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Kiváló minősítés a Balaton vízminőségének

A laboratóriumi vizsgálatok szerint összességében kiváló a Balaton és a Velencei- vízminősége - közölte a Közép-dunántúli
Kling István elmondta: a Balaton és a Velencei- vízminőség-védelmi tájékoztató rendszere keretében az akkreditált laboratóriumok és a
....  Információja szerint a Velencei-tónál öt strand vízét minősítették kiválónak, kettőét megfelelőnek.     Mindkét

hvg.hu English version

Orbán to cooperate with the government?

Viktor Orbán was re-elected to serve another term as party chairman at Fidesz's congress in Budapest on Saturday, at which changes were
... the party's constitution. Orbán called on the government to work together with the opposition
In a speech given after his re-election, Orbán said there was a need to develop a "work-friendly economic system, based not on
... work." This was the way to create the living conditions Hungarians deserved. The government had failed to carry out its
... was needed to run the country: being a good businessman and speculator and understanding privatisation did not necessarily mean that

hvg.hu English version

Gyurcsány: Socialist own-goal

asked participants in the closed meeting to put aside their differences to work together for victory in next year's
delegates at the closed meeting on Saturday, June 12. The Socialists and their Free Democrat junior coalition parties did not have to
...: theirs was a marriage of convenience needed to implement the government's programme. He acknowledged differences of opinion within the
... anything to stop me from becoming prime minister." It had been impossible to make it clear to the party

hvg.hu English version

City Structure Faces Rethinking

Members of the Budapest general assembly and a freshly formed civil movement both aim to reconsider plans for utilizing the “rust belt”
heart of Budapest. The plan aims to rejuvenate Budapest by turning the crumbling industrial premises such as the gas factory into new
... Budapest”, which aims to “rethink the city”. “Bulldozers do not fit into the modern urban trends followed in Western Europe and North
.... In the beginning of June “I love Budapest” kicked off with a design contest seeking ideas to make the city more livable and refurbish

hvg.hu English version

Budapest Bourses To Merge

The general meeting of the Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT) approved plans to buy shares of the Budapest Commodity Exchange (BÁT) and
BÉT will use an option to raise its 46.67% stake to 100% in Central Clearing House and Depository Rt. (Keler) buy buying a
... have six members instead of the current five. In order to give way for the completion of the merger, BÁT’s general meeting next Monday
... newly acquired stake to an offshore company, a Hungarian company and a Hungarian individual in an attempt to avoid a

hvg.hu English version

Socialist Gov’t To Tax Capital Gains

The Hungarian government is planning to introduce a 4% tax on incomes from capital gains, dividends, forex gains, property sales and
All proceeds from the new health tax will go to the National Health Fund. The upper annual limit of the tax will be set at HUF 400,000
... government expects the move to bring an extra revenue of HUF 10 billion for the state budget. As of Jan. 1, 2006 the central budget
... for the homeless, farmers and family members without income, while it will come to 9% of the three-fourth of the minimal wage for

BBC Tech

Jégbe fagyott ősállapot

Folytatják az antarktiszi Vosztok- fúrását orosz tudósok, hogy megtudják mit rejt a többmillió éve fagyott vizek
A Vosztok- vizei a kutatók feltételezései szerint számos eddig ismeretlen fajt rejthetnek, a több millió éves fagyott
... teljesen el van szigetelve a külvilágtól. Mindezt azután közölték, hogy előzőleg tudósok a mélyére fúrtak, ám kevéssel a jég-víz
... 100 méteres furat képezi. A kutatások a közepén egy sziget felfedezéséhez vezettek - mondta el a BBC-nek Lukin. A végső cél azonban

hvg.hu English version

Property Boom Comes To Halt

Real estate consultants forecast price of residential properties to rise 2% in the case of newly built homes and 1% in the case of used
Office space prices are likewise low, consultants say, with prices of newly built offices likely to grow 2% and prices of used ones
.... Price of new retail property is expected to rise 3%, with used retail space is forecast to become 4% more expensive
... are also seen as posting relatively low gains at 4% for new warehouses and 2% for used ones. Price increase of building plots is expected

hvg.hu English version

PM Announces Social Spending

Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány on Monday announced plans to double the amount of child raising benefits as a part of the government’s
2006 the government plans to spend a total of HUF 349 billion on supporting families, of which HUF 319 billion will be spent on paying

