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MTI Világ

Meghalt az auschwitzi hírvivő szökevény

aki március 27-én halt meg 81 éves korában a kanadai Vancouverben. Személyéről a The New York Times közölt méltató cikket pénteki
Rudolf Vrba 1963-ban kiadta önéletrajzi könyvét "Menekülés Auschwitzból: Nem tudok megbocsátani" címmel. A The Ottawa Citizen lapnak
.... július 9-én leállította a deportálásokat - olvasható a The New York Times cikkében.

MTI Világ

Roma menedékkérők ezreinek nyithat kaput egy bírósági ítélet

döntése, amellyel elfogultnak találta és érvénytelenítette a bevándorlási és menekültügyi hivatal (IRB) 1998-as határozatát két magyarországi roma
és a Géza családok esetét annak idején mintának szánták jövőbeli kérelmek elbírálásához. A The Globe and Mail torontói napilap
... szemben pedig 2001-ben az ottawai kormány vízumkényszert vezetett be. A 2001-ig Kanadába érkező magyar romák számát a The Hamilton

MTI Világ

A britek nem akarják Kamillát

Nem szeretnék a Károly herceg feleségét királynőként látni a britek - derül ki a The Times által közölt
A britek többsége nem szeretné, hogy Károly herceg felesége, Kamilla legyen Anglia királynéja, amikor férje trónra lép - derült ki a

hvg.hu English version

How they count?

Every day, polling companies have news about the state of play in the election campaign. Are they biased, and if yes, then
© Végel Dániel Besides Tárki, the Hungarian Gallup Institute was the 'court supplier' of the Orbán
... contract to provide polling to the Orbán government's National Image Centre, pipping Szonda Ipsos to the post. One year
..., and Tárki a HUF35m contract to provide polling to the Prime Minister's Office. Later, Gallup won a closed tender with the

hvg.hu English version

„Orban: Republic is only a garment warn by the nation”

Ideology reared its head in the campaign two weeks before the first round of the election. Where, before
..., with republican or national rhetoric only playing a subsidiary role, suddenly the campaign has turned into what can almost be
© hvg.hu At first glance, the change looks sudden, caused by a series of Fidesz blunders. Viktor Orbán's statement that
... is only a garment warn by the nation could have been taken as a slip of the tongue. One by one, uncivilised outbursts by
... brains in the heat of the campaign. This interpretation seems to be supported by several factors. Viktor Orbán called on

HVG English version

Last before the elections

Ferenc Gyurcsány wants to define the difference between the left and right wings as a contrast between democracy and
... socialist politician's party wins the election, he promises to continue by reforming the state bureaucracy, local
... the election, he will turn to the Socialist Party and tell them: "That was all I could
© Dudás Szabolcs You invited people concerned about the fate of the republic to your 1 April party rally. But
... about the future of the republic in Hungary? You are surely not suggesting that our state needs to be defended from
... leader of the opposition? It is more than provocation if you hack into a party's computer system, if you keep records on people's

Hirschler Richárd English version

Interview with Viktor Orbán

Viktor Orbán would like to see more liberals find a home inside Fidesz, to bring the conflicts - with due respect for differences of
... the Fidesz camp. In his exclusive interview with HVG.hu, the prime ministerial candidate said he was not trying to weaken
... democracy. On the contrary, he wants closer representation of the people. If Fidesz wins the election, he
© Túry Gergely Let us assume that Fidesz wins the elections and that a new government takes office in May or June. What do
... your first six months, apart from establishing a HUF500bn job creation fund and, as part of the new Széchenyi Plan, a HUF1000bn fund to
... small and medium-sized enterprises? First, let me point out what the experts all know, even if not all of them admit it: Hungary's

HVG/hvg.hu English version

Head of the Democratic Forum

The Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) would never enter government with the Socialist Party. They would join a Fidesz
... Dávid were the prime minister, said Ms Dávid, the 52-year-old president of the MDF, who thought it sad that
© Müller Judit Is it not awkward that the MDF, which aspires to be the third force in Parliament, has not
... are truly our own. Things have improved since the Kalocsa blackmail case came to light. We proved that it was possible to confront
... enough signatures? Did they fail deliberately, seduced by Fidesz? This may have played a role. The big parties did everything they

hvg.hu English version

A new independent Hungarian-language university

is no surprise, therefore, that at a meeting on 2 March, attended by only 180 out of 230 lecturers, they emphasised the importance of
.... Peter Hantz, a senior lecturer, said most Hungarian lecturers at the university supported, whether tacitly or not, the
Things became more heated on 20 February, when the university's senate rejected the proposal to establish an independent
... seemed the Hungarian lecturers would follow the lead of the radical Bolyai Initiative Committee (BIC) in
... and Laszlo Nagy, vice-rectors of the university, which would have made the work of teachers in the

