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HVG English version

Hunting the culprits

The public is as divided over the tragedy of 20 August as the politicians. The entire
... subject of a detailed enquiry. Within the profession, conspiracy theories are
The fireworks were to have been a farewell party for 60 Israeli teenagers who had been sent away from the war zone to rest
... Hungary. When the wind rose and the clouds broke, they began running, and their Hungarian guides noticed how deliberately
... groups of four or five, before gathering together once the wind had died down. Not one of them ran off, and apart from one broken bone

MTI Karrier

Külföldi munkavállalás: London korlátoz, Varsó liberalizál

Képzettségi szintjük alapján korlátozná a román és a bolgár munkavállalók bevándorlását a két ország EU-csatlakozása után a brit kormány, írta magas
keresőképességet. A The Guardian szerint valószínű, hogy hasonló rendszert fognak alkalmazni a Romániából és Bulgáriából érkezők
..., hogy szabad munkavállalást engedjenek a románoknak és a bolgároknak, áll a The Guardian csütörtöki cikkében. A bevándorlást ellenző

hvg.hu English version

Lack of money and commitment from officials

If hooligans begin throwing seats at a football match and hold a racist demonstration, then the club gets punished - even though it was
... that incited the crowd. It seems to me that Hungarian politics should not be held to less strict criteria than the
... football. But it would seem that centuries-old trees, stands, roofs are as nothing compared to the sturdiness of the
We are used to the idea that not even the most clumsy moves have no consequences for politicians mid-term. That there have
... exceptions just strengthens the rule. If a politician is caught holding a wrung chicken, then our noble statesmen will certainly claim
... animal committed suicide and that he was just trying to resuscitate it. It is this kind of picture that looms before our eyes when we look at

HVG English version

Laszlo Lengyel

Viktor Orban might have helped Fidesz escape from its present travails. The radical Christian national strategy failed with
... referendum. If Orban had managed quickly to clamber out of the hole, turning to the Europewards leading path of
© Marton Szilvia He would have won over the small businessmen and the international companies, the
... (by attacking populist economic policies, by radical, Slovak-inspired tax reform, by cooperating with the second national development
... Budapest programme, by burying the hatchet with America and Israel and by calling for membership in the Eurozone by 2010

hvg.hu English version

A Kadarist package

The parties may one day take a back seat, ceding their place to a government of experts, the historian Maria Schmidt
...- and right-wing press was unable to recognise the real danger and distinguish between moderates and the real extremists
... difficulties with its communications strategies, much of society is trapped, and the resulting despair may nourish a process of
© orwell.hu The Memory Human Education Centre was opened in Hodmezovasarhely at the beginning of July
... years of the relationships between the city and the provinces. You ran this project, you came up with
... Left took the result far better than they did the House of Terror, which you also created. Is the past

HVG English version

Budapest on Budapest

The people of Budapest worry less about traffic jams, car emissions or crowding than about tramps, the homeless and dog
Budapesters give their city on average a low four out of five. Two thirds of respondents gave their city a four or a five. Furthermore, over
... past six months, the number of people who feel their city is developing quickly has increased significantly. In July, three in ten
... moving quickly, compared to just a fifth in January. Part of the reason for this sense of well-being is that Budapesters are doing

MTI Kult

A 24 és a The Office nyerte a tévés Oscart

A 24 című kémthriller kapta idén a legjobb drámai sorozatnak járó Emmy-díjat, míg a legjobb vígjátéksorozat kategóriában az azonos nevű brit alkotás
komikus színész díját Tommy Shalhoub (Monk), a legjobb komikus színésznőnek járó díjjal Julia Louis-Dreyfust (The New Adventures of old
...) jutalmazták. A legjobb tévéfilm a The Girl in the Café, a legjobb minisorozat az Elizabeth lett. A legjobb talk shownak
... Oscar-díjkiosztó ünnepség házigazdája, Jon Stewart Daily Show című műsora kapta, a legjobb relality vetélkedő Emmy-díjával a The

hvg.hu English version

Changing figures

The government recently changed the way it calculates the budget deficit. It forecast a deficit of 8.8 per
... already stood at 8 per cent in June. When prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsany and finance minister Janos Veres met with Joaquin Almunia
... finance commissioner, the trio agreed that Hungary's convergence programme could only be accepted if the costs of building
© Nemzeti Autópálya Rt. In the introduction to his government's programme, Gyurcsany wrote that the budget
... 2000 and 2001, but "there is no doubt that the blame lies primarily with the 2002-2006 government." He did not mention
... government debt was primarily the result of the motorway-building programme. In 1998, the Orban government

MTI Világ

A The Washington Post bírálja Busht, mert nem változtat

Élesen bírálta kedden George Bush amerikai elnököt a The Washington Post című lap, amiért nem hajlandó elismerni, hogy Irakban
kérdésére úgy válaszolt: "Igen, sok mindent hallottam a polgárháborúról, természetesen én is aggasztónak találom a helyzetet". A The
..., az ott állomásozó amerikai csapatok segítségével az egységes és demokratikus Irak megteremtését. A The Washington Post szerint az

MTI/hvg.hu Világ

Kisebbségbe kerülnek a fehérek az amerikai nagyvárosokban

Az ötven legnagyobb amerikai város közül harmincötben a fehér lakosság a közeljövőben kisebbség lesz, elsősorban a hispán bevándorló áradat
már minden ötödik lakó bevándorló. A The Washington Post hétfői szerkesztőségi cikkében ezzel kapcsolatban megjegyezte: nem képzetlen

hvg.hu English version

Storm in Budapest

two were washed away by the Danube. Gabor Demszky, the mayor of Budapest, has called for an inquiry. The
Two disappeared in the Sunday evening storm. Ambulance crews took 38 seriously injured and 66 lightly injured patients to hospital
... government spokesperson, said a further 150 people turned up at hospitals independently. She said the prime minister had been briefed
... injuries, the damage caused and the measures being taken by the relevant authorities. Ms Danks added that

MTI Plázs

Esemény utáni tabletta vény nélkül

és Gyógyszerhatóság (FDA) és a tabletta gyártója a minap megállapodott a vény nélküli forgalmazással kapcsolatos kérdésekben - adta hírül a
továbbá hogy a vény nélkül kapható szert kizárólag patikákban és engedéllyel rendelkező klinikákon lehessen megvenni - idézte az FDA szóvivőjét a

hvg.hu English version

First the young, then the old

The government is citing constitutional concerns as a reason for slowing down the downsizing of the
The government was not prepared to risk violating the constitution by passing a new regulation aimed at making it easier
... public administration. MPs, clearly ceding to trade union pressure, smuggled a get-out clause into a new law at the last minute.
... much of the administration reform bill will only come into force at the beginning of next year. Thus, a measure that would

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Románia kiutasított két orosz diplomatát

Románia kiutasított két orosz diplomatát

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Felső szomszédja szerint rendszeresen gyújtogatott az a miskolci férfi, akinek kiégett a panellakása

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Kína megtorlásul több amerikai termékre is vámokat vetett ki

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