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Szeptembertől újra lehet jelentkezni az Ernst & Young „Entrepreneur Of The Year” („Az év üzletembere”) díjra. A pályázatokat november Szeptembertől lehet jelölni és jelentkezni az Ernst & Young „Entrepreneur Of The Year” („Az év üzletembere”) 2007. évi díjra. A 21 éves ... személyéhez köthető. 5. Nem tagja az Ernst & Young „Entrepreneur Of The Year” („Az év üzletembere”) díj Független Bíráló Bizottságának .... Nem támogatója az Ernst & Young „Entrepreneur Of The Year” („Az év üzletembere”) díjnak. 7. Nem tartozik az Ernst & Young
It could write a new chapter in the annals of Hungarian grotesque. Approaching referendums may yield simultaneous majorities in favour The results of a new Median opinion poll may undermine our faith in the wisdom of the masses. The ... supposedly due to spout out of the hose any day now will go down in history as the "nine yes referendum." Because ... to answer yes to both Fidesz's referendum questions and the mirror image questions recently proposed by Laszlo Kalman. It may happen
Civil liberties enshrined in the constitution leave the government little room for manoeuvre when it comes to taking legal labelled fascist. The prime minister promised to amend legislation on free assembly and free speech to place extremist activities under ... surveillance. But Ferenc Kondorosi, a state secretary, told HVG that a Justice Ministry proposal relating to the far-right website ... very far. "I see very few possibilities for change within the existing criminal law framework." According to the ministry
Plans to cut staffing at the National Security Office (NBH) are about improving productivity and cutting out dead wood to promote better ... flows, according to Gyorgy Szilvasy, minister without portfolio in charge of the civilian secret services. The changes ... operational directorates from four to three and cut the number of departments in half There is no more official information about the organisation, but the size of the cuts can be seen from ... said to have resigned. Szilvasy, however, insisted nobody had been sacked from the NBH, and that more than three quarters of ... continue to serve in some managerial role. That the NBH is being reformed is not a surprise. Many criticisms have been levelled at
What have villages given the cities over the past 15 years? Metal theft. Durkheim and Merton would find the The closure of local primary schools, small post offices and railways with little traffic has kicked up a storm in recent years. Local ... leaders and opposition politicians have both stressed the serious consequences of these economically necessarily decisions, warning ... make it impossible for smaller villages to recover from their current crisis. Birth rates are falling, the populations of these
Scientologist businesspeople only conceal their allegiance to protect themselves from attacks, according to Imre Toth, the 50-year-old ... WISE, the umbrella group for Scientology-inspired businesses at its Vienna conference HVG: Yours has often been described as an association that poses a national security threat. It is said that your tentacles reach into ... government. Wouldn't it be better to publish a list of your association's members? I.T.: The moment members of other churches ... economic and other interests,we will do the same. Until then, we have a right to enjoy the same constitutional right to
A múlt héten lezajlott The Steve Jobs Show (San Francisco's Moscone Center) nevű A múlt héten lezajlott The Steve Jobs Show (San Francisco's Moscone Center) nevű Apple rendezvényen maga Steve Jobs is "utalt" rá
What makes right-wing journalists attempt to rehabilitate elements of the traditional Arrow Cross and Nazi symbols and, by their Lanchid Radio displayed a photomontage on its website depicting the state secretary Gabor Szetey with a pink triangle on his chest ... of the gates of Auschwitz. Tibor Navracsics, leader of the Fidesz benches in Parliament, described the ..., but wrong when he compared the activities of the portal's editors to those of the Socialist MP Janos
President Laszlo Solyom spoke in Szekesfehervar on 20 August of the need for compromise, warning also of the dangers of ..., a dangerous tool he said both political camps were using. asked the psychiatrist Bela Buda about the mechanisms by much about it. The public knows even less. Social psychology has much work to do in the field. It could analyse ... surveys to determine how widespread they are. There may have been such surveys, but the results never became widely known - or perhaps ... and media organs interpreted them after their own fashion. So it was a surprise even for me when the president addressed this issue. I
The anti-fascists' overreaction to Arrow Cross-inspired initiatives risk provoking a boomerang effect. An insignificant, peripheral ...-grouping has just been given billions of forints' worth of free advertising. To the hyperventilators we say keep calm! You'll achieve The founding members of the Magyar Garda have sought protection from the President in response to Ferenc ... keep a close eye on the far-right grouping. As a private citizen and as a voter, I, too, condemn the stated aims of this ... a free-thinking liberal, I believe they have the right to express their views, however revolting they may be. Attempts at banning them
Matyas Eorsi, Free Democrat parliamentary group leader and head of the liberal benches in the Council of Europe's ... visited Cuba. There, he and some Estonian and Dutch MPs defied police threats to meet up with prominent opposition activists. He met with members of ... Women in White movement, who are fighting for the release of group members who have been imprisoned for political reasons opposition activists. M.E.: I assembled the Council of Europe's small delegation to make clear that human rights do not depend on ... ideology. I visted Cuba with Eric Jurgens, a famous Social Democrat law professor and Andres Herkel, an Estonian Christian Democrat ... be better if we spent our time relaxing by the sea. But we managed nonetheless to speak with 20 or 25 opposition activists and civil
The Hungarian government has failed to come up with an up-to-date vision of the nation. It should have thought more ... American visas. The government must recognise the processes under way in Russia when it engages with the ... according to Istvan Szent-Ivanyi, an MEP, foreign policy committee member and foreign affairs spokesperson for the Free Democrats Istvan Szent-Ivanyi You attacked the Foreign Ministry in your party's name in an official statement for not adopting ... European democracies' common position condemning America's visa policy and for adopting its own line on visa-free access to the United ... was your main concern? Istvan Szent-Ivanyi: The six countries in our region with a common policy on visas - the Czech
Fierce competition between driving schools have depressed prices - and this, not alleged corruption, has led to the poor driving skills Automenedzser magazine. On the other hand, Sandor Szorcsok, who is in charge of driver licensing at the National Transport ... overwhelming majority of the examiners carry out their work honestly. Anyone who does otherwise is immediately dismissed." Results have ... the past few years. A few years ago, it took an average of 1.6 driving tests to get a licence, while it now takes 1.85. Szorcsok claims
Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer, the 57-year-old chief executive of OMV, the Austrian oil company, is working to bring about a ... Hungary's Mol and his company. He believes the capital markets want a cash payment, which amounts to a buy-out. He dismisses HVG: I brought you an "I love Mol" sticker from a Hungarian filling station. Even the Vienna papers are reporting Hungarian calls to ... obvious even in the spring that OMV wanted to lay its hands on Mol's shares. Why did you make a hostile approach, without informing ..., a large number of Mol shares came onto the market, we decided to buy it. We didn't intend this as a hostile manoeuvre; we just wanted