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hvg.hu English version

Major political scandal in Hungary

A political scandal could influence the outcome of Hungary’s national election slated for April 8, 2006. The relatively
... candidate Imre Romsics of MDF withdraw from the campaign and thus increase the chances of the largest
... candidacy of Bago, and Fidesz leader Orban apologized to Ms. Ibolya David, president of MDF. David didn’t except the
Both Mr Bagó and Mr Romsics are standing for parliament in the constituency of Kalocsa in April, the latter as an
... have collected the signatures necessary to do so. At a press conference, the MDF announced that the
... withdrawing. A secret recording of the conversation was played at the press conference. The recording was

HVG English version


It took more than political will. Hungary had to pay to recover the books that were taken from Budapest by Soviet soldiers at
It was Boethius, the fifth century philosopher, that set Hungarian researchers on the trail of the Sárospatak
... of Philosophy, was first printed in Nuremberg in 1473. A copy of this edition was the greatest treasure of the Sárospatak
... end of WWII. In 1993, Hungarian researchers found a reference to the work in question in a Russian study, in which it was stated that

hvg.hu English version

Traditional churches and the government

Relations between the Socialist-Liberal government and the traditional churches have never been easy, but at
... government is planning a spectacular gesture: it plans to decide on the issues relating to properties formerly in church hands as early
Ferenc Gyurcsány, the prime minister, intervened to make sure that the Catholic, Reformed and Evangelical churches, as wel
... of Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz) should get the HUF1bn that they had been owed by the government since 2004. HVG has
... is working hard to draw up the agreements which would bring to an end the debate over properties formerly belonging to

hvg.hu English version

A survey of nationalities policy

The number of Hungarians in neighbouring countries is declining continuously. This is a sign of Hungarian politicians' failures, since
... they all agree on is that Hungarians abroad should be helped to survive in the place of their
Former prime minister József Antall's 15m Hungarians belong to the past. There are in fact about 12.5m Hungarians in the
... though Hungarian governments of the past 15 years have tried repeatedly to resolve problems relating to the condition of
... countries. They have achieved little. Time is short, however: the number of Hungarians in neighbouring countries has fallen by a

HVG English version

Portrait of Péter Szigeti

© Horváth SzabolcsHVG: It seems you brim with lawyerly phrases the average citizen can barely
© Horváth Szabolcs HVG: It seems you brim with lawyerly phrases the average citizen can barely understand. When
...." PSZ: The complaint asked for an opinion. We knew it was too late, but certain issues arose that helped the Commission
... statement, we said certain activities were unwelome during a campaign, and though we were not competent to establish the facts in this

hvg.hu English version

The MSZP Campaign Conference

The Socialist Party conference has the task of assembling an electoral list and nominating a prime ministerial candidate
Without Mr Gyurcsány, the Socialists would be as weak as they were in the last month's of Péter Medgyessy's government
... the party's campaign. If he performs well, the party does well do. If he stumbles, the party will have almost
... 2002, the then government's ministers campaigned for Fidesz, and Viktor Orbán only entered the campaign at

hvg.hu English version


Shareholders in the FHB Land and Mortgage Bank were content until last week to watch their investment grow three and a half times over
Customers seeking loans from FHB are in a less appealing position. While the interest rate on secured loans is attractive, credit
... stricter than at certain larger banks. An assessor will value a property 20 per cent lower if he uses FHB's criteria than if he uses
... imposed by the high street banks. Furthermore, FHB will only loan 60 per cent of the value of the security

hvg.hu English version

Alarmingly high percentages?

Provident is offering instant loans at extraordinary prices, it would appear. The full cost of the loan is indicated using
When taking out a loan, it matters whether you pay back four times the original sum, or just one and a half times. Recognising this
... Financial plans to add further explanatory text to its adverts for its instant loan services. The company's management decided to do
... legislation that would oblige lenders to indicate the total cost of a loan. In their case, the figure would be alarmingly

hvg.hu English version

2006: Bartók Year

More tourists stayed the night in Hungary than ever before last year, with hotels earning record sums. But the overall
There were some good signs last year. Budapest won the bid to host the world's largest amateur sporting event this summer
... that, unlike in Austria, which has spent vast sums on the Mozart anniversary, few even in Hungary know that 2006 is Bartók Year. Last
... number of nights spent in Hungary's hotels passed 19m for the first time, according to the statistical office, bringing in

hvg.hu English version

After 2010

A recent statement by Viktor Orbán suggests a victorious Fidesz would probably abandon the present government's goal of introducing
Until recently, nobody had any idea if Fidesz would aim to introduce the euro in 2010, committing itself to any budget cuts that might
... necessary. Although the leaders of the main opposition party have been merciless critics of the government's
... four years calling for measures that would entail increased government spending or reduced government revenues. This includes the most

