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A térség a sport, a kultúra és a gasztronómia rajongóinak is számtalan lehetőséget kínál. Salzburg adventi vásárai, alpesi hagyományai és a modern téli események mind-mind hozzájárulnak ahhoz, hogy az itt töltött idő örökre emlékezetes maradjon.","shortLead":"Hófödte hegyek, kristálytiszta tavak és bájos alpesi falvak: Salzburg tartományában különböző programok várják a tél...","id":"20241211_feelaustria_tel_sieles_udules_Ausztria_Salzburg","image":"","index":0,"item":"c7cd8f98-8b2d-4ad9-860a-2c03b0c716a7","keywords":null,"link":"/brandchannel/20241211_feelaustria_tel_sieles_udules_Ausztria_Salzburg","timestamp":"2025. január. 09. 19:30","title":"Nyüzsgő síparadicsomok és eldugott alpesi falvak","trackingCode":"RELATED","c_isbrandchannel":true,"c_isbrandcontent":false,"c_isbrandstory":false,"c_isbrandcontentorbrandstory":false,"c_isbranded":true,"c_ishvg360article":false,"c_partnername":"Üdülés Ausztriában","c_partnerlogo":"70c878ef-b3d1-46f9-bb8b-a23cffee679c","c_partnertag":""}]
The wounds dividing Hungarian society have grown deeper over the past
16 years, with no sign of their healing. Does this mean that the regime pathetic post-Kadar rhetoric, trying to obscure the parlous state of the country's economy. The other factor was the way that ... regime continued to rule in the government offices and the factories. As chairman of the Free Democrats, Janos Kis said: "We were the ... opposition, and now we are the government's opposition." He was trying to put an end to his supporters' dangerous
commonplaces. If this is the intellectual level of the MDF, then Orban has little to worry so much attention: advisers give honest, self-critical assessments of the situation, leaving campaigning to one side. This report ... for the MDF's leadership, parts of which are now available to the public, is the exception that proves the rule. It is a collection of ... her own desires, or those of the leadership. First, a technical point: such documents tend to strike a pragmatic tone. "Let's leave
two politicians broke down when the mayor reshuffled the Liberal group in the Assembly and chose new advisers. Since the local elections, their consequences for mainstream politics. The problem is down to Gabor Demszky, the mayor of Budapest. It is because of him that the ... Demszky still not got over the fact that Nemeth stood against him in autumn 2002? It's not that simple. You have to bear in mind that ... cycle, Nemeth led the MSZP group in the Assembly, and the coalition didn't work badly between 2002 and 2006. Demszky was able to work
attempt to win back the sympathy of a Hungarian public traditionally keen on law and order. If the government wants to ... need to explain why the head of the Budapest Police, our Iron Prefect, went rusty that night, and who is ultimately responsible for withheld and then released to the public within 24 hours following complaints. This time, police chief Peter Gergenyi's response ... against him by a parliamentary investigating committee has been hurriedly released to the public. The fact that our distinguished ... create and then abolish state secrets, changing classifications as if it were underwear, threatens to make a mockery of the entire
Scandals surrounding the University of Cluj in Transylvania and the Slovakian government's decision to award development grants in a way ... can pull in Brussels and Strasbourg to defend the interests of the Hungarians of Slovakia and Romania, we have achieved public opinion about aggressive Hungarianising tendencies, and with good reason. Once they had gained their own states after World War I, they swore ... safeguard all the rights of their minority peoples. Despite this, it emerged at the end of World War II that Benes had devised secret plans .... Later, the Soviet Union exerted strong pressure on both Czechoslovakia and Romania to tone down their anti-Hungarian nationalism
Peter Gergenyi's response to the committee investigating the TV headquarters siege has been published. He calls the committee members '. Budapest's police chief claims the investigating committee sought only to prove a conclusion they had already reached. At the end of ..., "a spontaneous electoral rally," meaning the police had no legal means of putting an end to it. The investigating committee has ... the slogans chanted by the crowed, the gathering clearly fell under the law on public assembly, meaning it would have been possible to
