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hvg.hu English version

Hungary, 500 top companies

After the stabilisation package, before the recession: Hungary's 500 largest companies were only barely able to grow above the rate of
in any other developed country - from 37.1 per cent of GDP to 39.4 per cent over just one year. It comes as nor surprise, then, that
... a modest cut to the budget deficit of Ft2034bn to Ft1291bn came at a cost of GDP growth slowing from 4.1 per cent
..., growth was at 17.5 per cent, compared to inflation of 3.9 per cent. The very largest companies did less well even than this. The

hvg.hu English version

The crisis was caused by human deficiencies

and Zsolt Becsey, a Fidesz MEP contributed to a discussion of "Christian values and Europe". The conference was followed by an
"The most important purpose of the liberal understanding of humans is to promote the self-realisation of indviduals, based on the
... leaders of Christian communities have a role to play in responding to the crisis, since, beside capitalism's materialistic
... Antall, the first post-1989 prime minister, adding that this point needed to be understood in Brussels, since there was no point in

English version

"I hope Terezvaros's law enforcement authorities will start investigating"

that there was an attempt to cover this up." We asked Zoltan Illes for his opinion of the
the former Ballet Institute. But then there was the sale of a shopfront at 61 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky ut, and the bribery that was linked to
... case there was a prosecution and imprisonment. hvg.hu: That's a pretty frank thing to say. It's hardly a surprise that they're suing
... minister tried to spread rumours when he would have done better to solve the problem rather than try and cover things up

English version

A Budapest Olympics

of money to the government that happens to be in power, money that can be distributed and spent on creating jobs and
Maybe it really is the case that the economic crisis is causing people to use their mental balance. Our politicians are already
.... Currently, these visions are taking the form of sparkling halos above their colleagues' heads. Five, to be precise. Clearly, this
... consciousness results from Budapest's city government's decision to approve a bid for the 2020 Olympics. It's a mere detail that

MTI Itthon

A Balatonon és a Velencei-tavon is veszélyes még a jég

Sem a Balaton, sem pedig a Velencei- jege nem alkalmas még korcsolyázásra vagy csúszkálásra - figyelmeztettek szombaton a
Az embereknek tisztában kell lenniük azzal, mit kockáztatnak - figyelmeztetett. A Velencei- jege sem alkalmas még sportolásra
... a jég vastagsága, de a nádasoknál - ahol a vízinövények lehullott levele miatt csak lassabban fagy be a - még ennél is vékonyabb
... körül lehet. A tóhoz vezető utak mentén, illetve a parton több helyen táblákon figyelmeztetik a sportolni vágyókat a veszélyekre

travelline.hu Plázs

Befagyott a Velencei tó (képekkel)

Tekintse meg galériánkat a befagyott Velencei-tóról, kattintson a
Tekintse meg galériánkat a befagyott Velencei-tóról, kattintson a képre!

ingatlanmenedzser.hu Ingatlan

Ház a tónál - izgalmas új-zélandi változat

A helyszín Új-Zéland, Queenstown, a festői szépségű Wakatipu
A helyszín Új-Zéland, Queenstown, a festői szépségű Wakatipu - alapból nem jár rosszul, aki itt építkezik. A 280 négyzetméteres

techline.hu Tech

December TOP 10 iPhone programja

To-Do Lists (ingyenes)Egy remekül használható tennivalólista, amely emellett
To-Do Lists (ingyenes) Egy remekül használható tennivalólista, amely emellett még látványos és ingyenes is. Szinkronizálni sajnos

MTI Kult

Elhunyt Robert Mulligan filmrendező

Életének 83. évében elhunyt Robert Mulligan amerikai filmrendező. Legismertebb műve a számos díjjal jutalmazott Ne bántsátok a feketerigót

English version

Peter Hack's route out of the chaos

parliamentary parties on candidates for nomination to state offices. The approach Laszlo Solyom is taking to nominations
It is easy to come up with arguments in favour of the president's approach: candidates for state positions are more likely
... of their competence and not according to party allegiance. Furthermore, the pesident can legitimately claim that his candidates are
... to nominate a Supreme Court president, and the bitter exchange of words between the president and the Socialists after the second

hvg.hu English version

Solving the Hungarian-Slovak conflict abroad

Hungarian-Slovak relations could be rebuilt from the ground up, but for as long as the Magyar Garda acts as cultural attache to our
... neighbours, and as long as Robert Fico and Jan Slota form our picture of the Slovaks and their thinking, then results are going to be
... people abroad very sympathetic to our position, argues Zoltan Novak, head of research at the Dignity Political Analyses
running conflict, it seemed sensible to hold a public television debate as the first step towards a solution. Instead of fruitless
..., a television show would allow citizens of the two countries - as well as international public opinion - to get a clear sense of the
... course, it would be almost impossible to organise such a debate, and international diplomacy works differently. There never has been