MTI Világ

Mérgező gázok a repülőgépeken

Mérgező gázoknak vannak kitéve az angol repülőjáratok utasai és a személyzet tagjai is, a pilóták esetleges rosszulléte pedig az utazás biztonságát

MTI Kult

A Metropolitan visszaadja az olasz műkincseket

műkincseket vár - mondta el vasárnap a The New York Times-nak Philippe de Montebello, a múzeum
ki kell jelentenem: nincs ez így rendjén"  – nyilatkozta a The New York Timesnak Philippe de Montebello, a Metropolitan igazgatója, aki

hvg.hu non-base

States of the Nation and an approaching election

Viktor Orbán's talkshow and Ferenc Gyurcsány's parliamentary speech outlined two conflicting governmental philosophies, although both were careful to
Two years ago, in his first State of the Nation speech, Viktor Orbán said we lived in a country where nothing was what it seemed. And
... out. Last Sunday, Orbán held his State of the Nation speech, Gyurcsány held his on Monday. And the they seemed to be
... countries. What one saw as a dwindling dwarf, the othersaw as a growing giant. One saw doubt and despair, the other

hvg.hu English version

Film director involved in spying affair

István Szabó, the Oscar-winning film director, whose films often tested the line between morality and cooperation, has
"During the counter-revolution and for a short while afterwards, he was anti-government," wrote István Szabó in May 1958 of
... Gyárfás. This passage, published by the critic and film historian András Gervai in a recent issue of the literary weekly
... not all of Szabó's reports to the authorities were harmless. On receiving such a report, it would have been up to the

hvg.hu English version

University rankings

The Miklós Zrinyi University of National Defence came top in HVG's first ranking of higher education institutions this year
The list contains a number of surprises. All the data comes from official sources: the Education Ministry's
... university admissions database and the National Statistical Office. Four indicators deal with the teachers themselves
..., publications, language exams and the number of students per teacher), four with the quality and learning environment of

hvg.hu English version

The return of the Corvinas

The Corvinas, the name given to books that once formed part of King Matthew's library, have recently been added to
... heritage, where they rub shoulders with the 42 existing Gutenberg bibles and the manuscripts of Hans Christian Andersen's
The Corvinas were added following pressure from the current owners of the books, who are spread far afield
... from King Matthew's library, about a tenth of the original collection. 53 of them are in Hungary, 49 in Italy, 39 in Austria, and
... French, German, British, American and Turkish collections. Perhaps the most surprising fact about the famous collection

hvg.hu English version

The fourth metro is on target

Property prices have already shot up near the metro stations that will be completed by
The Socialist chairman of the Budapest City Assembly's priority developments committee has said travellers on
..., not a Trabant, He was explaining why the first tender in the giant project was not awarded to the cheapest
... consortium, onsisting of French, German, Austrian and Hungarian companies, was offering better technology than the Japanese Taisei

MTI Tech

Hatástalan a zsírszegény diéta?

A zsírszegény diéta nem csökkenti olyan egészségügyi problémák kialakulásának esélyét, mint többek közt az emlőrák -írja az amerikai orvosi kamara

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A transzferguru szerint Kerkez Milos nyáron távozhat a Bournemouth csapatától

Az ügyfelek is megérezhetik, hogy új eszközöket kapnak a mobilszolgáltatók

Az ügyfelek is megérezhetik, hogy új eszközöket kapnak a mobilszolgáltatók

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Az amerikaiak 35 százaléka szerint kormányoz a jó irányba Donald Trump

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A Telekom előállt az idei legnagyobb újdonságával, a Magenta AI-tól nagyon sokat vár a szolgáltató

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Működik az újítás: már több mint 100 gazda ajánlotta fel földjét önként vízmegtartásra

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