hvg.hu English version

Central Bank Cuts Prime Rate

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) cut its prime interest rate 25 basis points to 7.25% on Monday. At the same time the central bank
The MNB’s Monetary Council cut the prime interest rate four times prior to Monday’s cut. In January it lowered the prime rate by 50
... 9%, in February by 75 basis points to 8.25%, in March by 50 basis points to 7.75% and in April by 25 basis points
... forecasts lower rate of annual inflation than previously. It lowered its annual inflation forecast at the end of the year to 3.3%, down

hvg.hu English version

Hungarian Economy Seen Slowing

Hungary’s gross domestic production (GDP) grew 3% in the first quarter of 2005, compared to the same period last year. The growth rate
warns its figures might be 0.2 percentage point off the final numbers. Regardless of the methodology, the Hungarian economy seems to

hvg.hu English version

Italy To Contest EU Ruling On Tokaji

banning Italian winemakers from using the tocai name. Italian Agriculture Minister Gianni Alemanno announced he plans to come
“Italy has a few more aces,” Alemanno said over the weekend in Rome, implying that Italy does not give up the fight for the right to
... be observed, Alemanno is hopeful that the Italian requests will be successful eventually in amending the treaty, especially if Italy can convince
... accept the amendments. Italy now seeks compensation for its winemakers, who claim to have suffered damages due to the

hvg.hu English version

Hungary To Host Entertainment City

The northwest Hungarian village of Bezenye is the likely premise for a, €700 million entertainment project, which is planned to include
kilometers from the Austrian and Slovakian borders of Hungary. The Hungarian government has issued a building permit for the project, referred
...-Vegas in the Hungarian press, as it is expected to create 8,000 new jobs in the region. In the meantime, the project has received an
... father, Joe, who was later replaced by John F. Groom, president of the largest gaming and hotel complex in Las Vegas. The project still has

hvg.hu English version

Bridgestone Picks Hungary For Tire Plant

Leading Japanese tiremaker Bridgestone announced on Monday that it plans to build a €190 million tire plant near Tatabánya, Central
When publishing its first half results in Tokyo on Monday, Bridgestone said it intends to build a plant that will produce radial tires
... cars and small commercial vehicles. Production will start in 2008, and the firm plans to reach an output of 8,000 units by mid-2009.
... Hungarian plant, Bridgestone increases the number of its productions units to 51. The Japanese tiremaker runs production facilities in

hvg.hu English version

PM Promises Small Reforms In Healthcare

As part of the government’s “100 steps” program, Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány on Monday announced plans to rejuvenate Hungary’s
the country’s geographic area. Gyurcsány aims to extend the service to cover 90% of the country, with plans
... Hungary’s 19 counties and to overhaul the helicopter rescue service completely. He also cited cancer prevention as a focal point of the
... program. He aims to increase the current 53% ratio of women taking part in breast screening to 65% by next year

hvg.hu English version

Central Bank Pushes For Reforms

Hungary should carry out fundamental reforms in order to become eligible for introducing the euro in 2010, Zsigmond Járai, President of
According to Járai, the current account deficit is likely to reach 8%–9% of GDP this year, mainly due to the
.... The MNB expects inflation to drop to 3.4%–3.5% this year. “On the long run, stable and strong economic growth is
... public sector deficit, Járai said. “Capping expenditures of the state budget is extremely important because [the country needs to

hvg.hu English version

Matáv Changes Name For Telekom

Hungary’s market leading telecom company Matáv Rt. and its subsidiaries will change their names and logos in the first half of May to
T-Com and T-Systems, respectively, cable TV company MatávKábelTV Kft. will change its name to T-Kábel and internet service provider
... be called T-Online in future. Premium phone services company IKO-Matáv Média Holding Rt., a 50% Matáv subsidiary, will be renamed to
... group started last year, when leading mobile phone provider Westel Mobile Telecommunications Rt. changed its name to T-Mobile Hungary

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Hits Waiters, Builders In Cleanup Drive

conditions for building permits, according to the government’s latest proposal aiming to eliminate unreported incomes and
The government suggests that restaurants should add a service fee of up to 15% to their bills so that tips can be
... tips could become subject to personal income tax. Restaurants will be entitled to decide about the exact size of the fee.
... conference. According to the government’s plans, when applying for a building permit, the applicant will be expected to

hvg.hu English version

Central Bank Pushes For Reforms

Hungary should carry out fundamental reforms in order to become eligible for introducing the euro in 2010, Zsigmond Járai, President of
According to Járai, the current account deficit is likely to reach 8%–9% of GDP this year, mainly due to the
.... The MNB expects inflation to drop to 3.4%–3.5% this year. “On the long run, stable and strong economic growth is
... public sector deficit, Járai said. “Capping expenditures of the state budget is extremely important because [the country needs to

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