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MTI Gazdaság

Százmilliós támogatást kap a Tisza-tó

Százmillió forintos támogatást nyújt a Tisza- körül megvalósuló turisztikai beruházásokhoz 2005-ben a Magyar Terület és Regionális
A pénz felhasználásáról pályázatok nyomán dönthet a Tisza- Térségi Fejlesztési Tanács - közölte Szegvári Péter, a hivatal elnöke
... és a megyei fejlesztési tanácsok kezelik. Vagyis a szükséges források rendelkezésre állnak a menti infrastruktúra-fejlesztéséhez

hvg.hu English version

Inflation Improvement Makes Room For Rate Cuts

London-based analysts predicted last week that Hungary’s central bank rate could fall to 7% by end of 2005. They based their optimistic
Central bank rate could fall to 8% by year-end, said Wike Groenenberg, European convergence market analyst of Citigroup in London
... the Hungarian forint remains strong at that level, the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) could lower its central deposit rate to 7%.
... 75 basis point cut. Most likely implemented in three 25-basis point cuts, the move could result in central deposit rates falling to

hvg.hu English version

Committee Formed To Reform Taxes

A tax reform committee involving government, opposition and non-governmental members held its opening session last week, but it is not expected
The committee promises to set the framework of overall tax changes that will take effect in 2006 and 2007, the earliest, while
... in the field of VAT (ÁFA). However, EU rules make it harder to reform VAT laws than other tax regulations. EU laws allow member states
... same time, the government would probably increase excise taxes on gasoline and tobacco products, because it would not want to make

hvg.hu English version

Fund To Support Ethnic Hungarians

Parliament has passed a law on establishing Motherland Fund, a special state fund financing programs aiming to improve living standards
be heading every area that receives funding. So far eight such areas have been established. Compared to the wide scope of the fund’s

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Helps Serbian Police In Family Massacre Case

brutally murdered in Horgos, Serbia, at the end of January. The man is believed to have connections with the organized crime in
The family recently requested Hungarian citizenship, but their request was rejected. Police sources in Szeged say that Szalma might be connected
... the murder of Zoltán Németh in 1977. Németh, who operated night clubs around Lake Balaton and was believed to be friends with Szalma
... Mercedes was blown up. The murders have not been found to date. The killing of the Szalma family is being investigated in Belgrade by

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Spends Dearly On Communication

Ferenc Gyurcsány’s cabinet is boosting spending on public communication by 50% compared to last year. The government has announced
... tenders for communication drives to the tune of HUF 2 billion to be spent before the next elections in May
While Gyurcsány’s cabinet scaled down activities announced by its predecessor, it plans to spend more to communicating
... government plans to spend HUF 1.35 billion on residential campaigns in 2005, 61% up from HUF 836.2 million spent in 2004. It will spend
... million on communication campaigns related to Hungary’s membership in the EU, an amount unchanged from 2004. In January, however, the

hvg.hu English version

Semi-Private Co. To Build Motorways

The Hungarian government has decided to outsource motorway building to State Motorway Management Rt. (ÁAK) in
The move allows the government to place the costs of motorway building outside the public sector, reducing central budget deficit, said
... Transport Minister János Kóka. According to EU rules, state-owned ÁAK classifies as a private company, because it collects more than
...) soon will hand over its contractual obligations to ÁAK, which in turn will pay HUF 137 billion into the state budget this year. ÁAK


Felújítja űrsiklóprogramját a NASA

Három hónap múlva felújítja űrsikló-programját az amerikai űrkutatási hivatal, a NASA. Május 12-én – hacsak valami nem jön közbe – a Return

hvg.hu English version

OECD Criticizes Bank Sector

profitable compared to other EU members and the discrepancy calls for scrutiny both from legislation and market authorities
In reaction to the OECD’s opinion, Hungary’s State Supervision of Financial Institutions (PSZÁF) stated that the market watchdog does
... profitability rate of Hungarian banks exceptional. According to PSZÁF, Hungarian banks produced 18% return on assets in 2003, exceeding
...% in new member states and 10% in old member countries, however the Hungarian figure pales to the 15%–20% return banks achieved in the

hvg.hu English version

OTP CEO Buys Advertising Group

OTP Bank Rt. Chairman and CEO Sándor Csányi is believed to have acquired a 75% stake in Multireklám Outdoor Media Agency Rt., a major
believed to have a new 75%-owner, Bonitás 2002 Investment and Consulting Kft., which was founded by Csányi in March 2002. Company Court

hvg.hu English version

PM Appoints Monetary Council Members

Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány named four new members to the monetary council of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB). The nomination
... amendment to the Central Bank Act in December 2004 that allows the PM to add members to the main decision
Research Rt., was nominated to be the fourth new member of the council. Neményi worked at the MNB until 2001, when MNB President
... dismissed her. If President of the Republic Ferenc Mádl approves the nomination, the number of monetary council members will grow to
..., when the mandate of current members Henrik Auth and Péter Adamecz will end. From then on, the council will be made up of 9 to 11

hvg.hu English version

Hospitals Choose Corporate Status

The Budapest Mayor’s Office approved requests from two hospitals to transform into public benefit companies (Kht.), a status giving them
anticipates that HUF 800 million will be invested into Schöpf-Merei in the near future. Likewise, private investors are expected to
... general assembly. Dismissing opposition opinion that the transformations are part of efforts to sell off the hospitals, Ikvai-Szabó
... hospital companies will be entitled to use the land and the buildings only for the purposes connected to their core