Istvan Szent-Ivanyi, a senior Free Democrat, has condemned the direction his party is being led in by Gabor Kuncze, Gabor Demszky and Balint Magyar has openly boasted of breaking the law by refusing to investigate complaints against the police. Someone who claims cynically that ... is that it is better to be in power than out of it. But this is a baseless fear: the government parties form a parliamentary majority ... the victim in a political game, and that it would be unfair to use him as a sacrificial lamb. They were worried that if the police
Non-residential property investment levels could hit new highs this year in Central and Eastern Europe, but the growth in speculative purchases could "It was hard to persuade the locals to spend their money in shopping centres instead of corner shops and on the market," ..., just as it did in the Iberian countries 20 years ago. Spain commanded a 2.5 percentage point yield premium when it joined the EU in 1986, compared ... a Munich investment fund explains: "The Bratislava office market is so small that supply could easily grow to twice the level of demand
building, where he was waiting to give an interview. Even now, you can only enter the former Stock Exchange Palace from the rear What would you have done if you had been in the position of Peter Gergenyi, the Budapest police chief, if you had been subject ... political attacks? Probably just what he did. Gergenyi was an experienced police chief who learned to deal with crises alongside his ... underreacted to the TV siege, but overreacted a month later. On 17 September, ill-prepared policemen encountered an increasingly angry
In Hungary, it is customary to pity those who resign or are pushed, and this sympathy often obscures the true reasons for a senior September and October. He is personally responsible for the failure to protect the television headquarters on 18 September and for the ... and what he was talking about. We can only hope that Gergenyi's retirement will also bring an end to a certain kind of police ...-proclaimed zero tolerance policing. But the main problem stems for the political environment. Police chiefs have to be more sensitive
The implacable hatred held by both left and right for the other side in Hungarian politics can only be compared to that which rages Frustrated Hungarian intellectuals have throughout the 20th century often been prone to looking to foreign countries for ... East'. He proposed a United States of the Danube to solve the country's nationalities problem, granting cantons to the ..., Romanians, Slovaks and Ruthenes. A lack of enthusiasm on the part of those same nationalities led to the plan's demise, but in the
Az idény végén visszavonult Michael Schumacherhez hasonlóan a Genfi-tó partján vásárolt magának ingatlant Fernando Alonso, a Forma-1 autóversenyző, aki a festői szépségű Genfi-tó mellett döntött. A három ház egyébként 16 kilométeres körzeten belül található.
Police have received a wave of applications to hold demonstrations on the 50th anniversary of the crushing of the 1956 revolution Three organisations have applied to hold demonstrations on Szabadsag ter, and applications have also been received to use ... would require permission from a city council committee, under the terms of a new city law. The World Alliance of Hungarians also wants ... streets on 4 November, though Budapest Police has rejected their application to use Kossuth ter. Peter Gergenyi, Budapest's police
Are the police allowed to gather information about rioters in Budapest from hospital lists of the injured? Civil rights activists are After the 23 October street riots, the police asked Budapest's hospitals to provide information about anybody they had treated during .... The police clearly intended to interview some of the injured as witnesses in the hope that they might later be identified as rioters ... photographic and video evidence. But it is not clear that the police have the right to ask for information about patients. Adam
Sarló-kalapácsos zászlók az út mellett, kirobbanthatatlan kommunista vezetés, Marx, Engels, Krisna és Visnu közös felvonulása és transzneműek ingyenes átműtése az állami klinikákon.
A podcast, amelyben a hét legjobb HVG hetilapos és hvg360-as anyagaiból válogatunk. A héten: bemész a kisboltba, veszel egy Grönlandot. Ausztriában a hangulat: weimari.
Szépségtapasszal jelentette be a várható infláció alatti, 3,2 százalékos nyugdíjemelést és a havi nyugdíjak utalását a nemzetgazdasági miniszter pénteken.