit-cutting course since ... is bad news. But we shouldn't be surprised. Since 2001, both the left and the right have been methodical in undermining
In the US, lawyers belong to the most despised and yet most envied profession. How much do they earn in Hungary? Last year, lawyers' average monthly income was HUF96,000 less than the philosophers', HUF20,000 less than a social worker's, and ... a nurse's. At least according to the National Employment Service (FSZ)'s figures. But these figures are somewhat suspect: why, for ... the FSZ's figures were accurate, then the 9,000 lawyers in Hungary would together earn a total of HUF1.5bn. Most
"The county's on the move," runs the official slogan, but it's taken the government more than a ... that's because speed restrictions are in force on more than a third of the country's aging It's taken almost exactly six months to announce a winner for the tender to provide MÁV with suburban railway rolling stock. Despite ... Canadian-German firm Bombardier, Switzerland's Stadler has won the Ft100bn contract to provide 70 suburban electric trains. So we can ... being lavish in his praise - he's seized the opportunity to announce the dismissal of Zoltán Mándoki, MÁV's CEO. His place