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MTI Kult

Michael Moore-t a Kuba elleni embargó megsértésével vádolják

forgatási munkái során megsértette a Kubával szemben érvényben lévő amerikai embargót - közölte a The Smokin Gun amerikai internetes
  A The Smoking Gun értesülése szerint a hatóságok egy hivatalos iratban azzal vádolják More-t, hogy a szükséges utazási engedély nélkül

MTI Világ

Elmarasztalta Wolfowitzot a Világbank etikai bizottsága

emelése és előmenetele érdekében - közölte egy, a bizottsághoz közelálló illetékes és a The New York Times című amerikai napilap helyi
A The New York Times internetes kiadásában nevük elhallgatását kérő világbanki illetékesekre hivatkozva azt írja, hogy a bizottság

hvg.hu English version


What a terrible injustice that only 8m of 10m Hungarians have voting rights. The under 18s are barred from political self-expression
... effectively the rights of children and large families could be protected if children could send their representatives to parliament
... rights – ideally, the father could vote on behalf of his sons, the mother on behalf of her
This is the essence of the Fidesz MP Marius Revesz's private member's bill in Parliament. The Socialist Imre
... enthusiastically, while the National Association of Large Families not only welcomed the idea, but dispatched a letter to
... we take decisions about the future, the vote of a parent of six is worth no more than that of a childless person." When

HVG English version

Pal Csaky

a Slovak university, so I studied chemistry at Pardubice in the Czech part of the country, says the
© Túry Gergely Thus, Csaky ended up in the textile factory in Leva. Working as a chemical engineer, the only
... him was in the single authorised Hungarian cultural organisation, Csemadok. In the upheaval of the regime
... Hungarian Initiative (FMK), which was, he says, "anti-communist in the beginning, later liberal." He continues: "I realised at

hvg.hu English version

No end to dirty tricks

In a civilised country, national security organisations are not at the centre of the media spotlight. Especially not where
... concerned. But in Hungary, the National Security Office is at the centre of attention because of its investigation into
... customs fraud at the Egymasert Egy-masert Alapitvany (For one another, One differently
The names of National Security Office (NBH) employees are not made public. But historians studying the Kadar regime
... facts which they would ordinarily keep to themselves. As a historian, I am inclined to accept the deal made during the
... which the secret service's "specialists" were not brought to account and were left to continue working in the successor

MTI Tech

Pedofilok vadászterületévé vált a Skype

fórumtól eltérően moderátori ellenőrzés nélkül lehet közvetlen egyéni kommunikációt folytatni - írta saját vizsgálatának eredményeit ismertetve a
A The Sunday Times vezető vasárnapi brit lap riporterei három Skype-fórumot létesítettek, kiskorú lányokként azonosítva magukat. A
... főnöke elismerte, hogy a The Sunday Times vizsgálata "felvet bizonyos nagyon gyakorlati kérdéseket; de még nem találtuk meg a módját

MTI Shake

Romokban Madonna házassága?

A News of the World, a legnagyobb vasárnapi brit bulvárlap forrásai szerint a Nagy-Britanniában élő amerikai énekesnő és Ritchie válását
örökbefogadási akciói körül dúlnak.    Örökbefogadási kísérletek © AP A News of the World által idézett barátok szerint a

HVG English version

Györgyi Kocsis

I was profoundly indifferent to the 2012 European Football Championships until Tamas Gyarfas, head of the committee in
to hand out bungs in a live broadcast, still less for the presenter to react not with outrage, demanding an official enquiry, but with
... of good wishes for the success of the deception. It was extraordinary that someone thought they had the right
... using the justification that all this was being done "for my interests." Supposedly, it would be good for me if Hungary were to host

HVG English version

Janos Lazar

"My ancestors were Greek orthodox sheepfarmers who arrived in the region of Hodmezovasarhely and Mindszent in the 18th
..., the mayor of Hodmezovasarhely and one of the most outspoken critics of the coalition's healthcare
© Horváth Szabolcs It was his parents who made the move to the city, though "even today, my father has some 40
... Lazar himself, "my teachers wanted me to study the humanities," but he preferred law, though he was getting involved in politics by
... him of his "shadowy affairs." Lazar was sure he could take care of himself, though, and within two years he was the mayor's personal