hvg.hu English version

Gov’t Hikes Electricity Prices

Electricity prices will increase between 4.3% and 12% as of Feb. 15, according to a government decision that aims to
price scheme that introduces special tariffs for the poor and hikes prices for corporate customers and well-to-do residential users.
... Ferenc Gyurcsány gave a difficult task to Economy Minister János Kóka in January when he asked Kóka to come up with a new
... socially friendly tariffs and is not expected to burden the tight central budget. The resulting pricing regime includes

hvg.hu English version

State Pays For Bad Housing Loans

The Hungarian state will bail out debtors who have not paid their installments for at least six months on their housing loans taken before 1989
Next year, OTP will be compensated for its non-performing loans ranging from HUF 100,000 to HUF 200,000 in outstanding capital, while
... receive a ten-year grace period when no further interest is assumed on their debt. Until Feb. 15, OTP will have to notify debtors, who
... June 30 to report their compensation request to the local chief of staff of their municipality. In the first year, the

hvg.hu English version

Opposition Party In Large Makeover

as the governing parties suggest. While Fidesz leader Viktor Orbán is seen weakening, allegedly he is working hard in the background to
By the turn of 2004 and 2005 governing party MSZP has come close to Fidesz in popularity figures, however, the opposition party is seen
... deputy Parliamentary group leader Antal Rogán to be campaign chief heading the party’s preparations for the 2006 elections and
... as an international spokesman representing the party’s views abroad. In the meantime, Fidesz is expected to separate the positions of

hvg.hu English version

Chinese Imports Destroy Local Clothing Industry

Producers of branded goods for exports are the only local clothing manufacturers that can expect to survive the boom of Chinese mass
The EU is planning to introduce a preliminary monitoring system on Chinese shoe imports, similarly to clothing imports
... Organization (WTO) has put an end to the import quota system that was in place for almost 40 years. Importers will need to
... they will automatically receive it. “The monitoring system will serve to provide preliminary statistics to the EU, so that

hvg.hu English version

Hungary Mulls Road Tolls For Foreigners

Well ahead of the tourist season, the Finance Ministry plans to introduce road tolls for cars with foreign license plates
[owners of] these vehicles start contributing to the expenses,” Finance Ministry Spokesman Ferenc Pichler said. The Finance Ministry
... tens of billions of forints in state revenues from the road tolls. Most likely, drivers will have to pay the road toll when entering
... talks between ministries will start this week. Executives of tourism services firms can be expected to oppose the new road tolls

hvg.hu non-base

EU Tells Hungary To Curb Deficit

The Hungarian government should return to the deficit-cutting program it submitted to the EU last May, said the council of
budget deficit in 2004 will be 0.9 percentage points higher than the government’s target at 4.6% of GDP. The EC said Hungary needs to
... measures to bring budget deficit under 3% of GDP by 2008, a condition of entering the euro zone in 2010. On the proposal of the EC, the
... Finance Ministers last July gave Hungary until Nov. 5, 2004 to make the necessary corrections for plans in 2004 and 2005. Meanwhile

hvg.hu English version

Minister Expects Record FDI

Economy and Transport Minister János Kóka estimates the amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Hungary to reach EUR 3.5 billion in
companies that already pledged to invest a total of EUR 1.5 billion in Hungary. The government will grant support to the
... individual agreements, a practice introduced in 2003. Hungary returned to the practice of individual agreements with large foreign
... Medgyessy-led government after some large automotive companies opted for the Czech Republic and Slovakia instead of Hungary. According

hvg.hu Média

Megalakult az IKO-Matáv Média Holding

A média és a távközlés konvergenciájának elősegítését célként kitűző, 3,2 millárd forintos tőkével bejegyzett holding tulajonosa a Matáv

Váratlan eredmény jött ki: nem találtak erős összefüggést a mindent elsöprő szerelem és a szex között

Váratlan eredmény jött ki: nem találtak erős összefüggést a mindent elsöprő szerelem és a szex között

Megható posztban köszöntötte feleségét Vilmos herceg

Megható posztban köszöntötte feleségét Vilmos herceg

Szabó Andrea: A szavazói tömb összetétele most a Fidesznek kedvez

Szabó Andrea: A szavazói tömb összetétele most a Fidesznek kedvez

Irodalmi-politikai detektívmunka kellett ahhoz, hogy kiderüljön, antiszemita volt-e a Képtelen természetrajz írója

Irodalmi-politikai detektívmunka kellett ahhoz, hogy kiderüljön, antiszemita volt-e a Képtelen természetrajz írója

Áttörés jöhet a memóriazavarok kezelésében

Áttörés jöhet a memóriazavarok kezelésében

Sokszor elhanyagolt tényező, hogy ettől is függ a boldog párkapcsolat

Sokszor elhanyagolt tényező, hogy ettől is függ a boldog párkapcsolat

Zöld otthon-álom, avagy lenullázható-e 2050-re az európai lakások károsanyag-kibocsátása

Zöld otthon-álom, avagy lenullázható-e 2050-re az európai lakások károsanyag-kibocsátása

Marabu Féknyúz: Előrehozott

Marabu Féknyúz: Előrehozott

Alkotmánybíróság elé kerül az ágfalvi határátkelő lezárásának ügye Ausztriában

Alkotmánybíróság elé kerül az ágfalvi határátkelő lezárásának ügye Ausztriában

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