hvg.hu English version

Vanished French student was unaccompanied

A French student who disappeared this week was captured on security cameras along her route to the Lanchid, the daily Nepszava has
... recordings show that she was alone along her entire route - nobody was following her and nobody tried to approach
mysterious circumstances. The French woman left Portside de Cuba, a bar on Dohany utca, heading presumably to her apartment in
... to have crossed the river to reach her apartment. This means Ophelie's route from the bar to the bridge is

hvg.hu English version

Corruption in the Jewish Quarter

Two years ago Laszlo Hoffmann, legal representative of the Protection Group (Ovas) made a complaint to prosecutors about illegal
hvg.hu: It was two years ago that your organisation, the Protection Group (Ovas), made a complaint to prosecutors about illegal
... without respecting the residents' legal first-purchase option. Furthermore, they sold these buildings to entrepreneurs for almost
... equivalent discount on the sale price of the building. They made it possible for people to acquire the buildings without the local

MTI Gazdaság

Befektetési alapok: rekord méretű tőkekivonás után csökkenő tendencia

A befektetési alapokból novemberben 130 milliárd forint tőkét vontak ki a befektetők, míg a piaci teljesítmények 7 milliárd forinttal
Az előző hónapban rekord mértékű, 275 milliárd forintnyi tőkét vontak ki az alapokból, a piaci teljesítmények pedig további 111 milliárd
..., 508 milliárd forintra gyarapodott; az alapokból 6,3 milliárd forint tőkét vontak ki (ez nagyrészt a megszűnt vagy átalakított alapok
... milliárd forint tőkét vontak ki, a piaci teljesítmények pedig 13 milliárd forinttal csökkentették a vagyont. A tiszta részvény alapok

hvg.hu/MTI English version

Simor: without reforms the country will fall behind

Andras Simor, governor of the Hungarian central bank told the Association of Employers and Manufacturers (MGYOSZ) that the current crisis was
that the government could have placed the burden of restructuring elsewhere: it was a political decision to make business pay the price
... taxes and cutting back on investment rather than cutting away at the social system. This had made the economy grow more slowly, which had led
..., similarly indebted countries. He also said that the central bank's approach to the crisis was now starting to bear

hvg.hu English version

Pirates to buy government debt?

Pirates of the world, unite! Somalia isn't your true haven, and Citigroup isn't the big deal - Hungary is! Hungarian 'pirates' want to
..., and Hungarian debt. In the midst of a political war, a motion that appears to sanction money laundering as a state activity appears
Last week, somebody sent a fake news story, cleverly written in the style of the Bloomberg news agency, claiming that Somali pirates wanted
...' spokesman, Sugule Ali. One pirate told a newswire: "We're not pirates, more a kind of coastguard, and this investment means we'll be better able
..., petrol bleaching, IT and other tenders, roadbuilding, housing associations, EU funding - just to name a few of the more prominent bits

English version

Peter Tasnadi: The media says everything's going wrong

"When I applied to places, I used to say that I'm not Peter Tasnadi, but not *that* Peter Tasnadi," says the 52-year-old
defined before I was elected. If things go to plan, and I'm still mayor after 2010, I certainly won't be undertaking any investments
... unsustainable in the long term. HVG: But at least explain how you manage affairs relating to the cultural capital project as its
... of Debrecen will react on his own behalf later - he recently offered to take over the cultural capital project. But in the spring you

English version

The golden age is over in the financial sector

Finance players make money both when things are going badly and when they are going well. But the crisis has brought an end to abundant
countries. Some 500 people from five different sector groups in six European countries worked on this. The rules affect the entire industry, from
... data providers to traders. The sector is going to undergo major changes in the future. © Stiller Ákos
...? C.P.: Thanks to MiFID, many of the changes have already taken place with the stock exchange mergers. The New York Stock Exchange

MTI Világ

Pusztul a Gyilkos-tó

Pusztul a Keleti-Kárpátokban, Gyergyószentmiklós közelében található Gyilkos-. A tavat a feltöltődés veszélye fenyegeti - írja a
A 171 éve földcsuszamlás miatti völgyelzáródás révén keletkezett egyediségét adó, vízben álló fatörzsek jó része már kirothadt a
... hatására. A víz egykori zöldje ma már inkább kávébarna. A Gyilkos-tóba ömlő patakok torkolatánál levő gátak felújítása rendkívül sürgős
.... A szakemberek szerint mindezek hatására a Gyilkos-tónak már csak hűlt helye maradhat fél évszázadon belül.     Abos Gábor, a Hargita

87 88 89 90 91
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Itt a bútor- és barkácsboltok listája, ahol már Szép-kártyával is lehet fizetni

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