HVG English version

Civil oversight

who teaches at the Police Officers' College, police were behaving appropriately. But the constitutional lawyer Istvan
The university professor Zoltan Laszlo Szabo has told several daily papers about how he was handcuffed and arrested on 13 April, and
... the end of a demonstration held by the Soviet war memorial. He noticed that a young man standing next to the
... policemen who ordered him to empty out his rucksack. The professor approached them and told them he wished to serve as a witness

HVG English version

Not as simple as it looks

Buy two, get one three – the appointment of new health and environment ministers means a new parliamentary commissioner may also follow
... of the reshuffle. The prime minister is nonetheless reluctant to contemplate a radical reshaping of the
For a decade, Hungary's environment ministry has been in the hands of a party that believes there is no particular reason to have a
... ministry in charge of the matter – this, at least is what the Free Democrats said in their 2006 manifesto. Further
... affairs is the liberal MP who has been saying for years that his party made a mistake by accepting the politically

English version

Looking for venture capital

The success of the community social networking portal iWiW has inspired others to follow. Across Hungary ever more internet
... take advantage of Web 2.0. But venture capitalists have little time for these projects, despite the popularity among
"I don't understand business plans, marketing or anything that would help me convince an investor," admits Ferenc Fekete, the creator
... of Dolgomvan.hu (I'm   busy.hu ). He is just one of the many young people who are working on Web 2.0-style applications.
... a weekend last autumn and tested in a closed environment, with extra functions being added once a fortnight. It launched to the public

English version

Not worth the paper

The Socialist-Free Democrat government has never been keen on the "national identity document" first issued by
... Hungarians in neighbouring countries. There was talk of abolishing it, but the prime minister's office has now announced plans to limit
... duration. Kinga Goncz explained the change of heart, saying: "There was never a problem with the Hungarian identity
The ID currently lasts five years, and the planned changes to the law are necessary because the
... 2002. Ethnic-Hungarian citizens of neighbouring countries apart from Austria, as well as their relatives regardless of ethnicity, could claim
... document. More than half of those who applied for the document did so in the first year. Since then, numbers have declined

English version

New environmental minister

for Janos Koka: by bringing his rival into the tent, he is trying to neutralise his critics within the party
What might Fodor want to achieve? His portfolio is one of the least influential, regarded by many as a political parking slot. In
... could sink his career. Since 1990, the "green ministry" has mostly functioned as a comfortable burial ground for ageing politicians
... by grey technocrats with no party hinterland. In 1994, when the Socialists and the Free Democrats were negotiating to form

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„Agyoncsapni a kiskutyát, és megy a kukába” – nem csak az állatoknak volt pokol a gyömrői horrormenhely

„Agyoncsapni a kiskutyát, és megy a kukába” – nem csak az állatoknak volt pokol a gyömrői horrormenhely

Olcsóbban tankolhatunk csütörtöktől

Olcsóbban tankolhatunk csütörtöktől

Rajtakapták Orbán Sárát, ahogy egy NER-milliárdossal kiszáll egy, a Maldív-szigetekről érkezett magángépből

Rajtakapták Orbán Sárát, ahogy egy NER-milliárdossal kiszáll egy, a Maldív-szigetekről érkezett magángépből

Száz éve a magyarok mentek Hollywoodba, most Hollywood jár ide – interjú Bokor Balázzsal

Száz éve a magyarok mentek Hollywoodba, most Hollywood jár ide – interjú Bokor Balázzsal

zCast: Rezsicsökkentés alulról – Hogyan lehetek áramtermelő úgy, hogy én is és a szomszédom is jól járjon, és a nemzetgazdaság is megköszöni?

zCast: Rezsicsökkentés alulról – Hogyan lehetek áramtermelő úgy, hogy én is és a szomszédom is jól járjon, és a nemzetgazdaság is megköszöni?

Ha Észak-Koreába akart menni nyaralni, van egy rossz hírünk

Ha Észak-Koreába akart menni nyaralni, van egy rossz hírünk

Lefocizta a Liverpoolt, mégis kikapott a PSG, emberhátrányban győzött a Barca

Lefocizta a Liverpoolt, mégis kikapott a PSG, emberhátrányban győzött a Barca

Trump heteken belül ledobja az atombombát a vámháborúban

Trump heteken belül ledobja az atombombát a vámháborúban

Itt a YouTube olcsóbb előfizetése, de az alacsonyabb árnak ára van

Itt a YouTube olcsóbb előfizetése, de az alacsonyabb árnak ára van

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