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Búcsúzik egy legendás brit zenés televíziós műsor. A BBC stúdiójában leforgatták a Top Of The Pops utolsó részét. A sorozat 1964 Girl, Beyoncé Knowles és Robbie Williams is. A Top of The Pops az 1970-es években ért a csúcsra, akkortájt mintegy 15 millió nézőt
People are having to get used to the idea that their main asset, their house, flat or land, is declining in value in real terms, and Commentators do not expect the property market to collapse, however. Balazs Kristof is selling a third-floor flat in Miskolc for ... the deposit, and I really hope the buyer pays the purchase price as well," he said the young ... same street sold for HUF6m. There's surplus supply not just on that street, but throughout the lower and upper segments of
A strain of bird flu found in chickens in Thailand may prove to be the deadly H5N1 virus, senior Agriculture Ministry official Yukol According to authorities, there is a high possibility that it is the N1 strain because of previous outbreaks in the ... H5 virus was detected on a farm in the northern province of Pichit, one of seven "red zone" provinces where surveillance was stepped up ... test results were expected in a few days. Compared to its slow response to initial cases in 2003, Thailand now has one of the strongest
The trial of Saddam Hussein and seven others continued without him and his defense team on Monday, as the former Iraqi While the defense attorneys boycotted what they called an unfair trial, Saddam’s half-brother and former intelligence chief Barzan ... refused his court-appointed attorney and insisted he be allowed to leave the courtroom. Saddam and the other defendants ... 148 Shi’ite men and teenagers after an attempt on his life in the town of Dujail in 1982. Saddam will also be tried in August for
The government is citing financial necessity as a reason to cut subsidies to rail and coach transport subsidies. But people continue to Janos Kaszai, mayor of Veszto, a small town in Bekes county is used to arguing the case for branch lines. This is the ... approaching accession to the EU, it is time not to shut down the branch line, but to extend it to Korosszeg, a small town ... border. Though Veszto and its neighbours have twice succeeded in averting the line's closure, in 1994 and 1999, the
után – áll a brit belügyminisztérium egy belső figyelmeztetésében, amely a The Sunday Times birtokába elérheti az egymilliót is. A The Sunday Times által idézett belügyminisztériumi leirat annak veszélyére figyelmeztet, hogy a
The illegal stuffing of party bank accounts is a breeding-ground for corruption. But the problem has remained unaddressed ... is enough to remember how, in the Tocsi and Postabank cases, or in the broker scandal, how many politicians' names cropped A law currently before Parliament would require that parties be subject to the same bookkeeping requirements as companies ... measure is the so-called "campaign account." If the law is passed in a week's time, then payments could only be made from .... Transparent payments will make it possible to see how much parties spent on campaign events. The existing upper limit of HUF386m for
Let there be no mistake: Hezbollah's aim is not an independent, democratic Palestine, nor a multicultural, multiparty Lebanon. It seeks ... cruel, bloody tyranny, the worst kind of eastern dictatorship, that exists in the two countries financing its The paramilitary wing of Saint Michael's Party, a Romanian nationalist movement, yesterday came across the Hungarian ... a Hungarian border guard station with firearms. They killed eight soldiers and kidnapped two. SMP is part of the Romanian government ... government has been demanding for years that the neighbouring country's authorities disarm the SMP paramilitary army
Entrepreneurs are queueing to set out their stalls at the popular summer festivals. But is it worth renting a space at the The festivals have their regular visitors, but also their regular traders. Partly because the organisers prefer to work ..., making it hard to get into the 'elite', and partly because the Sziget is a lifestyle, and it's not for everyone. Thus ... remained unchanged for years - the Sziget is full, according to Gabor Takacs, managing director of Sziget Cultural Events
Illegal political financing has consistently been at the root of Hungary’s corruption problems, but even after numerous scandals few A new bill holds political parties responsible for upholding the rules in their bookkeeping practices. The most important ... campaign financing. In so far as the party approves its operating budget in a week, all expenditures must come from this account ... the parties contract must have identification numbers assigned so that the number of posters and flyers they print for
Opposition parties and interest groups in Hungary are questioning the direction of the government's reform policy and ... cuts. Political analysts cannot rule out social unrest and economic turmoil in the coming months There are few social organizations and lobbyists in Hungary who praise the proposed budget cuts of the government. ... Commerce and Industry claims that the Gyurcsany administration’s program hurts competition, raises inflation and instability and ... Chamber claims that next year’s budget adjustment would be financed by a 92 percent increase in taxes. László Parragh, the Chamber’s
The Hungarian treasury account is fluctuating every more violently - a sure sign of poor budget While we cannot compete with the Italians in football, we are in the same division as them as far as the ..., according to a report by the State Audit Office analysing trends in government debt between 2000 and 2005. Government debt is run from ... National Bank. Institutions that run from the state budget are obliged to put their money into this account, which runs
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The summer often begins nowadays with a sigh: yet another education reform! More classes, tuition fees, Bologna... Each week, a new plan ... degrees. In the name of speed and efficiency, institutions are trying to squeeze what once took five years into just three. At ... and sciences students are beginning to envy lawyers and doctors, who are not obliged to follow the 3+2 system. Let there be no Back in the 1990s, the refrain was that our higher education participation rates were too low by comparison with western ... throw the university gates open wide, they said at the time. Let the student numbers explode, so we can catch ..., it was said. Catch up with what? With the statistics. So student numbers grew, but a lack of money meant university infrastructure did
Az angol The Sixteen Choir lélegzetelállító koncertet adott a Mátyás-templomban. Műsorukat egyetlen szerző, a spanyol Tomás Luis de The Sixteen Choir, művészeti vezető: Harry Christophers Július 3., Mátyás-templom Harry Christophers Szerencsére túllépte