Ungváry Krisztián English version


Dirty tricks bordering on the criminal, negative campaigning, pretending to be constructive: all these have come to define this year's
... victims, like the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF), which has been the target of Fidesz attempts at political blackmail
This is the first occasion since 1989 when the parliament has met during an election campaign. This is not
... disaster or an epidemic, but because Fidesz strategists decided the party would benefit from repeating its campaign promises
... home-building programme) in another public forum. The Socialists naturally responded by saying their MPs would not attend

MTI Gazdaság

Eladják a Body Shopot

A francia L'Oréal kozmetikai cég megveszi a brit The Body Shop nemzetközi drogéria- és
a The Body Shop február 22-i tőzsdei záróárához képest - a L'Oréal február 23-án jelentette be vételi szándékát -, és 31,5 százalékkal
... tőzsdei záróárainak átlagához képest a február 21-ével zárult hat hónap alatt. A The Body Shop önálló egység marad a L'Oréal
... az idén semleges lesz a L'Oréal profitja számára, a jövő évtől várhatóan növeli a csoport eredményét, közölték Londonban pénteken. A

hvg.hu English version

Labour market?

A total of 10 locals have a permanent job in Csenyéte, a village of 458 in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. They are the employees of
.... The employment office can offer temporary work - lasting a year at most - to a further three inhabitants, paying them to carry out
They sweep snow off the streets, for example, and help the elderly. "We always try to make sure these three people are
... families," said Mrs. Zoltán Kékri, the mayor. She added that beside minors, pensioners and those living off welfare benefits
... work numbers only about 100. Apart from the 13 mentioned, all of them are unemployed. Most of them have never worked. Their parents

hvg.hu English version

Better or worse then four years ago?

Is the "average Hungarian" better or worse off than four years ago? Mária Zita Petschnigg, an economist, examines income and
It was a bold move by Fidesz to campaign under the slogan "We live less well now than four years ago." Bold, because the
... that quality of life declined between 2002 and 2005, even though the performance of the economy improved 17 per cent over
... household consumption grew even faster, by more than 25 per cent. It is no coincidence that Hungarian macroeconomists tend rather to criticise

MTI Világ

Nagy-Britannia új típusú atomtöltetet fejleszt ki

Új típusú nukleáris robbanófej kifejlesztésén dolgozik Nagy-Britannia - írta a The Sunday Times. Szakértők szerint ez az
Nagy-Britannia titokban új típusú hadászati nukleáris robbanófej kifejlesztésén dolgozik az Egyesült Államokkal együttműködve - írta a
... újjáválasztották. A The Sunday Times forrásai szerint a cél olyan egyszerűbb, már bevált összetevőkből álló robbanófej létrehozása
... Centre nevű, Blair védnökségével életre hívott politikai elemző műhely egy új jelentésben a Trident-atomütőerő felszámolását fogja szorgalmazni

MTI Világ

Kormányalkalmazott volt a londoni merényletek kitervelője

A brit kereskedelmi és ipari minisztériumnak dolgozott egy ideig a tavaly júliusi londoni merénylők feltételezett vezetője - írta szombaton a
követett el a brit fővárosban, a minisztériumban a brit cégek külföldi megismertetésével foglalkozott - írja a The Independent, Leeds

hvg.hu English version


The government parties and Fidesz are neck and neck. In its latest poll, Marketing Centrum forecasts a three-party parliament. One
© hvg.hu Marketing Centrum's poll, conducted at the end of February, forecasts a lower turnout than in 2002. The
... is too close to call, the pollsters said. There has been no decisive change in support levels compared to the December
... again in the lead. The Free Democrats seem likely to get into parliament, thus reducing the size of

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Meloni személyesen győzné meg Trumpot, hogy az USA sem járna jól a vámháborúval

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A címlapról ajánljuk